Dear Sec. of State Tillerson - Human Rights Violations of Americans Abroad - Time to Drain "The Swamp"?

Dear Sec. of State Tillerson - Human Rights Violations of Americans Abroad - Time to Drain "The Swamp"

The Honorable Rex Tillerson, US Secretary of State, US State Department, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520

Dear Mr. Secretary, 

First, congratulations on your appointment as Secretary of State. I hope that you will have more of an interest in assisting the 7 million Americans living abroad than your predecessor Secretary Kerry and Secretary Clinton, under the Obama Administration. One of my constituents in Japan, James Ryan, recently met with President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, and apparently, he was as horrified as I, to the criminal negligence of the State Department under former Secretary of State Kerry and Clinton. James Ryan contacted me over a year ago about his horrific case in Japan involving his son, Jimmy Ryan, covered in my blog Jimmy's Wish for Life Shows the Reality Behind the Rhetoric of the Women in Power. Please find attached correspondence, I have sent to State Department officials as well as a letter to Senator Barbara Boxer, in regards to Mr. Ryan’s constituent request with Boxer’s office, in addition to Caroline Kennedy, former American Ambassador in Japan—all to no avail. 

Unfortunately, Mr. Ryan’s case is not an isolated one, but is instead representative of the gross negligence of Consular agents and officials within the State Department who are accessory to the crimes being committed against Americans abroad by their omission of action. I have thoroughly examined US federal law, State Department directives (7FAM, CFR22, and USC22), and international law, and repeatedly explained to them in my correspondence how and why they have an obligation to assist, and concretely what action needs to be taken—a sampling of which are posted on the right-hand side bar of my activism website, American victims around the world have thoroughly documented the violation of their rights with un-refutable evidence. It is imperative that Consular agents in respective countries assure that the proper authorities in those countries investigate allegations, and hold responsible parties accountable for their criminality. The laissez-faire politics that has dominated “The Swamp” for decades must cease and desist. It is the job of public authorities to uphold the law, instead of continually being in violation of the law. In a democracy, civil servants and public authorities exist to serve the People, instead of the People existing to line the pockets of lazy, incompetent seat-warmers.   

My own case started in Spain in September 2007, in a domestic violence/divorce, with me requesting assistance from the Consulate in Spain since October 2007. During my divorce, Spanish courts and lawyers repeatedly violated my rights under the Spanish Constitution, penal and civil codes, Equality Act, and international conventions (see table of Infractions, my story, and correspondence to the Spanish Defensor del Pueblo highlighting the legal issues in question, posted on my activism website, Additionally, I was illegally detained by Spanish police in April of 2008, and denied my right to Consular notification under article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. The only ‘action’ the American Consulate in Madrid, in all its stupidity, would do was advise me to consult their website for a list of lawyers. I continually explained that it was the lawyers that I had found on their website, who were responsible for covering-up for the domestic violence in my home, and misappropriation of all my assets, leaving me in total destitution. And, as advised on the American Embassy website, I filed a complaint with the Bar Association of Madrid against implicated lawyers providing meticulous evidence and details of the fact of my case.

However, in the official decision of the Bar Association in Madrid, they claimed it is “the right of lawyers to violate the right of citizens under the principle of judicial independence.” Due to the elevated level of incompetence of the American Consulate in Madrid, my children are still trapped in Spain, with me unable to protect them from their abusive, and mentally unstable father. Not only has the elevated corruption in the Spanish judicial systems prevented me from protecting my children for over 9 years, and continue to be the devoted and attentive mother that I always was, and always will be; but it has prevented me from creating my company, Global Expats—with financial damages to the company in lost revenue at an estimated $10+billion, increasing $1 billion each year.

Global Expats is modeled after the American Federation of American Women’s Club Overseas (FAWCO), but transforms it into a revenue generating entity, with all employees remunerated for their efforts. The principle revenue-generating portion of the project is a website platform,, which is a cross between,,, and; targeting a niche-market of 300 million expatriates, whose consumer-spending is approximately $8.5 trillion per year. Initial market research in 2005?06 showed $1+ billion revenue potential, and effectively that is what these platforms are producing. The ignorance and stupidity of consular civil servants has not only been responsible for the pain and suffering of me and my children, but also billions in lost revenue, and thousands of jobs creation in the development community. My ex-husband is one of the ‘crash-n-burn’ bankers responsible for the re-occurring financial crashes, and unstable economies; ‘crashing-n-burning’ as Director of the Treasury Department of Banco Ganadero in Colombia (subsidiary of the Spanish multi-national bank Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) in 2002. It took BBVA headquarters 9-months to unravel the ‘House of Cards’ my ex-husband had built, and when the escalation of abuse and violence in my home began.

