Dear Friends and Supporters of Tov V’Chesed,
I wanted to share a brief update and get you caught up on what’s doing inside our great organization.
As you are well aware, Tov V’Chesed has added many services over the last few years to assist families in crisis. 3 years ago, we launched Project Boneinu and we can Baruch Hashem say that we have seen a success with this endeavor greater than we could have ever imagined. The children are growing in a warm and nurturing environment in the Boneinu House and Project Boneinu’s popular Shabbatons have earned a great reputation for its success in helping build up these orphaned children. With the successes we have seen in Yerushalayim, we are getting ready to open branches in Bnei Brak and Beis Shemesh so that children there can also benefit from this incredible program.
Additionally, we are happy to share that we are now also running Project Benoiseinu which provides orphaned girls with vital emotional and material support. We are in the process of building a Benoiseinu house and are planning an amazing Shabbaton where hundreds of girls from around the country will have an opportunity to participate and gain inspiration, courage and strength.
At the same time, our Simcha Fund which helps boys and girls from orphaned families marry with dignity, has also taken a leap forward and expanded its efforts. Last year we were B”H able to help marry off nearly 300 couples and for the upcoming year, we expect to process around 400 applications for assistance.
We have always depended on the generosity and goodwill of donors and sponsors around the world to finance these tremendous initiatives. As you can imagine, the growing list of projects and the growing demand for assistance is putting a financial strain on our organization and we have had to turn away many families due to a lack of funds. Seeing the pain on the faces of Yidden in need and having to turn them away empty is something that gnaws at our hearts.
That is why we have launched a 36-hour emergency campaign with an objective to ‘bring a smile’ to the faces of those children and families who depend on us. With Hashem’s help, we will reach our goal of 1.5 Million dollars and these funds will go a long way towards alleviating our financial stress.
The next 36 hours are the most critical hours in the history of our great organization! We hope that you will be able to donate generously on behalf of our wonderful organization and I urge you to please share the information about this campaign with friends, family and colleagues.
We are confident that Klal Yisroel, Rachmanim Bnei Rachmanim, will listen to the cries of our brothers in need and donate generously to this critical cause. And as HKB’H promises: ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???!
Thank you for your support and generosity!
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