Dealing with Limiting Beliefs
Matt Sidwell
I help businesses to amplify their sales and marketing impact with our 'Part-Time Marketing Department' solution. Scale effortlessly without hiring a full-time in-house team.
Our beliefs and expectations shape our perceptions and (through time) the results we get in life. Sometimes you will learn beliefs that will limit you in some area of your life.
There are a variety of tools for changing limiting beliefs, and creating new, empowering beliefs and expectations.
These range from simple processes that you can do alone, to techniques and conversational techniques that you can use to help others change their beliefs.
Dealing with a limiting belief can be one of the most liberating feelings you can get. It will set you free to continue on your journey towards the successful life you want.
The effect? More of the results you want!
You will often see limiting beliefs placed into three categories as follows:
- Desperation - The individual thinks that he/she can never achieve their goal under any circumstance. They desperately try to achieve, but fail. Their attempts are often halfhearted and lack conviction.
- Defencelessness - The individual thinks that they can achieve their goal, but they rely more on luck and fate. There is no process or system of success in place.
- Worthlessness - The individual thinks they don't deserve to achieve their goal. They find themselves as incapable and not worthy of success.
Understanding that you have a limiting belief(s) and finding effective strategies to deal with them is vital in the continued development of your successful future self.
I've met with many clients who settled for second best in their business and personal lives. They've lived with limiting beliefs for years resulting in reduced business activity and a loss of creativity and innovation.
How many times have you heard that a business has become stale? Quite often, it is not stale, its just that the owners don't believe that it can be any other way.
Living with a limiting belief will slow down any progress you hope to make. It will allow you to remain in the same place, to achieve the same results you always have; to give up just as the fight returns to you.
Imagine instead, a life full of opportunity, abundance and achievement; and all because you agreed to limit the limiting beliefs you choose to live with.