Dear Kobe
Yeah, i know, this is a professional social network, but i couldn't help myself, and i needed to write this post. I usually don't write posts very much, i like to keep my inspirations and frustrations for myself, but the event that happened yesterday forced my to express my feelings, and i thought this way is the best way to do it.
Very few people left an impact on my life, both socially or scientific. Few people on this world earned to be admired. It doesn't matter if someone is engineer or science PHD, doctor or even a basketball star, all the matter is what that single person left behind, first to it's family, to it's friends, and to the world. Sometimes even the most unknown people left to much.
All this long introduction, i while i'm writing this post, i cannot find appropriate words to express how sad i am because of yesterday events. One of the GREATEST PEOPLE, BASKETBALL PLAYERS AND PSYCHOLOGIST, left the earth with his own daughter. Yeah, you all probably guess that i'm talking about Kobe Bryant.
The reason why i am posting this on this social network is that he was no just one of the GREATEST OF ALL TIME basketball players, he was a man that shared with the world how to work your fears, beat your struggles, and improve your self. How to be the greatest in what are you doing for living. In one word, how to be a PROFESSIONAL.
His mamba mentality was one of the inspirations to me. He showed me that impossible is possible, and all it takes is time and dedication.
I think that we should all follow his steps, and we wont regret.
What i want to say at last, to his greatness and his daughter, is REST IN PEACE. All the prayers to his family and friends.
Sometimes instead of improving our skills, we need to improve ourselves, and that is what Kobe taught us.
You will never be forgotten MAMBA.