The original mission of FAWCO, which was created in 1931, was to “work towards international goodwill and the preservation of world peace, to help one another solve problems common to them all and to aid women whose citizenship rights were being ignored or restricted.” Since the ‘80s the ‘Expat Wives Club’s’ model FAWCO created has been used by a myriad of organizations and groups; namely the International Monetary Fund (IMFFA), World Bank (WBFN), United Nations (NYLESA), Shell Corp. (Outpost), and Schlumberger (SSA), French nationals (FIAFE), Newcomers Club, etc. These models have been widely adopted, and if properly managed would be highly effective; effective in not only assisting expat families in their daily challenges, but also, the more complex difficulties such as those encountered by Mr. Ryan, myself, and thousands of more Americans whose plight is being ignored by State Department officials at every level of the organization.

All of the domestic violence (DV) initiatives of ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ (namely FAWCO, American Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center (AODVCC) and Sexual Assault Support & Help for Americans Abroad Program (SASHAA), on top of IMFFA and WBFN; are nothing more than cheer-leading ‘window-dressing’ initiatives. These organizations are no more effective in assisting victims than their counter-parts in the USA, like National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), DV Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project (DV LEAP), etc. The DV and violence against women (VAW) NGOs around the world are nothing more than seat-warming jobs to all the PhD ‘experts,’ who are grossly incompetent and criminally negligent. I am increasingly being contacted by expatriates (of all nationalities) requesting assistance in corruption cases, and the violation of their rights in foreign courts. The ‘window-dressing’ DV initiatives of FAWCO (along with AODVCC, and SASHAA) are not only shameful, but they give the impression that victims are receiving the assistance they need.

Unfortunately, the only one with the power and authority to protest over the violation of the rights of citizens are government officials, and Consular and Embassy employees. I have meticulously researched my own case under the Spanish Constitution, and legal codes and law. I have also meticulously ‘exhausted all domestic remedies’ in Spain in the past 9 years, demonstrating that what the Spanish government pretends are “judicial errors” (in their defense of the 2nd jurisprudence of violence against women (VAW) as human rights violations, Gonzalez Carre?o vs. Spain, 2014 (CEDAW)), are not “errors” at all, but unscrupulous manipulations of greedy, misogynistic lawyers, and incompetent judges.

What all the “ladies” in their ‘window-dressing’ speeches and reports, fail to understand is that they lack the power and authority to challenge the violation of the rights of citizens residing in foreign countries. The only one who has that power and authority to protest, and insist upon investigations of the violation of the rights of these citizens, are the governments of those citizens, specifically through their respective consulates.

Donald Trump won the US Presidential Elections with a promise to “Drain the Swamp,” because the “Swamp” very desperately needs draining. After my own harrowing years in 2007-08, during which I was held hostage by Spanish courts, and during which Amnesty International Spain estimates my chance of survival was less than ? of 1%; I return to Washington, DC hoping to find assistance from government officials and NGOs here. However, I found the same ignorance, stupidity, and criminal negligence of officials and NGOs in the USA, as I had found in Spain. The UN report on “Combating and Eliminating Violence Against Women (VAW),” explains the problems within these organizations, with their own ‘Expat Wives Club’ (NYLESA) as guilty of gross negligence and complicity as all the others, and I quote,

Too often inter-agency work at local levels is little more than window-dressing meetings, roundtables and even entire projects which result in reports, workshops or conferences, but create minimal change in the support, safety and services provided for victims/survivors, the sanctions applied to perpetrators or the efforts aimed at prevention. A clear leadership role for womens specialist services should be built into all inter-agency projects alongside a linked reference group of survivors, or another feedback mechanism, to ensure accountability and monitoring. The measure of successful inter-agency work, therefore, must be that groups set themselves achievable aims and monitor their work on a regular basis. This should involve the development of shared principles and standards, including a commitment to gender equality, and a training programme for all staff on these principles and standards. Developing common methods of data collection and possibilities for data sharing is another important task but this should not become the raison detre for the inter-agency approach. A clear purpose for data sharing needs to be developed first. 

