Dear Bullies:

Dear Bullies:

Rough day, huh? I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's frustrating dealing with the challenges life can bring and finding a good outlet can be it's own set of obstacles at times. Feeling a lack of power and control can be difficult to handle. Lashing out at others, and often internally too, seems to be an easy go to.

It can feel like the rush you get from pushing others down makes you feel big, seen, powerful, respected, and maybe even encouraged by peers.

The problem is that short term impression is very different from the long-term negative impact it has on you.

Photo by Cottonboro Studios

What you're actually doing is building a misguided understanding of your self-worth based on getting a certain response from outside sources. Your sense of personal value starts to have nothing to do with your actual unique value and gifts.

In fact, you stop acknowledging your true inner value as having worth because of the emphasis you put on it needing to stem from dismantling others. You perpetuate the cycle of bullying from a place of not feeling "good enough" unless you're doing this negative behavior.

This separation you create from your own uniqueness and the value you associate to it builds:

  • a lack of self-respect,
  • not being truly seen for who you are deep down,
  • distancing yourself from positive influences, and
  • creating a shallow peer circle who's value in you doesn't acknowledge your true gifts

You deserve better, my love.

There are some really important things that I've learned in my journey of being a 7x cover model and it'll really help you to know.

You're hurting yourself. The long-term effects are very self limiting.

When you build a practice of being overly critical of others, your mindset gets hardwired that way and flips that overly critical thinking over to yourself as well.

Ever wonder why you're so hard on yourself or why you get so triggered by outside opinions? Yeah, huh.

When you make 'people being different' a bad thing in your mind, you give yourself less grace on the things that make YOU different. You miss out on your own value and perpetuate the downward spiral of not recognizing your self-worth.

Darkness and light cannot share the same space. There's a lot more to you than you're putting out there. As long as the energy you're putting out is based on chipping away at people, it won't be focused on building your actual gifts.

Stop focusing on living by what describes us on the outside. When we focus on exploring what most elevates our energy on the inside, regardless of other people's opinion, and shining from our inner uniqueness, we live our best life.

Encourage others in their unique path along the way. You build that sense of authentic self-worth in knowing you're a quality person and don't need outside opinion to validate it.

Unleash your power and control on building your unique empire now. Block the outside world out entirely and go inward. What are you passionate about? What are your top skills and talents? What is your dream goal? Identify your empire.

Focus your energy on being your own CEO, designer, engineer, whatever makes your heart soar! If a 12-year old can , you can too!

Photo of Celai West

Compete against yourself. Stay in your lane and focus on what you're genuinely good at. Give yourself grace and encouragement every day. Just aim at being better than you were the day before.

You've got this and I'm here to help you on the way!

Kindest regards,



