Dealing with Professional Rejection
Joel Oneil Alastair Brown
MBChB MRCGP MCFP CCFP CPSO MIoL MRSPH DipMSKMed DFSEM(UK) FRSA I demonstrate and deconstruct how to develop and build a successful portfolio career for the [MODERN] clinician.
There are going to be days when you show up, put your hand up, offer yourself to stand in to help, apply for that job that they seem to desperately need filling and you are deemed unqualified, inadequately trained, or unsuitably experienced to perform the role. Professional rejection is an inevitable reality in this corporate world and you can choose to react impetuosly or respond intelligently.
It will hurt. It will make you question your abilities and judgement given that you thought you were eligible.
But there is an opportunity to learn something if you refuse to allow your frustrated ego to waste that chance.
Just remember this.
I have experience my fair share of professional rejection. I have reacted at times in ways that weren't as helpful but I have learned from personal experience to see rejection as a bridge to better understand myself and to ultimately grow and guide my career more judiciously.