Dear LinkedIn users: Stop Killing LinkedIn!
Dear LinkedIn users,
please, I want to encourage you: to stop "abusing" LinkedIn as the last social media platform for professional and educated people by:
LinkedIn should remain there for professionals to share ideas, knowledge, experience without any influence of faith, believes, personal opinions, politics.
What would remain available? in order to "talk" to another professional, engineer, scientist, about shared technical, technological, business, ... topics if LinkedIn would meanwhile converge also to a platform putting believes, personal opinions, faith, ... into foreground?
Instead of "convincing us" about "your personal" view on politics, believes, faith - please, let's keep sharing professional info, help, experiences, knowledge.
Let's cooperate instead to compete!
I appreciate your cooperation and contribution to keep LinkedIn as the last "professional platform": for professionals and a professional cooperation, interworking, networking of people.
Thank you.
PS: I am very frustrated about the "abuse" of LinkedIn for political discourses, sharing 'personal' opinions, believes. The "last call" before I will also skip this platform, unfortunately (nothing left).