Dealing with stairs- AAT unveils “one of a kind” answer
See it, try it first at Kids2Adultz!
A revolution is taking place in how safe access on stairs can be addressed.
AAT, already the UK’s #1 provider of safe stairway access with its market-leading S-Max Sella, is now at prototype stage for the latest incarnation of its revolutionary Universal Back- a clip-on version.
Universal Back Clip-On means the battery-powered portable Sella stairclimber system can easily adapt to each user- now and in the future- without any additional support accessories. AND the entire unit can be easily folded away, making the most of living space for the rest of the family.
AAT believes the development will revolutionise fast, effective prescription for stairway access. The S-Max Sella/ Universal Back Clip-On will become the ‘go to’ option.
“It genuinely delivers a ‘cradle to grave’ answer,” says Peter Wingrave, AAT Director. “That single combination can manage the risk of safe stair access/transfer for almost every client with mobility impairments. It has the adjustability to precisely and comfortably support almost every user, from infant to geriatric.
“The implications and potential are vast. Its prescription can facilitate a short-term solution to discharge someone from hospital. It can be a long-term method of making someone’s home safe and avoid their requiring a costly and disruptive home adaptation or going into care. And it has the in-built flexibility to quickly and easily evolve with them over time.
“We have growing numbers of disabled children. We have growing numbers of elderly with all their associated conditions- arthritis, MND, Parkinsons- which impact their stability and mobility. We have a lack of suitable accessible housing. S-Max Sella was already a game-changer with its relevance in recycling/re-issue. The Universal Back Clip-On takes that to a new level, enabling one core piece of kit to help many people over its life, with the integral adaptability to change with them.”
The prototype – unveiled at Kids2Adultz- will enable Occupational Therapists and adaptations professionals to physically see the concept in action before the final product is launched in the coming months.
The prototype will be just one of the exciting developments for daily life with special needs kids and adults that AAT will have at Kids2Adultz. Others include the unique Aqua Liberty supported bathing system, and the new accessories just introduced for the Gravity Chair foam positioning system.
AAT- the stairclimber people
#stairs #stairaccess #riskmanagement #adaptationwithoutdelay #safetransfer #occupationaltherapy #hospitaldischarge