In the past decade, I have been meticulously examining all of the issues from a holistic perspective; and while the situation is a bit complicated, many of the problems come from the modern, western feminist movement, which began in the ‘60s and ‘70s, after the publication of Betty Friedan’s book The Feminist Mystique. Unfortunately, dominance/alpha feminists, high-jacked the movement, its rhetoric, and ideologies; with their only concern, to enable women access to high-paying, high-level positions—as a ‘magic wand’ solution to gender inequality. As the UN report, In-depth Study on All Forms of VAW, states, while men are the principle perpetrators of physical and sexual violence, it is the women in society who are responsible for perpetuating the violence and oppression of women. And, the modern, western feminist movement is a perfect example of how and why. Betty Friedan was so concerned with the degradation of the situation that in ’81 she published The Second Stage, with a heartfelt cry to the feminist that they were heading down the wrong path, and I quote from her book in my blog, Feminism and the Enemy Within,

 “Contemporary feminism has taught us to reject the values conventionally associated with our sex. We are expected to pursue the male standards of success… simple dominance, either by winning the rat race or, if all else fails, by dominance over women…Through the 1970’s we argued what kind of equality we wanted. Did we want equal access to the same system or the power to change it? Can you change the system only by becoming a part of it? Once you are in it, does it change you instead? We discovered that it is easier to fit in than to restructure. When the “male” standard is regarded as the “higher” one, the one with the most tangible rewards, it is easier for women to reach “up” than to convince men of the virtues of simultaneously reaching “down.” It has proved simpler – though not simple, God knows –for women to begin traveling traditional (male) routes than to change those routes. It is simpler to dress for success than to change the definition of success.”

As Eleanor Smeal, former president of the National Organization for Women (NOW), and Founder of the Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), said “You can count on any woman, once she gets some power, not to sell other women out” (The Second Stage). My report FfD: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, provides an extensive analysis of why, and how bullying and back-stabbing customs amongst women are responsible for the inertia, and bad governance in “The Swamp.” During my past 8 years in living as a ‘marginalized, refugee’ in “The Swamp,” I worked for the International Monetary Fund (IMF). During my tenure, I was the most productive and transparent employee in the history of the Fund, reading and understanding all of the reports, the economist should be understanding; but who are not. For the first 5 years, my salary was $15/hour, and the last 2 years was $57,000/annually. The annual operating budget of the Fund is $1 billion, yet it is the lowly, ‘floater’ secretary who is not only predicting the next financial market collapse, but why and how it will happen; and what needs to be done when it happens. The scandal for Christine Lagarde when the markets collapse will not be in relation to the ridiculous guilty verdict against her in French courts, but rather why queen-for-a-day HR personnel fired the most competent and hard-working of its staff, as well as the ONLY one who knows what is going on in “The Swamp,” as well as the world.

My 1st wrongfully terminated was from the IMF Family Association (IMFFA). The Chair of the association found my ideas for Global Expats, and the work I had done in my 2-year tenure there so good; she illegally, and wrongfully terminated me, and promoted all of my work as her own amongst the IMF HR department. Her husband was subsequently given a ‘cushy’ Res Rep position in Africa, and upon their return to DC, she was given a job as Director of Development of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) where former Chief Economist of the World Bank, and Nobel prize winner, Joseph Stiglitz sits on the Board of Advisors. As I told Stiglitz in my blogs, Open Letter to Joseph Stiglitz, Time to Start “Re-writing the Rules,” Instead of “Playing the Same Old Game!”- Part 1 and Open Letter to Joseph Stiglitz, Time to Start “Re-writing the Rules,” Instead of “Playing the Old Game!” – Part 2; it is I, who should be given the ‘cushy’ six-figure jobs and Nobel prize for “Re-writing the Rules” in “The Swamp.” On the second occasion, I was wrongfully terminated from the Institute for Capacity Development (ICD), where I worked for 4 years, by the new Office Manager, because I could run the office better than her. This woman’s claim to fame is that she used to be able to type 75wpm, but who was always MIA, and even told one colleague that she was “allergic to work,” when she became OM.

