Dear God....
Dear GOD, how are "You"? My child I'm just fine, Dear GOD, I messed up today , Can you please hit "rewind." Rewind for what Child, Do you think that I'm Blind? I knew what you were going to do before it was a"Thought" on your mind..Dear GOD, I "try" hard, Child I need you to try harder, Let's not forget Child that I am your FATHER..Dear GOD I'm truly sorry about what I did today, I would do anything for you to take that sin away.My Child if you would just listen, I need you to be still, Now it's your time, to know just how I feel. My Child I love You More then you'll ever know, The day that you were born, I caused the sky to glow..The fact that your on your knees and telling me how you feel, plus the fact I searched your heart and saw that you were real, Earlier in this Prayer you said you would do anything for me to take that sin away, My Child you just did it, and with you shall I stay..... Love