Dear Life
Dear Life,
I wanted to write and tell you how much I am sorry for taking you for granted so many times. You are absolutely everything to me. Without you I wouldn't exist and yet I complain about you, I ignore you, don't value you nearly enough. I suppose having you be there every day, every hour, every minute and second ever since I was born makes me feel you will never leave. However, you and I know that is not true. We both know that I can lose you at anytime, if you choose to cease to exist. And there will be nothing I can do about it, nothing I can do to prevent it from being so. When you go, you go.
So far you have kept with me and you have been nothing but kind, you have given me gift after gift, joy after joy. And even if sometimes you bring me sadness you always give me perspective and send me ways to cope with the hardships. You give me time, send me love, you send hope. Again, you keep gifting me with your generosity, that seems endless.
Today, as I write you these lines, I want you to know that if I don't say it much, I do love you and I am grateful for you. Every day I wake up and am thankful that you are still with me. I see you and feel you in all your greatness and light. And I wouldn't trade you and what you give me for any other. You are my life, and I don't want another, just you as you are.
I am sorry I don't make you feel appreciated and loved more often. I admit that things sometimes get me caught up and I forget that you are here, with me, to be enjoyed. I pledge, right here and now, that I will do my best to give less attention to work, worry, negativity and all the things that are so incompatible with the joy you bring. I also promise to give you my focus and be with you, fully, more and more each day.
Thank you for sticking with me, day after day, never giving up on me. My vow is to never give up on you too, day after day.