Dealing w/ Performance Anxiety (pt 2)
Anxiety comes when you attempt a job you are not humanly capable of.
By that, I don't mean that you aren't capable of performing the immediate task ahead of you, whether that task is an athletic endeavor or something in everyday life. You are entirely capable of that. That task isn't what creates anxiety
What creates anxiety is trying to control the uncertainty surrounding that task. You want to ensure that you always succeed. That you never fail. You believe that by enough preparation or enough worry you can control the outcome.
And that is a job you are not humanly capable cannot take out all uncertainty...from sports or life.
Many of us live in an illusion that we are in control. That by taking enough precautions we can eliminate uncertainty. But life (and sports) are always uncertain. They always have been.
So what if you just accept that. I can't control life. I can't control the unknown and the uncertainty. But what I can control is myself.
If wanting to control what you can't control is causing anxiety, how about dropping the illusion of control? And just focus on what you can control. Yourself. How you respond. How you think about it.
That is a task you can always handle. When you do that, your anxiety just fades into the background.
Need help learning to control what you can control? Schedule a free consultation call at the link below:
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