My wife and I recently moved from Southern California to Southwestern Oklahoma. We began packing our house around May 9th. We, mainly my wife, packed several boxes of our belongings leaving out only basic essentials that we would need to live on until the time we were settled in in our new home.
The moving truck was scheduled to come and pick up our furniture, boxes, and other things for June 14th. So, for little over a month, our belongings were packed in boxes. One day, Tami looked at me and said, “Isn’t amazing how much stuff we have and how much we actually need to live on?” It was true, we were getting by just fine with what little we had left out.
Now, fast forward to today, July 6th. We have been in our new home since June 15th and our belongings, furniture, most of our small appliances, and other things are still in a moving truck somewhere between here and California! We are still surviving; however, we are beginning to miss some our conveniences.
Last week, the air conditioner went out in our house. Since last Monday afternoon, we have had no air conditioning. With temperatures well above 100 degrees with humidity, it does get uncomfortable at times. Many of our wonderful church family have stepped up and supplied us with a couple portable air conditioners and fans. The company that came to look at the air conditioner said they would have to order the part and it would take a week. Today is day 9, so here’s hoping it gets fixed today! Again. It is inconvenient, yet we are still surviving.
Several people have expressed their sympathy for how difficult this transition has been for us. I guess in reality, it is all in how you look at it. I know that Satan will always be trying to get us to stumble. Right now, he is tempting us with anger and discouragement. I also know that God is in control and in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).
Satan has always used discouragement as a tool to cause God’s children to fall. There are many examples from scripture. You can almost choose any person you read about and see how Satan attempted to discourage them. Some that stand out to me is Job, he lost everything, including his family, yet he remained faithful to God. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and was forgotten in prison and remained faithful to God. Jeremiah was beaten, put into stocks, and was mocked for bringing God’s word to the people. Even though he complained, he continued to bring God’s word and said that God was with him like a mighty warrior!
Throughout the New Testament, we also read how Satan tried to discourage God’s people. The religious leaders felt if they killed Jesus, they would stop His teaching. Little did they know, that was the plan from the beginning! Even as the apostles continued teaching what Jesus taught and advanced the borders of the kingdom of God, many tried to discourage them.
Friends, God always prevails. There is no reason to give in to discouragement. God is in control. We always need to remember the words of Jeremiah, “But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior;
so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced;
their dishonor will never be forgotten.” (Jeremiah 20:11)
Read Philippians 4:10-20
Church of Christ
2 年"God always prevails....." thank you Steve for the encouragement.