Dear God...
Rev. Daniel Bramlett
Minister at Total Spiritual Development Addiction Counselor
I know that Ive written about this before...I feel that sometimes we need a reminder. Life is at times a better reminder to us than any spoken or written word. We all are exactly where we are in life because its where we are suppose to be at this moment. At times we look up and ask why...or we feel that we don't deserve what is going it Good bad. I at times catch myself with very little thanks for my life. My life in no way is as you may call perfect...I have my vices and parts of my past that I so wish that I could change or wish it never happened. I choose to write about the positive out look in and on or around life. There are some some that choose to do the opposite. I feel that it is up to each one of us to reach out and show those that life holds so much more. We can do this by being a much more true friend and learn to really listen to others and look beyond the mask that we all wear...I guess what I'm trying to say is even when you meet a person we really have no ideal whats going on in their life...Be the person and friend that they can count matter what. Teach them that life is simple. If you expect something from life...put something into life. Have true compassion for people and always know that what energy you project you will get the same back...Always give positive and you will get positive. I know this is a mind set but look at your life now and if you aren't something different for the better and you will get better in return. each day is a new begining...make it the best for you and all around you...Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. -Psalm 34:10...Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (Matthew 6.25-34)...By Rev Daniel Bramlett