The first head-hunter who interviewed me, when I returned to Washington in 2009 told me “I am going to have a hard-time finding a job for you, because anyone who interviews you will be afraid that in 6-months you will have their job, see my profile on Linkedin. And, time and time again, on the few occasions I have been accorded an interview, that has been the case. And, while the IMF needs to down-size its work-force of economists, the real reason it is failing to fulfill its mandate time and time again, is because of the chaos and havoc that the queen-for-a-day, old guard administrative and support staff are creating with their bullying and ‘game-playing.’ See my complaint to the IMF for Workplace Bullying in the IMF with the IMF’s Ethics Advisor, Ombudsman, Mediator, and ‘Special Investigator’ hired by Christine Lagarde in July 2017, playing-ostrich to the entire mess.

In my complaint, which I filed in March 2016, I provided a brilliant case-study analysis of the bullying and abuses of power tactics of the two women involved in my wrongful termination. I also explain how global mobility initiatives, such as ‘Respectful Work-place’ workshops, are actually responsible for encouraging and maintaining the bullying networks in large organizations; as well as why negligence rates in professions across the board are at 70-90%. The IMF has the perfect opportunity to become a model, and example, of how to “Drain the Swamp” of not only alligators and crocodiles, but also of all of the tiresome and more prevalent mosquitoes, ticks, leeches, and parasites which infect not only the IMF, but bureaucratic agencies throughout the world. In my market research for the ‘fair-pay, artisan’ department of Global Expats in the ‘90s, conducted in Colombia, I found that my biggest challenge was the corruption that permeated government agencies, with whom we would need to deal. What people in the development community fail to consider is that bribes, are just a result of the elevated level of negligence and stupidity amongst civil servants, who are more concerned with ‘seat-warming,’ and cashing pay-check-n-pensions, that assisting citizens. 

Women like Caroline Curtis Brown, founder of FAWCO (and founders of the ‘Daughters of the American Revolution’), were not the bowing-n-scraping, mealy-mouth, social-climbing back-stabbers, that currently permeate and dominate these organizations. I served on the board of American and French ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ for 6 years in Colombia, and was a member of American, French and Spanish ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ for over 10 years in Brussels, Paris, Madrid, and Bogota. I am well familiar with the type of “ladies” who serve on the boards, so that they may “schmooze-n-cruise” with Ambassadors and their wives, and Embassy personnel. FAWCO is by far the most organized and well-funded of the ‘Expat Wives Clubs,’ but enjoys no more than 1% membership rate amongst the 7 million Americans living abroad. The truth is that most expatriates do not want to have anything to do with these organizations, because they do not want to have anything to do with the socialite wannabes within them—with reason.

When Mr. Ryan first contacted me regarding his case, I was as horrified, as I imagine you were. However, I was not in the least bit surprised. The atrocities that are being sanctioned by incompetent consulates who are turning-a-blind-eye to the negligent and incompetent courts and corrupt law enforcement officials, is atrocious. When I did not brush Mr. Ryan aside, saying “nothing can be done,” and actually listened to him, he said “OMG a human being!” And, I so understood what he meant. It is essential that executive and legislative branches start doing their jobs with a minimum of integrity, accountability, transparency, and good governance—and HUMANITY.

My family tree goes back to Thomas Wilcox, co-author of the ‘Puritan Manifesto,’ 1572, and is one of the early documents of the Puritan movement—which gave genesis to the modern human rights movement. My family tree also includes John Dickinson (Penman of the Revolution) and John Paul Jones from the American Revolution, and Winston Churchill, on top of my grand-father, who was the first white man to successfully defend a black man (1910). It was his first case after graduating from law school, and Congressman Taylor (AL), was so impressed with his argumentation that he brought my grand-father to Washington where he served as a spy before and during WWI. I originally came to Washington, DC in ’81, as an intern for former Senator JB Johnston (LA), determined to forge a career in the international political arena. Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned with the political process on Capitol Hill and changed my major at George Washington University (GWU) from political science to international marketing. I ended up working in the financial markets for a few years after my graduation in ’85. I then left the USA, and the cocaine-snorting, partying that permeated Washington, and the USA at the time, disgusted by the entire ‘Swamp.’ I ended up as a “trailing-spouse” and stay-at-home-mom, with NO regrets to having left the ‘Rat-Race.’ However, I never gave up my dedication or desire to enter into public service, and promote democratic principle and good governance in the communities I serve.

