Dear VP I must address several Issues, You are Totally Capable to Solve for My Country Guatemala

I know I′ve been pestering you and Potus in Regards to TOUGH Issues that must be solved in my country.

PErhaps you dismiss these saying WE s nationals OUGHT to solve them by ourselves. You ARE right if these issues were minimally affecting our people.

But these, Dear Kamala, ARE Crucial and Vital to be solved and this may ONLY be so, with the backup you signed with petty previous president giamatei,whom I loathe for many reasons.

To RUN for president as he did, saying he′d eliminate corruption AND then when elected became the WORSE president of the last pettythieves we′ve had as such, concludes one of the many reasons I come forth and ask help and solutions of you.

Of course, most of these tares have been im praxis for centuries and the grossest have to do with Treason,malnutrition, embezzlement of crucial donations to fight Malnourishment and Racism and TOTAL abandonment of our Environment, Human Resources and The Rule of Law.

So alluding to the International Documents signed on July 7th 2022, my reinforce your authority to come forth and demand total attention and commitment FIRST from all in office and the people of the country ARE wiling to work towards reinforcing honesty, values,as much as honorble efficient praxis in whichever job one is assigned to within one′s capabilities.

OF course, we need to train and updte our Human Resources, something not done as far as I remember, and I′m quite elderly, 73.

Do, mainly to grasp your attention, I humbly suggest you focus on all the voids within a normal daily existence of a 20 Million mestizo, and native population, lacking Healthy water, living in a healthy environment; FEEL all our phony paradigms impossed by oligarchy and perpetuated by betraying petty lowlife pseudo politicians with many corrupted military and civilian opportunists.

I, sincerely hope you may be given this message as it IS vital for me personally as corruption in the courts as much as in Legislative MUST be taken down to allow clear and clean persons move forth to actually represent the nation′s due interests.

We′ve got a beautiful country in spite of CC&GW as much as planetary Violent Retalition that ONLY will be in crescendo, placing great portions of my little but lovely country in DEEP Lifethreatening cataclysms unavoidable today.

As I mentioned water, climate as much as gallopant corruption I BEG of you to focus on the conditions inferred in those documents I mention as much as Human Rights and Embezzlement of the Donations to solve Malnutrition being inexistent today.

We must have expert honorable professionals within your Anticorruption Task Force to pinpoint all anomalies within the State. THese ARE many impeding Bernardo Arévalo, our Constitutional President to take command and control of the Executive FIRST and then proceed to exorcise Congress.

TO have your lucid attention to our maladies, GIVES me the hope and positive spirit that perhaps within the next 4 years we may achieve a greater part of the voids we now suffer and finally, eradicate malnourishment that has been to this day the SHAMEFUL TRAGEDY our childen suffer and, IF they were to survive hunger, they′d survive to a semi existence where, Irreversible Neurological Damage has been suffered by each quasi survivor.

I have invested 60 years of my life′s work in SOLVING malnutrition and have invented 2 formulations: Phitovitamax and MAya Cuscún that WILL stabilize the children first , then start erradication thereof. We must also focus on the kid′s brothers and sisters as much as their parents because these have some avitaminosis degree and their parents with Anemia. Our bodies do not function well with these pathologies.

I greatly appreciate the loyal consideration you give me as to project an Official Visit to the country and stay a few days in order to see the good, the bad and the ugly, this last one mostly within the incomplete governmental praxis in the Capital, all the others will be in the countryside.-

Perhaps you deem it worthy and honor me with a reply that I WILL cherish in favour of the solutions that we may suggest and you officially demand . We of course Will need robust funding as Malnutrition Erradication in Guatemala in favor of the lives of 6.5 Million kids plus their families, convey the need to Invest 8.5 to 9.5 Billion in 20 Phases I project may be done in 5 years and, this validation in situ,ex situ, WILL ALLOW this Integrated Program, BE replicated with minor climate&Culture variations Worldwide.

Be kind to ponder in this formal petition and honor me with a Reply.

I happened to have the opportunity to see and talk to Dr Rafaél Espada regarding this situation and he said we indeed need support but he, as President of all Medicine Faculties in the country′s 8-9 colleges that do have Medicine Faculties are willing to assist and partake in the national actions mandatory to solve this, I repeat this Shameful Tragedy and erase it from the face of the Earth.

MAy God Grant you Health and Spirit as well as to Dear Potus and your Cabinet and all those brilliant members of your Legal&Professional Personnel:

All My best to you, Dear Kamala:

Edgar Emilio Herbruger García.

Guatemaya City 7th/VI/24.



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