#DealWithIt - Living Life Well With PTSD by Dr. John A. King

#DealWithIt - Living Life Well With PTSD by Dr. John A. King

I embarked on a project for a sex trafficked survivor last September 12 … editing his biographical story of recovery from C-PTSD brought on from years of sexual abuse. As an editor, the challenge is always to allow the author’s story to be heard through his own voice. Yet, an author with C-PTSD who wants his story to reflect his ‘mind’ during this recovery process was a challenge. As an editor, it’s my job to make sure everything flows consecutively and concisely… yet, when you have C-PTSD, your mind does not think that way. The C-PTSD mind flashes back, moves forward, travels in-between the states of our unconscious and conscious mind, and lives within the reality of the past in the present. To be honest, I found that mental workflow to be beautiful, inspirational and profoundly heart wrenching all at the same time. During the several weeks of editing this very important book, I continually leaned on God for His guidance to never lose Dr. King’s mind or voice. I pray I have done my job.

This experience has been filled with gratitude and blessings of new partnerships that share the purpose of effectuating positive world change in the trenches of the everyday.

I will be sharing my personal and academic observations in the days ahead, however, my very first observation was “It’s fucken brilliant.” And, it’s a must-read for all of us.


#dealwithit Christmas Promotion

#dealwithit is a book for anyone who has lost it all. If you have been shot at, faced with sudden loss, blown up, screwed over (or in my case, screwed), this book is for you. I like to think of it as duct tape for the soul.

Enter the code “30off” at the shop checkout to receive your discount. This discount applies ?until December 9? so we can make sure we get all the books out for Christmas.


#drjohnaking #dealwithit #dealwithitbook


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