Dealing with Times of Uncertainty ?

Dealing with Times of Uncertainty ?

At this very moment around the world we are going though times of uncertainty. Economic, political and personal uncertainty can be extremely disorienting. During my recent travels I noticed this in 3 different countries. Uncertainty seems to be the only certainty at the moment.

This uncertainty I feel is a very human reaction to the rapidly changing nature of the world. I will be lying if I said I am not feeling uncertain as well. About 10 years ago I became extremely anxious when faced with uncertainty. So, I came up with 5 strategies to deal with uncertainty positively.

Here are my strategies to help you and your organisation.

Become an observer and learn

Instead of speculating and getting lost in reactionary thoughts take a step back and observe. This will reduce anxiety and allow you to think with a clear mind. Focus on gathering facts such as economic trends and changes, competitor activity, relevant industry information. This is a good period to take some time to re-train yourself on an old skill or learn a new one.

Focus on what is within your control

This is easier said than done but is an important skill to develop during one’s lifetime. Learn to focus on that which is in your control and learn to accept the things that are outside of your control.

Be flexible and adaptable

This is very important. Focus on sense and respond as a strategy. Empower yourself and your team to be able to take decisive and quick actions. In times of uncertainty you need to be agile and flexible, be preemptive, make quick changes and react accordingly.

Plan and be prepared for different possibilities

This is a difficult part of uncertainty, for me at least. I find planning during uncertain times challenging as I do not know where I am going. However, it is very important to plan for different possibilities and outcomes. You should think through the key factors that impact you or your business and prepare a flexible plan. As things change and develop you must keep revising the plan.

Look for Opportunities

During times of uncertainty businesses become anxious and indecisive. New Opportunities arise due to the changes that are occurring. Uncertain times present new problems and these problems need solving. So, seek out those new problems, and set your mind free in search of new solutions. 

Eckhart Tolle said, “As you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life. It means fear is no longer a dominant factor in what you do and no longer prevents you from taking action to initiate change."

The ability to manage uncertainty and change is one of the most important skills you can nurture. I hope the tips and ideas above help you as they have helped me in dealing with uncertainty. 

Great article Muheeb, with some really succinct points. "Focus on what is within your control" is a critical one that took me a long time to learn, but made the biggest difference in me dealing with situations outside my comfort zone.


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