Dear Bitcoin miners, it's time for a small project update

Dear Bitcoin miners, it's time for a small project update

Bitcoin price surge

Bitcoin just went above $72,000 yesterday, confirming crucial support and pointing towards a clear uptrend just before the US elections. For us as miners, this means: Profits are going up and will most likely stay high or go higher till the end of the year, also resulting in a significantly increased share price.

This will also result in higher prices for the mining machines themselves, but we do have a short time window right now to buy up existing stock at excellent prices. TLDR: If you waited to invest in mining over the last few weeks and months, right now might be the best time to go for it before higher prices hit.

Btw., below is a video on how we built our last mining containers. They are ready to host more miners now!

In this video we go over how we build our Bitcoin mining containers in 10 easy steps. When selecting for the right components and using old shipping containers, Bitcoin mining can be done with an extremely low cost per hosted hash rate.

Banner ads

Thanks to the feedback of a few dedicated affiliate partners and the help of a community member who designed new banner ads for us (in our #1 Community Content Competition), we are excited to announce, that we now offer new ready-to-use banners ads on our Affiliate page. You can either download them or directly link to them in any campaigns to get free banner hosting this way (banners in other languages will follow!).

Simple dashboard version

We updated the dashboard to include a simple version, that is much more beginner-friendly. The reason behind it is that most new users aren't coming from the Bitcoin or crypto space. They don't know how mining works or what hash rate is. Important: You can always switch between the simple and "pro" (what you are already used to) versions with one click, like in the screenshot below (the green circle shows where you can always click to switch between the pro and simple version):

By providing a simple version (the new default when creating an account), new users can easily start by buying a few shares and then read into mining once they have time and want to. The benefit for our community is: More incoming investments to grow the project faster, which results in better hardware prices and long-term stability for everyone involved.

Please feel free to try out the new, simple version. We look forward to getting feedback and suggestions for improvement!

We hope this overview was an interesting read. Thank you for being such an amazing community!

Your Infinity Hash team


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