Dear Whoever Owns The World, I'd Like a Word With Your Managers

Dear Whoever Owns The World, I'd Like a Word With Your Managers

The question I propose today is "Who has a stronger influence over internet accessibility, the internet, or the government"

Let's run through some well-known facts of the internet.

  1. Everything you open or use is a program, designed by a programmer to work with your electronic device. This means they write the text that equals to what the computer can translate into the zero's and ones we all talk about, but only the really smart people really understand that translation, no matter how many online coaching programs you pay for.
  2. Everything you use your internet for comes from an internet connection that is billed to you or someone else for the privilege of basically having an internet highway onramp attached to the dwelling you own or rent as a person.
  3. If it can be done once by an adult, it has been done millions of times before by very smart children with untapped intellect and limitless time on their hands.
  4. To be honest, the need for internet security at all came from the requirement of all of the monitoring we undergo as patrons who use computers to hook up to the internet highway at home to use computers we buy or use for free. The kids of the world seem to have made it their mission to undo anything the current systems put in place, as priorities seem to be a bit off.
  5. If you can use a road to get onto a highway, in case of redirection, you can use a paved highway offramp to get off the highway in the event of a major accident. The same thing can be said about your internet connection. If you can use it to get out into the works, no matter how high level your security programs are, you still aren't going to be able to stop the owner of the internet highway from using the roads however they wish to.. Like cops who put their lights on to run a red light.
  6. The same can be said for the owners of the programs that you use. The people you give access to your microphone and camera to, for example, Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok, Which are all the same, the very exact same, all just programs that were programmed to run, but programmers. Those programmers may double-check their work, they may not. The key here is you have no idea what personal little app companies are hiring to write their coded programs. As consumers, we use the software and we think our transaction is over.
  7. So if we know anyone can get into our technological home system, and anyone who uses programs knows that anyone who built those programs can probably manipulate those programs to redirect the use.. Who is responsible for my missing tweets? Will the government say that the programs being run in my home, Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, Spotify followed by Tiktok, Disney+ and Google are the ones preventing my desperate cries for help to go ignored, or will the records say that Government would only see my cries as trouble which they tried to exterminate as quickly as they can.
  8. If I know the government, things are probably at such a low sense of urgency the next thing you hear from them will be a press conference condemning the internet and the people who run it for messing with matters they know nothing about instead of letting smart, reasonable people help and be helped. That's what I think, anyway.. but what do I know.

9. I know for sure my ailments as I've been reduced to being my own medical practitioner here in Ontario Canada and as a smart indigenous woman I haven't found it all that hard to use the internet and apply critical thought to my symptoms and side effects and make calculated and educated guesses which can all be confirmed with one MRI test that currently has a waitlist more than 2 years long, and treatable with one daily medication. I The internet does not currently offer an MRI, and according to one Toronto Hospital, MRIS's are not a diagnostic test that can be ordered from any emergency room in Ontario, ever. I sure wish I knew what the guy said to get his the following Monday when I had to go back with "worsening condition"

So here we are. Who is responsible for not allowing my government the chance to help me avoid the worst case of negligence causing death this world has ever seen? Is it Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, or CEO of the stupidest idea I have ever heard of, Suckerborg himself? I know exactly what happened, but it's up to you guys to help me get their attention.

Have you seen my spoilers video yet? Here are some more. Everyone is failing this test, I promise you.

This is what I would say on my first day of court

This is what I would say in my second day of testimony


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