One of the greatest problems social mobility between classes produces is that the nouveau riche have not been educated to take leadership roles in governance. Children of upper, and upper-middle class women (and men) were indoctrinated from birth that “with privilege comes responsibility.” Not only have I been “primped and primed” from birth as to the “social graces” of society by my social-climbing, manipulative mother—attending exclusive boarding schools in England and the USA. But I have also been taught by my father, with his words as much as his actions, that honor, integrity, transparency, accountability, and good governance is not accomplished through empty rhetoric, and more empty rhetoric, but rather through hard-work, and dedication to serving our communities.

One of the issues my research has exposed is the extent to which providing positions of power to women within the labor force has increased oppression of women, as well as a total disrespect for the function and role women, as mothers and wives play, in society. Additionally, what my research has uncovered is to what extent affirmative action has only changed the skin-color (and gender) of those ‘playing the Game’ rather than the ‘Rules of the Game.’ In traditional, antiquated societies (whatever the religion) women, particularly upper and upper-middle class women, played an important role in setting the ‘Rules of the Game.’ They can create order and structure, or they can create chaos and havoc, through the rhetoric and ideologies they inject into the social norms and customs which rules the morality (or immorality) of the process. The rampant bullying that is found within schools, communities, and homes is a result of decades of enabling and empowering not only women within the workplace, but minority women—who instead of implementing progressive norms, are taking revenge upon the previously oppressive races and classes.

In the international arena, it is the Middle-Eastern women, with Hindu women more passive aggressive, and Islamic women more overtly aggressive; which are creating the chaos and disorder that reigns in their own countries, as well as the Western countries in which they reside (Laura Nader, The Life of Law). And, within American society, it is the Afro-American women who are provoking the violence and havoc within societies (Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow). As I explained in my blog Open Letter to Special 'Ethics' Investigator at the IMF Sabina Blaskovic – Part 6, the networks, maintaining the status quo of bullying in “The Swamp” are Afro-American women at the local level, Millennials on Capital Hill, White House, State Department, and NGOs; with Middle-Eastern women doing the same at the international levels. Trumps Administration has ample proof as to how and why, discriminatory, affirmative action programs of the past are responsible for the total break-down in the ‘Rule of Law,’ and the terrible damage that it has done to societies, as well as economies around the world, and I quote from by blog,  

In addition to the bullying and manipulations, and their criminality under human rights standards, and civil and penal law, in DC Landlord/tenant court, on top of Spanish family courts (see table of infractions of my lawyers in the table below), I have tracked and documented the same tactics and criminality of IMF’s staff in 2 separate cases; as well as the cover-up by IMF staff, HR personnel. The major players in my two cases against the IMF were minority women, and are Adrianne Thapa (Indian), Sharmini Coorey (Sri Lankan), Ana Daie (Middle Eastern, Iranian?), Kalpana Kochhar (Indian), Olivia Graham (Afro-American), Gheetha Ravindra (Indian), Lois Petzold (Indian, married to Pakistani), with two other players caucasion women, Gina Paone (Canadian), and Kate Phillips (New Zealander), as well as former IMF Family Association Chair Anne-Beatrix Keller Semadeni(caucasian, French ‘pie-noire’ national from N. Africa, Tunisia if my memory serves me), and the newest “Game-player” Sabina Blaskovic (?).

Then, in DC Landlord/tenant court, there is Judge Michael Rankin (Afro-American) and Chelsea Killam (caucasion woman), who I am married to according to Judge Rankin and DC courts. It should be noted that if I am “married” to Killam and unilaterally responsible for her liabilities, I am eligible to be unilaterally entitled to her asset. The judgment of Judge Rankin also strengths my argumentation that my case against Killam, Philpott and their accessories, falls under domestic violence and violence against women laws. I have the slam-dunker case Joan Meier of GWU’s DV LEAP, Meier claims she needs to go to the Supreme Court, but once again is too busy schmoozing-n-cruising with staffers on Capitol Hill and the White House, and NGOs in DC to bother with litigation and jurisprudence.

