Dealing with failure
Ankita Jagtiani
Adult ADHD Coach | Life & Youth Leadership Coach | POSH Consultant | Corporate Coaching | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Ankita Jagtiani Coaching
Failure - Who decides?
Failure? What makes us decide if we failed or not?
Most of the time we attach the word failure based on the result we expect but don’t achieve. But in reality, failure is more internal. It is how we feel about ourselves. Suppose we set our target to come first in a race but for some reason, we come second or third, we make ourselves feel like a failure for not reaching that target.?
Failure is a mindset… Did I learn or did I fail?
I need to find another solution or I am worthless?
Why me? Or I got this…
As a young teenager, when my friends came to me and mostly asked… WHY ME? My answer was always, you because you can deal with the situation that you’ve been presented with.
We all as individuals have different levels of resilience. Varied thresholds of patience and courage. While no individual can ever be fearless, what we can do is be somewhat courageous. I recently spoke to a wise man, who said ‘don’t ever think life is easy, if it’s not hard, you won’t appreciate the good and the easy.’
Think about it. Is there anything like a failure or do we put on our ‘judge’ hats and start deciding what’s right and wrong, what’s good and bad. Is our judgement our opinion which we are conveniently imposing or is it really about timeless ethics?
Dealing with failure is about having courage, a growth mindset, being resilient, and having the persistence to keep going and keep growing.?
What can you do while you are dealing with a sense of ‘things aren’t going as hoped/ planned?’
Change your perception of the event. Don’t judge the event or yourself.?
Ask yourself:
Remember ‘failure’ is about a simple choice. So don’t stop fighting…
“Regardless of the outcome, to have the courage to keep moving forward, is in itself a VICTORY”