Dear USO Family
Dear USO Family,
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
On this day 243 years ago, these revolutionary words launched American independence and forever changed the way the world thought about how mankind ought to govern itself.
These words inspired our forefathers to form and fight as a continental army to secure our independence. Eighty-five years later they required the fighting of a great civil war so that we might enjoy a "new birth of freedom" in respecting all men's right to freedom and equal opportunity. They empowered the American armies of two world wars to ensure that the tyranny of the Old World would not spread and bring harm to the American experiment in the New World. And indeed, these words require of every American generation a commitment and a sacrifice to improving our circumstances - at home and when necessary abroad -- so that we may secure our American way of life for all of our citizens.
These words we proclaimed on July 4, 1776 form the American Creed. They are what bind us all together as a Nation. We are not held together by blood, for we are of many bloods; or by race, for we are of many races; or by nationality, for we come from many nations. We are held together by a belief. The word creed comes from the Latin credo, which means I believe. It is this creed that we as Americans must celebrate and reaffirm on this day if our democratic experiment is to survive.
The Founders who signed the Declaration -- fifty-six in all -- closed the document with such an affirmation in saying: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." They had nothing else to give.
We have a creed as well at the USO. It is the articulation of our Mission: "We strengthen service members and their families by keeping them connected to family, home, and country throughout their service." Our creed is based on a belief that America is a force for good in this world and that a strong military is necessary, in this dangerous world, for a strong America. And we the USO contribute to that strength every day by keeping those who protect us and their loved ones strong. Always.
As we turn out for our July 4 BBQs and mix with family and friends, or maybe service members and their families, let us reaffirm both of these creeds, the American and the USO. They are joined together. And with those reaffirmations keep our country strong and strengthen that which is best about our country.
I wish you all a rousing Fourth of July!
Chief Marketing Officer | Product MVP Expert | Cyber Security Enthusiast | @ GITEX DUBAI in October
2 年J.d., thanks for sharing!
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5 年#USO
Shameless celebration of America!