If the Trump Administration is truly dedicated to “Draining the Swamp,” they will take draconian actions in investigating allegations of abuses of power within their organizations, and implement Results-Based Management (RBM) into their daily activities. One of the jobs I have applied for in the IMF, is RBM Projects Manager in the Institute of Capacity Development’s Strategy & Evaluation division (ICDSE). I was employed in this division for 2 months before my wrongful termination. The analysis that I provided in my 52-blog series coverage of the IMF/WB Spring Meetings, with a synopsis of the analysis provided in my blog The "Invisible Hand" Guided by the Devil in "This Town" as the Ship Goes Down: Conclusion of Observations of a CSO Rep at IMF/WB Spring Mtgs – Part 52, is what the ICDSE division (of 14 employees) should be producing instead of just counting how many courses ICD is delivering to countries around the world each year. I know for a fact, I am THE most highly qualified person in all of “The Swamp” for the position, because I am the ONLY one who understand anything, and everything, under human rights standards.

During my 5-year tenure on Capitol Hill, and 7-year stint in Washington in the ‘80s, the one person who impressed me the most, and had a profound impact on my life, was the Executive Assistant to former Senator JB Johnston (LA), Patsy Guyer—as I explain in my blog Lessons Learned in Our Nation’s Capitol and Global Governance. Patsy was a no-nonsense administrator, who was strict and severe, but fair, and ‘got the job done’ whatever it was. Washington is filled with a ‘few good men and women,’ but there has been great mis-management by HR personnel in ‘talent management’ of professionals; on top of old guard administrative and support staff who are severely challenged by the techy-liberalism of Silicon Valley. In the past decade, I have sent correspondence to the following people within the State Department, White House, and US Congress either requesting assistance for myself and constituents, or informing them as to issues and problems within their respective departments and/or professional functions. On the few occasions, I have received a response, it has been filled with gobbledygook that demonstrates to what extent civil servants and public authorities do not understand US federal law, State Department directives, as well as international law. Albert Einstein was correct in his assessment, that “there is no difference between people who do not know how to read, and those who don’t!”

US State Department—John Kerry, Sec. of State; Janice L. Jacobs, Dep. Asst. Sec., Overseas Citizens Services, [email protected]; Patrick Kennedy, Under Sec. of Mgt.; Stephen Rapp, Ofc. of Global Criminal Justice, [email protected]; Joanne Hunter, Ofc. of American Citizen Services and Crisis Mgt, [email protected]; Joyce Namde, Eur. Div. Dir.; Melanne Verveer, Ofc. of Global Women's Issues, [email protected]; Michael Posner, The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, [email protected]; Jim Pettit, Dep. Asst. Sec. of State for Overseas Citizens Services, [email protected]; Peter Peticukis, Asst. Sec. of Consular Affairs – Spain; Andrew T. Miller (Eur. Div. Dir., Office of Amer. Citizen Services and Crisis Mgt.); Beth Van Schaak (Ofc. of Global Criminal Justice); Global Women Issues Division (Emily Kearny, Program Analyst; Jen Klein, Deputy; Justin Sosne, Senior Policy Advisor; Kristen Tymeson, Advisor; Rachel Tulchin, Policy Advisor; Tricia Keller, Policy Advisor, Western Hemisphere), Amb. in Madrid Aguirre, Solomont, and Costos, and Consul General Peggy Gennatiempo and Christine Fagan in Spain and Amb. Kennedy in Japan and Amb. Levine in Switzerland.

White House—President Barak Obama, and Valerie Jarrett, White House Council on Women and Girls, and Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, through the Clinton Foundation, Carrie Bettinger-Lopez, Advisor to the White House on Violence Against Women

US Congress—Senators Barbara Mikulski, Mary Landrieu, JB Johnston, Steny Hoyer, Barbara Boxer, and Congresswomen Eleanor Holmes Norton (constituent requests)

Oversight Hearing Request, Com. on Appropriations—Ander Crenshaw, Caroline Maloney, Charles Dent, Mario Diaz-Balart, Jack Kingston, Frank Wolf, Kevin Yoder, Kay Granger

