Dealing With Uncertainty
Sinikka Waugh
Relentlessly positive Keynote Speaker, CEO, Trainer & Coach, with an unwavering commitment to even better.
5 Approaches and Some Underlying Principles
When the world changed abruptly, the vast majority of us had no idea what to expect, and decidedly few had a clear plan for how they would navigate through. So we took a variety of approaches, based on our own comfort level and our own situations. I find this handful of approaches to uncertainty are pretty useful as a whole, so I offer here what I've observed:
Ultimately, we could be simultaneously running multiple of these approaches in different areas of our lives. In the effort of making workdays better, I think the following underlying guiding principles should be important to all five approaches:
1. Be true to your mission.?
Whether it’s your personal or spiritual mission, or your organizational mission, ask why you exist in the first place. When facing uncertainty, put your mission and vision back in front of you, and keep it to the forefront. Your “why” is what gets you out of bed in the morning, and it’s what draws others around you who share your passion. So put it back on top of your mind, and in your day-to-day conversations, and certainly in your decision-making.
How to??Ask a question like "How can I best live my mission and vision this day?"
2. Don’t go in alone.
Whether you are a new leader uncertain of how to navigate through a tricky situation, a business owner facing a challenge you’ve never seen before, or an individual trying to care for the loved ones in your family, you don’t have to go in alone. Seek out support structures from colleagues, mentors, others who have been in the space before, neighbors, friends, family, and/or teammates. In truth, we are surrounded by people that want to help, but often don’t know what we need.?
How to??Start with those closest to you, and expand to those who have skills or expertise in the area you need, and simply ask for help. Ask for advice, ask for council, ask for support, ask for resources if you need them. The responses you get will help you shape your plan.
?3. Give yourself a little grace.?
“I love these uncertain times we’re living in!” said No. Person. Ever.?
Even those who are comfy with the gray often find themselves challenged by moments of deep uncertainty. Give yourself the grace to not be perfect.
How to?
4. Expect the unexpected.?
No matter which path we’ve gone through, the truth is that uncertain times have come, and they will come again. Look back at the things that have happened to you in the past couple of years, and look at the events and circumstances that changed your course or created disruption or discomfort. Consider them, think deeply on them, and then figure out what you learned from them that can help you be better prepared for them in the future, and then apply that knowledge going forward. Things that may have once been unexpected, if they’ve happened, no longer need to be surprises next time. We can use our experiences to shape how we’ll expect the unexpected in the future.
How To??Whatever path you find yourself on right now, stop, and take a few minutes to anticipate the "what if's".
What will you do if...;
How will you handle it if…;
What would be your back up plan if…, etc.
A little bit of risk response planning just might make your next period of uncertainty a little less frightening.
How about you? What approach(es) have you taken to uncertainty, and what did you learn from those experiences?
Originally published and adapted from