Dear brothers and sisters, it is extremely difficult to find a person who does not have anger in this world.
The next work of the flesh is outbursts of wrath.
Some people, raise their voice, curse at others, and even commit violence when they get angry. Sometimes, they kill other people.
As mentioned above, Saul, the first king of Israel, was jealous and envious of David so much. So he tried to kill David continuously. However, Saul's son Jonathan loved David and tried to save him at his best.
One day, Jonathan hid David from Saul. When Saul came to know this, he got so angry at Jonathan and poured out his evil on him.
1 Samuel 20:30 says, "Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan. He said to him, "You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother's nakedness?"
Still, Jonathan spoke for David, and Saul got even angrier and threw his spear at him to strike him.
He spoke out wicked words against his own wife and son and tried to kill his son. Just by considering this, we can see that Saul could not be saved.
Dear brothers and sisters, it is extremely difficult to find a person who does not have anger in this world.
It's not that those who seem to be meek do not have any anger. They just press it down within themselves.
So, they sometimes drink heavily, or what they have pressed down bursts out in certain kind of situation. Everybody has the root of anger like this, and so, even after they become God's children by believing in the Lord, they still have anger in them.
But I am not saying that you will not be saved just because you got angry for small things. Even if you get angry sometimes, you can repent in your deep heart and change yourself getting rid of your anger. But anyway, whether it is big or small, we have the sinful nature called anger, and because this might cause greater works of flesh that can lead us to death, we have to get rid of the original root of anger.
If our anger gets greater, and if we have the authority like Saul to burst out our anger freely, we might act evil just like Saul.
Today, we hear a lot of news about fearful incidents that are caused by anger. There was a person who killed another person who was talking on the public telephone for a long time.
There was another person who killed a woman whom he loved, because she looked down upon him. Recently, there was an article like the following.
There were brothers who became orphans at a young age. The older brother sent his younger brother to schools and supported him until he got married. They were such good brothers. But one day, they had a quarrel, and the younger one spoke some insulting words. The older one lost his control momentarily and beat his younger brother do death.
He immediately realized what he did and regretted, but it was already late.
People who commit this kind of evil would not usually think they can commit such an evil act due to their anger.
But we must not keep any sin, even though it is very small.
People have excuses when they get angry.
They say their counterpart bothered them, did something that cannot be understood, and did not act as they wanted. But you should realize that you get angry not because somebody does something to you but because you have evil and anger inside you.
Those who have no evil and are meek will not get angry even when others provoke them.
I urge you to pull out the root of anger and have meek and peaceable mind with everyone in any kind of situation.
But here, we should realize that righteous indignation and anger as a work of the flesh are different from each other. Jesus once rebuked the scribes and Pharisees saying, "You snakes, you brood of vipers! How can you escape being sentenced to hell?" Once, He overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple.
This was not from evil anger.
It was righteous indignation coming from justice of God. When parents scold and hit their children with a rod, some parents shout at and hit their children being unable to control their anger.
This is certainly outburst of wrath and is not right in the sight of God.
But parents can be stern and strict, and rebuke their children although they love their children so much. It is to prevent them from falling to the bad way, and is very different from the work of the flesh. Proverbs 13:24 says, "Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them are diligent to discipline them." As said, it is actually correct in God's sight.
I hope you can distinguish between these things.