Dear Adam, alone isn’t fun.
Dear Adam,
I have been hoping for an opportunity to write this article as it has become very relatable. I fear that my attempt at this might not fulfill the convention of a thousand words. If conventions find meaning to your essence, perhaps the animals you named before the first human; precious, loving, suitable and alike, you named with a gift of your surname - Wo Man.
It’s really not about the length of this piece, neither is it the length of the courtship. It’s taken me days to ask, pray and wait for the muse to write, about your mood as it’s become mine and that of many other men whose daily dialogue with GOD loads a chunk of prayers about YOU - a suitable companion. Days conceptualising months of praying for a woman not just of my dream, most certainly of GOD’S will. And here’s why.
Dear Adam, tending HIS Garden, yielding to HIS instruction, trusting HIS process, fulfilling HIS calling, enjoying HIS Love, only opens up a space for a desire to love your kind. That kind who speaks with GOD, fulfilling HIS will, seeks HIS desire, fellowships to heart satisfaction while helping beautiful creations not suitable for design.
I can relate. The Birds could sing, just as Fishes could swim; beautiful Sparrows and loving Dolphins, but none was a companion bearing resemblance to your Spirit, companionship to your Soul and an alignment to your body.
It must have taken months of evening requests as you and GOD fellowshipped in the cool of day; moments when earth played host to Heaven, when divinity thought to explain the mystery of the firmament, as your mind defined the concepts of Astronomy and Sciences of the world; sure your mind was busy as you could not sleep until HE made you sleep. I’m beginning to know these things; that attention would seek you, your calling would engage you, but not enough for your Spirit to remind you of a Suitable companion.
Dear Adam, are we at that phase you were in? Trusting this again to GOD, that one walk away from where we know, awaiting HIS creation for us to name, only that this time, we feel incomplete after we’re awaken to HIS reality of recent creation, not a singing Bird of the air, a Cattle, or a beast as it is to the wild. This presentation would lead to words of knowledge- Her Name.
Precious, Loving, Suitable, Alike, you name with a gift of your surname - Wo Man.
Adam, I know you prayed, waited, was bored, cried when the wait was long.