Dear Human: You're Drunk & That's Okay...

Dear Human: You're Drunk & That's Okay...

This goes out to all the positivity spewers, love and light spreaders, general do-gooders, AND to the naughty ones, the ones who f*ck things up, the ones who are messy, the ones who manipulate, try to control, live unconsciously from time to time, let ego run the show, want to be right, want to get revenge (whether you consider yourself “Spiritual,” or “Not…)?

I’m writing this on behalf of OUR humanity.

Side note: Song literally playing on the radio as I write this… “I think to myself, what a wonderful world.” Can’t make this sh*t up…

Recently, I "accidentally slipped into talking about the presidential debate with a man… and yikes… some woundedness sped in like a rocket… and said person told me that I was acting stupid, dumb and country… holy sh*t… all that huh… wow, okay…

Well that conversation ended swiftly, especially since the reason I was “acting, stupid, dumb and “country…” was because I wouldn’t agree with his perspective on “gay” people, and something else he was offended by during the debate having to do with a female candidate, but here’s the thing…

It wasn’t a matter of whether I would agree with him or not, I mentioned to him that I could hear him becoming angry in the conversation, and he admitted that he was, because quote… “you’re acting dumb, stupid and country.”

What I was hearing was that we can’t agree to disagree because you’re speaking from emotion, but I didn’t say any of that, I just bid him adieu with grace and he did the same for me, and I appreciate that.

We’re emotionally drunk when we decide that our well-being depends on things being a certain way.

We’re drunk when we need people to be a certain way for us to be okay with our own lives.

When we can’t unhook others from OUR “shoulds, expectations & supposed to’s.”

And thus we try to manipulate people and our lives to get the outcomes we want.

We develop nervousness and impatience in the face of unexpected emotions that seem out of our control, since we don’t know how or whether we can manage what's coming next.

Our insecurities take over and direct our life. We become reactive and defensive.

We allow our emotions to guide our actions without putting them through any filters (mental or otherwise), which limits our ability to communicate.

We’re literally emotionally intoxicated when we don’t think before we speak and thus can’t effectively gain perspective about situations and events.

We react from a “heated,” place and our actions are based on our emotions and impulses rather than coming from a deeper sense of self.

We’re drunk when we feel frustrated that if we leave the path we’re on we’ll be met with catastrophe and our lives will be derailed if we abandon the harmful habits and people we’ve surrounded ourselves with even though we know they aren’t good for us.

We’re emotionally intoxicated when we refuse to hear the other person, or see beneath the others person’s words, especially when you find yourself in an argument (or heading into one like I was)... you start twisting the other person’s words, listening only according to your own beliefs, and end up basing your conclusions on your perceived problems, and frustrations.

We can’t see, be with, or hear the other…

It’s not that we don’t want to engage in mature, reasonable conversations and discussions with others, but it actually takes tremendous energy for us to see perspectives other than our own.

When we’re drunk (literally or emotionally) we don’t have the capacity to deal with everyday challenges let alone our interactions with others.

It can be exhausting if we’re honest.

And that’s when, one day we decide we want to go get heavily meditated on a mountain somewhere and escape humanity’s incessant grip on our minds and hearts.

But even that is a trap. It’s where we start to become spiritually drunk.

We want our suffering to end, and since it's other people who seem to be the bane of our existence, we now decide to USE “spirituality,” to bypass our humanity.

We start to only focus on love and light, and being "good," and holding space without getting down and dirty.?

All of a sudden you’re too good for that human shit.?

Totally the reason I started meditating...

I mean when you’re making love, don’t we love those yummy moments of just falling into each other, and those times when you just want down and dirty, and sometimes you want a little of all of that? Come on… that’s just me… okay… whateve’s…

When we’re spiritually drunk, we start denying or avoiding our humanity cloaking it in the guise of “good vibes only, manifest abundance” cliche ASF assembly line "spirituality."

Don’t get me wrong, good vibes are good, feeling and being abundant is good, but if you think for a second you can beat your humanity over the head with a stick to achieve this you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Step one is knowing it’s essential to be so completely you.

When you’re being you, you’re not in the habit of taking your own love away when life isn’t lollipops and roses, and people aren't who you think you need them to be, because when you're unconditional with yourself you begin to feel known, seen, and loved for the truth of who you are, and not for some facade you think you need to paint in order to stay connected to others.

Yes, relationships are the most challenging part of this existence. I know.?

