Dear Front Line...
Dear Frontliner,
?Hey, how are you?
No really, how are you doing?
?I know it can be rough out there, trying to figure out all the answers, keep your head above water, play it cool, and stay within compliance. I know it's tough trying to hold yourself up because oftentimes your manager is so busy- they too could use someone to lean on. Oh yeah, plus you don't want to seem incompetent.
?I know you want to move up, climb the career ladder, gain rank in the food chain of organizational bull(y)- crap, get out of the wilderness, and maybe even make some change for the good.
?You are doing so much for others, for your coworkers, for your community, and for your organization as a whole. Oh, and not to mention all that you do for your household, your family, your friends/ community, as well.
?Have you eaten? When was the last time you exercised or even listened to your own breath? Don't you know there's not another you? Don't you know there will never be another you?
?Don't you know without you, there is no service delivery, there is no management, directors, or executives- without you, there is no MISSION!
?You are it! You are everything! You are what we all see when we see the feet of the organization at our doors, walking through our communities, hallways, and serving in our public entities. You're in front! In front of our children, adults, and families.
?So. I'ma ask you again.
Are you well?
?Profoundly yours,
Sky Infiniti
JenDina Bowers | Social Impact Partner, Sky Infiniti