Congressional Victims’ Rights Caucus—Loretta Sanchez, Aaron Schock, Brian Higgins, Bruce Braley, C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger, Carolyn Maloney, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Nick Rahall, Bobby Scott, Chris Smith, Chris Van Hollen, Charlie Rangel, David Loebsack, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan, Doris O. Matsui, Doug Lamborn, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Frank Pallone, Jr., Frank Wolf, Gene Green, Gerry Connolly, Gus Bilirakis, James Moran, Janice Hahn, Jerry McNerney, Jim Costa, Jim McGovern, Jo Bonner, John Carter, John Conyers, Jr, John Conyers, Jr. (D), John Duncan, Jr., John Lewis, Kenny Marchant, Linda Sanchez, Lloyd Doggett, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Marcy Kaptur, Mark Meadows (NC), Michael Capuano, Michael McCaul, Mike Doyle, Mike Fitzpatrick, Mike Honda, Mike Rogers, Mo Brooks, Nick Rahall, Niki Tsongas, Patrick Meehan, Pete Gallego, Peter Welch, Randy Weber, Rick Larsen, Ruben Hinojosa, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, Steve Cohen, Susan Davis, Ted Poe, Tom Latham, Trent Franks,       

Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights—and Intl Orgs, Ami Bera (CA), Chris Smith, David Cicilline (RI), Karen Bass (CA), Randy K. Weber Sr. (TX), K. Weber Sr. (TX), Tom Marino (PA), Mark Meadows (NC), Steve Stockman (TX), Mark Meadows (NC), Judiciary Committee Lamar Smith (TX),

American Abroad Caucus[57]—Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Chair - [email protected]; [email protected], Joe Wilson (R-SC) - [email protected]; Susan Davis (D-CA) - [email protected]; Michael Honda (D-CA) - [email protected]; Henry Waxman (D-CA) - [email protected]; Loretta Sanchez D-CA - [email protected]; Alcee Hastings (D-FL) - [email protected]; Janice Schakowsky (D-IL) - [email protected]; André Carson (D-IN) - [email protected]; Michael Capuano (D-MA) [email protected]; James McGovern (D-MA) - [email protected]; Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) - [email protected]; Gregorio Sablan (MP) - [email protected]; Lee Terry (R-NE) [email protected]; Rush Holt (D-NJ) - [email protected]; Gregory Meeks (D-NY) - [email protected]; Mike Doyle (D-PA) - [email protected]; James E. Clyburn (D-SC) - [email protected]; Steve Cohen (D-TN) - [email protected]; Michael Conaway (R-TX) - [email protected]; Kay Granger (R-TX) - [email protected]; Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA) - [email protected]; Jim Moran (D-VA) - [email protected]; Frank Wolf (R-VA) - [email protected]; Donna Christensen (D-Virgin Islands) - [email protected]

If EVERYONE in “The Swamp” that I have been contacting in the past 8 years, had been doing as I instructed under US federal law, as well as international law, “The Swamp” would have been drained long ago. One of the reasons “Democracies” are not working, is that none of the civil servants, at every level, understand their obligations to constituency under human rights standards; and why the mantra Results-Based Management (RBM) was invented by the development community in the first place. All the PhDs and MBAs in “The Swamp” need to be investigated under human rights standards for all the ostrich-playing, gobbledygook they have been espousing for decades.

I hope that the information I have provided, will help you to understand how, and why, the American government (as well as other “Democratic” ones) are criminally negligent in Serving their People; and instead living ‘fat-n-happy’ at the expense of taxpayers everywhere. I also hope that you will take positive action, not only in the case of James Ryan in Japan, my own, as well as other Americans who have contacted me. But, also in holding those within the State Department, that I have contacted in the past decade, accountable for their negligence and the pain and suffering it has caused for thousands of American citizens. It is imperative that the Consular Affairs Departments of the State Department start doing their job with a minimum of integrity, and start investigating the violation of rights of citizens residing overseas. It is the responsibility of the high-appointees in the Trump Administration to start transforming Trump’s Rhetoric to Reality, and DRAIN the SWAMP of all of the slockers-n-slathers who have been failing to do their jobs with a minimum of integrity, transparency and accountability under the previous Administration. A downloadable version of this correspondence is available on this link.


Quenby Wilcox


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