But we can’t keep ourselves in a “Spiritual Box” where everything is awesome and nothing ever hurts.

That BS pressure we put on ourselves to “be our best selves,” and to have “transcended,” and to “ascend” beyond all our shit because, “ugghh the old me is or was a damn mess,” is not love.

That messy you helped mold you. Helped make you a #wayshower.

I remember years ago driving down the street thinking, “I have everything… the man, the money and all the things…” and then I thought, “how could people let themselves feel so bad?”

You know that scene in cartoons like Scooby Doo, and Shaggy says, “aww, what’s the worst that could happen?” and then in the very next scene mayhem ensues?

That’s what my life seemed like after I asked that question.?

The joy seemed to last for a few weeks after I made that statement and then well… the humbling began…?

I had to be shown exactly why people could let themselves feel so bad, so that I could have compassion for that, and so that I could know what it authentically felt like to feel joyful, and in appreciation of life whether it looked “good,” or “bad.”

You know the saying, “So spiritually minded, and no earthly good?”?

That was me for some time, until the cosmic two by four of life reminded me that life is lived with one foot in the spiritual and one in the earthly plane.?

I remember a talk given by Esther Hicks.?

Esther Hicks channels Abraham [Abraham Hicks] and shares good wisdom, but there was one woman in their audience probably over 20 years ago that it seemed had really been done a disservice.?

I wish I could find this episode but it’s been a challenge.

I’d been listening to Esther Hicks at least since around 2006 or 2007 and I had a “tape or? eventually a DVD,” subscription with them where I would receive their live audience tapings in the mail.

I waited eagerly for those tapes and DVD’s every month.

On one particular recording, a woman came up and said, in a nutshell, that she’d been living so positively, never letting herself think a negative thought, never letting herself have a bad day, never getting angry, never doing anything “negative…” and Abraham Hicks thought this was great, but then the woman says… but I’ve turned into a Leper, my skin is peeling, my teeth are rotting, I don’t feel great in my body and so on… and I mean it was the first time I’d ever heard Abraham be “stumped,” by anyone’s situation… they continued with the positivity spiel…?

That moment always stuck with me.

Because when we deny, when we suppress, when we always look away… we don’t just affect our relationships, we create dis-ease in the body.

In Abraham Hicks defense, all of us are always evolving and I know that back then they were too.?

You don’t just stop evolving because you’re not in a body anymore, ask any medium who talks to the other side.?

Also, I’ve never heard them be “stumped,” by anyone since that moment, but I felt like I needed to have access to that moment so that I would navigate this life and remember truth, even though I was heavy love and light for many years after and would experience many karmic lessons on my path.

Spiritual drunkenness is just saying “ascension, enlightenment, and being “woke,” is somehow superior over BEING… all of you.?

Let’s not gloss over the fact that lots of spiritual teachers, and leaders do “bad” or “uncharacteristic” things too.

Your “GOD nature” as I call it (no religiosity implied), is not “better” than your “HUMAN nature.”

You wanted this experience.

You chose this life.

You signed up for the path.?

You said… fine, I’ll try this advanced earth school of emotion (of which I like to call Broken Hearts Club) and evolve more by remembering, understanding and sharing the gift that I am without taking my love away.

We can’t just keep revering the “sacred,” and not embrace what’s “wild,” about us.

Yes, you in the suit… you too…

Don’t play with me, I’ve hung out with plenty of you "suits…" you're probably more intoxicated than many (literally, spiritually and emotionally) and I get, I promise I do... and when you take that suit off… well I know you… in my world you’re often fun, hilarious, talented, smart, witty, have crazy and amazing stories to tell, and are a little (or a lot) wounded like the rest of us, but can’t break free of who you think you need to be to be accepted and loved for the REAL you.

Grab my audio, “What if I’d been real? When keeping it real goes right… and let’s hash it out…

Let it be known, I could never speak on such things if I was “innocent,” cause I’m not… I’m just ME.

And that means that I won’t take my love away from myself simply because I’m scared, or feeling insecure, or acting from ego, or I’m stumbling or falling, or robbing a bank (I kid, I kid), or being [insert judgment here] cause how I treat myself in those moments is the meaning of true SELF CARE.

Somebody's gonna be pissed that I say this, but... Who you’re voting for or not voting for in this election is not my concern cause I'm sober right now...

How you treat me and how I see you treat other people says plenty to me about YOU, whoever you are. And energy don't lie.

And even then, I can’t be so emotionally or spiritually drunk that I hinge my own well being on how you choose to behave or do life.

