Dealing with Economic Uncertainty and System Meltdown - 5 Tips for South African Businesses

Dealing with Economic Uncertainty and System Meltdown - 5 Tips for South African Businesses


The global financial crisis and its aftermath are certainly a major challenge. But they also present opportunities for businesses to become more innovative and creative in order to adapt to new economic realities. Here are five tips on how South African companies can survive and thrive during this period of economic uncertainty:

Open up Your Company

The first step to dealing with economic uncertainty and system meltdown is to open up your company. Now, this might seem counter-intuitive at first, but there are several benefits to being more transparent about the financial situation.

For one thing, keeping everyone in the dark will only breed fear and suspicion—which can have a seriously negative effect on morale at work. When employees don't know what's going on and why they're working so hard for little reward, they'll start questioning their employer's integrity and competence—and that can result in low productivity or even high turnover rates as people look for better jobs elsewhere. If you're honest about how much money is coming in right now (or not), then you'll give them some reassurance that things aren't as dire as they might seem on paper.

Secondly, being open allows you an opportunity to share information about any plans for change that are currently underway within your company--and this could be anything from retooling certain departments or restructuring leadership roles all together through downsizing operations entirely until things improve financially again down South Africa’s economy recovers

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

It's important to give credit where credit is due. In business, this means giving credit to your employees, suppliers and customers. You need to acknowledge them when they do something right - even if it's not a big thing.

Giving credit helps build trust with your clients and can help you establish long-lasting relationships with them. If you want your business to succeed in today’s economic climate, then make sure that everyone involved feels appreciated.

Listen to Your Employees and Customers

Business owners should listen to their employees and customers. They are the ones on the front line who know what's happening. Listen to their fears, ask them what they think of the situation, ask them what they think you should do, ask them what they think you should avoid doing and finally, ask them what they think the company should do to help with this situation.

Go Green

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South African businesses need to look at the long term. The environment is the biggest concern for many businesses, so it makes sense for you to take a more sustainable approach.

Why should South African business owners go green? It’s not just because it’s good for the environment, or even because of government legislation requiring this type of change – but also because green products and services have become cheaper than their non-green counterparts. In addition, these kinds of products can make your business more efficient, which in turn leads to an increase in revenue. In fact, some studies show that switching over to sustainable practices can increase profits by up to 35%.

That being said; if you are concerned about the financial impact going green might have on your company then rest assured that there are plenty of ways around this obstacle too! For example: if you need a generator or an inverter then ask yourself whether solar panels would be better suited towards your needs instead? This way not only will you reduce costs associated with running such equipment but also become less reliant on electricity from Eskom – which means less chance of disruptions occurring during times when there is high demand (such as weekends).

Be Transparent

One of the best ways to deal with uncertainty is to be transparent. It’s important to keep in mind that the economy has changed and your customers are looking for more than just a good product or service. They need reassurance that you can deliver on your promises, so it’s vital that you communicate openly and honestly with them about what is happening in the world around you.

If customers feel like they are being lied to or taken advantage of by businesses, they will start shopping elsewhere or stop spending money entirely until they feel confident again; this makes it vital for businesses to be honest with their customers at all times—even when things aren't going well!

Businesses should also be honest with employees as well as potential job candidates: employees want stability but don't want stability at any price; if there's no way out of financial difficulties without firing staff members (or cutting pay), then honesty is key here too—but try not doing so until absolutely necessary because many people won't find another job if they're laid off unexpectedly while still looking after family members etcetera...

What worked in the past may not work again. It is best to be open to new ideas and innovation.

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Change is inevitable, and innovation is imperative. In the face of economic uncertainty, businesses will need to adapt to new conditions. Innovation will be key for business survival in this turbulent climate.

However, it can be a challenge for companies to innovate when their success relies on the current system or product line. This can make radical change seem too risky or even scary – it may seem easier to stay with what works rather than question long-held assumptions and beliefs about how things should be done.


The economy is always changing, and we should be prepared for the unexpected. This can mean that some of our past methods will not work any more and it is important to give credit where credit is due. We should also listen to our employees and customers because they are the ones who know what works best for them. Going green is something that everyone should be doing if possible as well as being transparent about how companies operate when dealing with their customers (or even competitors).

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Jared Shippel?is the founder and CEO of Qhuconsult

Sharon Hammond

Skills Development Consultant at Hammond Business Services (Pty) Ltd

2 年

Excellent article Jared. I'm with Nkosana Ndaba. I fully agree with your points.

Nkosana Ndaba

Managing Director at Africa Marketing Agency

2 年

Fully agree Jared


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