Dear ANC Comrades
Christine "Nomonde" Nxumalo
#MentalHealthActivist | #SocialJusticeActivist | #HumanRightsMatters | Communications | CommunityRelations | StakeholderRelations | CampaignManagement | StrategicPlanning | Monitoring & Evaluation
A letter, I had to re-share...
Dear ANC comrades
I think its time some of us break the ranks and call a spade what it is. We joined #ANC as individuals and nowhere in ANC constitution does it say any comrade deployed must be protected by us for his individual actions of greed, corruption or criminality. Let anyone who acted out of individual greed be held accountable without dragging the membership and leadership of our glorious movement into protecting their personal fights with the law.
I joined ANC in 1985 through its sister organisations, #UDF and #SAYCO. I joined at the time that it was a sacrifice. No reward at all. We did not even know the word tender, BEE or AA. It was a struggle rewarded by arrests, torture and death. Our motivation was the imagination of a better country where children of peasants and working class shall be empowered, free and equal in their country. We joined believing that ANC leadership is a better alternative to the nationalist, racist and chauvinists with institutionalised corruption, criminality and racism.
Post 1994 we have been infiltrated by careerists, opportunistic and corrupt individuals who see ANC as an easier route to amass wealth. Most of the time even those who stayed away from troubles then are today the loudest to protect corruption.
Today I #David_Seomanele_Mashishi in my individual capacity and as a loyal and disciplined cadre of the glorious ANC call on all ANC members who like me hate the state of corruption within our party to encourage #Hawks, #NPA and other state law enforcement agencies to arrest our leaders who are alleged to be corrupt.
Let us all call on law enforcement agencies to charge all and any member or leader of ANC who is alleged of involvement in corruption.
We shall further not side with anyone who is alleged to be involved in any criminality. We trust that our Courts are competent to find innocence to those who are wrongfully accused.
Enough is enough.
Our party and movement for the African people can't be sacrificed to protect few wannabes who taint our organisation. It pains us to protect our party in public and social media when some individuals steal government money in our name.
Ons is gatvol.
If we love ANC we must let go of corrupt leaders irrespective of their position in our party and government.
Please dear comrades! I plea that we start now to clean ANC. Our children's future depends on good leadership and clean government.
If we can't do it for ourselves let it be for Chris Hani & Nelson Mandela.