I get to stay or go, or anything in between.

It’s your path. Whether we play together or not is choice.

Do I get angry, yes…

Do people piss me off, yes…

Have people hurt me, yes…

Have I hurt people, yes…

Do I think things seem unfair sometimes, sure…

Will I never experience any of that again because I’m living in some spiritual safe house or even because I’m in acceptance of myself… highly unlikely…?

Mo Gawdat, author of the book Solve for Happy and acclaimed Happiness Expert asked a friend of his, a French Monk who had spent 60000 hours meditating and was proclaimed pretty frickin' happy, whether he ever got angry, to which the Monk heartily laughed and said, I'm pissed off many times a day...

If a Monk can be pissed off many times a day, that speaks volumes about the human condition.

Though he was pissed off many times a day, he says it is his choice to not suffer because of it.

There's a difference.

That's about being emotionally and spiritually sober. It's about unconditional love for self and connection to what we're made of.

Yes, I’ve developed a thick skin, cause ya' kinda have to, around here on Earth School, but I won’t shut down my unconditional love to make due in this life.

I’m not trying to escape from my life playing my “best” version of human.

The duty of a great actor is to observe human nature without criticism.

An actor’s own need to impress or be liked by the audience, or the crippling self-doubt they feel tends to impede their ability to access their creative freedom and spontaneity in EMBODYING & BEING that character.?

Great actors don’t want to be superficial, they want to produce believable characters and thus must be without criticism for the human nature of the character they are playing.

And it’s that divinity flowing through them that provides them the opportunity to fall into that character with conviction.

It’s okay to be both human and divine, period.

It’s okay to be drunk… until you’re ready to stop praying to the porcelain Gods to make it stop by being in “balls to the wall” acceptance of yourself.

Bring me YOU.

Make me laugh.

Tell me your deepest fears.

Show me your vulnerable underbelly.

Tell me that sh*t you did.

Be that leader.

Be that professional.

Be that mom.

Be that dad.

Be that stretched out on the couch human binging Netflix.

Be that activist kicking ass and taking names.

Be that ride or die friend.

Be who the F*CK you are, even when you’re dwelling in those ambiguous, in between spaces that sometimes make you look like a hypocrite cause you’re some wellness fanatic who eats a snickers and a pizza when you get ready.

Life is not black or white, good or bad, this or that… we are ALL the things.

Light and dark. Perfect and imperfect. Asshole and good guy. Mortal and immortal. Broken and whole.?

Oh, and that spiritual sh*t about everything being an “illusion…” yea… in one way that’s totally true and we’ll get to see that when we transition, that all the people who were difficult FOR you in this life totally loved the sh*t outta you, and all the unseen hands of assistance you had were really there… but while we’re here if you’d like to try out the notion that "EVERYTHING is an illusion" and stand in front of a bus hurling down the street and see if you have a Deadpool moment and live through that shit, then by all means… [the views of one JeeJee Saafir are only her views and truths… don’t stand in front of a damn bus…]

I’d always said that I was a “down to earth girl,” but then I got lost in the clouds for a while, and I needed that...

As Stevie Wonder says “you took me ridin’ in a rocket, gave me a star but at a half a mile from heaven, you dropped me back down to this cold, cold world.”

Being “Down to Earth,” here in “Broken Hearts Club,” means we integrate ALL aspects of our nature - the strength and the weakness, the beauty and the mess, the nice and the nasty, and the proverbial “good and bad,” of our existence.

Yes the master button pushers will still show up, the misunderstandings and conflicts with others will ensue.

I like to say that no one is “Self Made” because of the others who come to shake and stir you in good ways and not so good ways, but they’re who you needed so that you would unconditionally love yourself, period.

So sometimes you’re drunk, and yea it’s definitely not the best feeling in the world to be drunk…?

You definitely can’t be drunk and present to life… and I get it, sometimes we just don’t want to…

But true inner peace, intimacy, love and wholeness comes when we are able to sit with the entirety of our nature, understand it, accept it, embrace it, and love it like a big kid loves cake.

That’s when we can agree to disagree, walk away when we need to, stand in the discomfort when we need to, and everything else in between and come back to our love for self, and the humanity of others.

Will you find me hanging out with rowdy, drunk ass humans… probably not…

But do I deny their humanity… nah… cause I don’t deny mine.?

My name is JeeJee and this is Broken Hearts Club Leadership.

You are welcome here.


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