Dealing with Autoimmune Pain
AnnaLaura Brown
Travel lover, We Travel Software Sales, Book Lover, Podcast Host, Blogger, Author, Dog Lover, Avocado Lover, Essential Oils Educator, Autoimmune Wellness Coach
Do you struggle with pain? If you have any kind of autoimmune challenge, you probably have pain at least some of the time.
Fortunately there are a lot of solutions for pain that don't involve popping pills or just sucking it up.
I've interviewed a lot of guests on how to manage pain. If you need help, check out this playlist of episodes on the Autoimmune Rehab podcast on how to relieve pain.
Some of the ideas I've found the most helpful:
Infrared Sauna
Essential Oils
Diet Changes
Supplements- especially turmeric
and more- including many I hadn't even considered until I interviewed by podcast guests.
Stop suffering and finally get some relief. Listen today. It's free.