Dealing with grief
Lourdes-Anne Requena
Helping Women to connect with their Hearts & Create what they Love |1:1 Coaching | Wellness Facilitator | Qigong | Tai Chi | Workshops | Young People | Speaker | Corporate | Advocate/Mediator | Women's Circles
As per my mum's recent passing I have been absent from my regular posting on social media for the past week or so, realising that there need not be any stress regarding this. That life & our human connections are, & always will be, more important.
We live in a world where sharing what our lives are all about is commonplace, where showing how great life is seems to be the way to go & yet, life's not like that. Life is not all one colour, shape or size. It takes on many forms, some of which are lovely & some, pretty gross & hard. That in my experience is the truth. None of us get to escape it, especially death. If there's one thing that's absolutely certain, it's that death will come to us all.
What an inspiring post I hear you say? Or not!
There is so much posted these days about how wonderful this & that is, how someone is travelling around & having a blast every 5 minutes. Don't get me wrong, that's all great & it's real for many and yet, who talks about the other side, the gritty, messy & upsetting stuff that can, & does affect us all from time to time. Sadly for some, more often than they can bear at times, or so it seems.
The Yin & the Yang of life is just as the image portrays, the dark & the light. Sometimes in equal measure, sometimes completely one sided & way out of balance.
What do you do when this happens?
Right now in my own life, it's tough & very upsetting. My mum who was 88 lived to a good age. I've been very blessed to have her in my life for all that time. Having her present for so long means that there are more memories to recall & more to adjust to for me.
It's been just over a week since she passed & so much has happened in that short space of time. It actually feels more like a few months. What I've noticed these past few days is, I find it hard to remember her voice. All the different faces I saw in her towards the end of her life, literally, are more memorable right now than her face when she was in better health. Every time I think of picking up the phone to talk to her, to share something with her, I have to remind myself, convince myself that I can't do that anymore. Not in that way anyway. I think, what if this & that & could I have done this or that? Then I realise that a part of me is struggling to accept it still, to make sense of it all.
What do I do with this?
I allow myself to cry when things come up & I feel the need, wherever I am. If someone ask me if I'm ok I tell them the truth. No, I'm very sad & hurting, my mother has just died. I sit with my friends next door & have a cuppa or two & chat, not just about this but other things too. I place myself around people when I feel I need to. I get on with matters that need attending to. I do this step by step, as I can, to get me back into daily life & my normal routines, whether I feel good about it or not. It's like retraining a part of me, activating muscle memory & going through the motions until it feels better again, no matter how long it takes. I move my body with Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, walking & dancing. Anything that releases stuck energy & pent-up emotions. I hold my mum's ring & other personal belongings to be close to her. To feel her energy, it works for me. I connect with nature & I write.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This is a personal thing. Everyone must do it their own way & in their own time. It will express itself in any way that works, for you & me, individually.
Contacts in the UK if you need help with the symptoms of grief
Cruse Helpline number: 0808 808 1677 - You're not alone!
These are just a few sites that offer advice and support, there are more. There will be the same/similar around the world if you google, 'help with grief'.
Adjunct Professor at TCSPP, Mt SAC, and Pepperdine
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