Dealing with panic and overwhelm
Overwhelm can strike at any time. You don’t have to have had a previous panic attack or issues with anxiety in order for it to affect you one day. Even the most confidence amongst us can suffer from overwhelm and unless it is treated properly it can have an impact on your life.
Emma Raducanu was competing at her first Wimbledon when shortly into the second set she starting having breathing difficulties. As a result she was unable to continue. It is likely that she was overcome by the situation, being watched by thousands if people at the court and millions of people at home. It was a hot day and she was playing against a very experienced opponent who was dominating the match. We will never know what exactly happened to Emma, but I am sure it was the occasion the got the better of her.
An incident like this can seriously affect your future if you don’t work on it properly. One of the main problems with having panic attacks is the fear of having panic attacks. It can really limit your actions as your brain is trying to keep you safe and away from danger.
I have had a similar issue when I once had a panic attack when giving a talk. I ended up in the hospital where I was monitored overnight. Everything was fine, it was just a perfect storm of having a large coffee, being in a hot stuffy room and knowing it probably my last time speaking at my own event. I felt dizzy and like I was walking through a thick gas.
I was able to get someone to use IEMT on me for the incident and the fear of going back on stage. Luckily I was able to give a talk just a couple of weeks later as I had seriously considered giving up public speaking all together. If I hadn’t had done the IEMT after the event, I may never have returned to speaking.
Over my years I have had several panic attacks. I know that my lifestyle choices are contributing to them and coffee is always involved. Luckily I know both hypnosis and IEMT so I am able to deal with them and make sure it doesn’t limit my choices in life.
When you are having a panic attack or suffering from overwhelm there are several breathing exercises and other techniques you can do to calm down. These are great for in the moment but they won’t necessarily work on the underlying issues or why they are happening or help prevent them in the future. It is true that it is often the conditions that cause overwhelm, but generally this is just amplifying the underlying emotions. By working on the underlying issues you are less likely to go into panic.
IEMT is an amazing way of dealing with anxiety, panic and overwhelm. By understanding why we are reacting to certain situations we are able to create effective change both emotionally and in our identity. It does make you bulletproof or immune to ever having panic attacks again, however it can really help and give you your life back.
If you are interested in becoming an IEMT Practitioner or if you want to have sessions, please click on “send message” and we can talk.
Matt Kendall