Gerda Muller
Allied Health Private Practice Business Consultant. I help you build a Self-Running Practice, giving your more time and financial freedom, as you help more people in better and more effective ways.
I'm sure you can relate...
There are most certainly things I absolutely LOVE about the business side of private practice….
And then there are the things I loathe to do…
The non-fun stuff.
The boring stuff.
The do-I-really-have-to stuff.
The stuff you consciously procrastinate on.
The stuff you constantly label as not AS important as the other things.
I’m wondering what THAT could be for you…..?
Lucky for me, my list of ‘do-I-really-have to’ stuff is not too long these days, as I’ve come to love even those things.
But I must admit, this has not always been the case.
For a very - VERY - long time, I loved focussed just on the fabulousness of Marketing and the creativity that is managing a Team.
Marketing, because I see it as a challenge.
A thing I need to achieve.
A thing that allows me to think outside the box.
A thing that DIRECTLY links to my purpose and vision of helping more people in better ways because…
I know that unless our clients are sitting in front of sit (whether physically or virtually) we can’t help them, and marketing is the vehicle to achieving that...
Which is why I absolutely LOVE Marketing.
Similarly I loved (still do) working with my Team.
Identifying their strengths, supporting their potential and, of course, the joy of seeing them flourish.
But the one thing that was consistently LAST on my list was doing my Numbers and more specifically my….
Logically I understood the need for it.
Logically I could make a case for it.
But at some level is just did not seem THAT important.
Or fun.
Or joyful.
Or creative.
I could think of nothing worse than putting together an Excel Spreadsheet and then having to consistently update it.
Where’s the task completion in that?!
But alas….
A pesky instance (for what felt like 10th time) of not having enough money in the bank to pay my team just got me to a point where I had no choice.
No choice but to do it.
No choice but to tackle the Excel Spreadsheet and make it my friend.
Make it my partner in having money in the bank.
Make it my partner in paying my team - on time - every time - without having to take money from a Credit Card or even my mortgage redraw. Because that was just plan sh&t when it happened.
So if you are feeling me with this, then I have some good news for you.
Scratch that.
I have some GREAT - AMAZING - news for you...
I am sharing with you the exact customised Excel Template that my Principal Psychologist and myself use when doing the Cash Flow Forecasting for my group private practice, The Psych Professionals.
I’m going to train you in how to use it.
I’m going to make it paint by numbers simple.
Or as simple as you CAN make Cash Flow Forecasting :)
Want in…?
Check out details the and enrol via this link:
Here's to no more cash flow troubles!
But it’s up to you...
Yours in Private Practice Success,
?? PS... Don't have your Elevate2020 Tickets as yet...?!
I'm horrified....!!!!
If you get your Elevate 2020 Tickets BEFORE 1 February 2020, you will get this Cash Flow Forecasting Template & Training FOR FREE.
Check out THE most transformational event on the Allied Health 2020 Calendar here:
After starting her PhD on the topic of "Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it.
This was the start of Private Practice Success Australia.
E: [email protected] | W:
WINNER: National Allied Health Private Practice Excellence Award
WINNER: Queensland MENTAL HEALTH Achievement Award for Best Small Business
WINNER: Logan Business Distinction Award