Dealing With Addiction: Channelling Your Obsession
Can you channel your obsessions? Deal with your addiction.

Dealing With Addiction: Channelling Your Obsession

Dealing With Addiction: Channelling Your Obsession

Have you ever been addicted to anything in your life? Addiction is not just drug abuse, you can be addicted to many things in life – shopping, television, social media, they all offer the same immediate gratification that keeps you in a feedback loop. And they all can benefit from this simple yet effective technique… channelling your obsession.

Obsession seems like an intense word, that has some negative connotation.

Like an obsessed girlfriend who is constantly sending your messages, asking where you are and what you are up to.

We’ve all had them.

But to me, being obsessed can be a huge advantage, particularly if you learn how to challenge your addictive behaviour into something positive.


Addiction… is it genetic?

There are many studies that suggest addiction may have some form of the gene.

If it has, I must be a victim.

On my mother’s side? Although she is fine and I have had a near-perfect childhood thanks to her love and care, both of her brothers are addicts.

And she doesn’t come without her problems.

My father was an heroin addict who I have had little to do with throughout my life.

Well known throughout the community, he was a clear addict.

Whatever he did, he was obsessive with it.

And as I said… if the gene is there, I certainly have it.

From gambling to cannabis, I’ve had some grips on me that have taken a toll on my over the course of the last ten years.

Even video games are hard for me to not succumb to.

Work? I think I’ve been addicted to that before too. When I first started my career, I would not leave work until past 7pm, and I’d be the first one in the office early in the morning.

And it was the only thing I would talk to friends about.

So much so, they would even tell me… “Karl, have you got nothing else going on in life?”

Perhaps I didn’t. Or perhaps the other things I had in my life were negative, such as the gambling and cannabis addictions aforementioned.

Are you the same?

Or are you ‘normal’ and have a better level of self-control?

I must say, as I mature and become older, my self-discipline is becoming much better.

I have been free from cannabis for over three weeks, after a ten year struggle.

And I’m three years free from a eight-year gambling addiction, which started at a young age (bandits at Cleethorpes arcades as a child, where we had our caravan on Thorpe Park).

What is your vice?

Where do you spend too much time?

What do you spend too much money on?

What are you struggling with, and have you ever had that thought…?

“I should stop doing this…”


It’s all around us…

Addiction is not just for alcohol and heroin addicts.

Nor is it only drugs or alcohol that you can become addicted to.

I was a gambling addict for six years, so I know.

You can be compulsive with your actions when it comes to:

  • Shopping
  • Sex (or pornography)
  • Television
  • Internet use (particularly social media)

You can become addicted to health-related products and exercising.

People become addicted to botox and becoming the ‘most beautiful version’ of themselves.

If you think addiction is limited to substances, you are mistaken… and you better do some research.

Even if you haven’t considered this before, something has taken over you and infiltrated your life in such a way that you could categorise it as ‘obsessive.’

It’s probably the social media that is the biggest issue right now, but materialism is rife and people love to spend their money on absolutely nothing too.


You are not in control…

Considering the things discussed above, do you consider yourself to be addicted to at least something?

We all have our demons.

And we all have our compulsive behaviour.

If you think you control every decision you make, you are wrong.

Nobody has enough willpower to do so. And nobody is really as ‘individual’ as they would like to make out they are. We are all made up of shared norms and values based upon thousands of years of cultural development and advancement.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of unspoken rules that you don’t even need to consider.

Have you ever stripped in public?

Do you spit in people’s face as you walk past them?

Would you shout and scream as you walk around town?

There are a million things you wouldn’t do, all dependent upon the situation.


Channelling your obsession

You have to find something for all that energy.

That calling that says “Let me buy that!” or “Let’s go for a drink tonight… for the fifth time this week.”

It has to be channelled.

And you can take control.

Your obsession can be used for good, not for evil.

Channelling your obsession can be one of the biggest virtues in life if you feel like you don’t give up on stuff.

There is nothing wrong with obsessing over becoming great.

You could be obsessing over your business plan.

Your skills.

What you can give to the world.

It’s up to you.

Exercise your self-discipline, think hard about where you want to be… and go for it.


… And how do I do this?

Decide what is killing you, and remove it from your life… one by one.

Ask yourself… “What can I give to the world?”

Work, work, work… and work even more to become great at that one thing.

Live your own life and build on your dreams.

And cherish the people around you who support you.

Obsession does not have to be a bad word.

You don’t have to obsessively text your girlfriend asking where she is and what she is doing.

You can channel that obsession. And you can use it to your advantage.

And you will not regret it.

But if you let your demons stay in control… you might not have the chance to regret it.

You might not be here long enough to do so…

The best of luck with channelling your obsession, and beating your addiction.

After eight years of obsessively gambling? I quit.

After smoking weed every day for ten years? I quit.

And after obsessively browsing social media for nearly a decade… I quit that too.

I removed the distracted.

I got rid of my demons.

And now I am channelling my obsessions, writing every day and thinking hard about where I want to be in life.

And you can do if you make the decision to beat out those negative, addiction behaviours and replace them with something positive.


Thanks to Grant Cardone, who introduced me to this ‘obsession’ theory in his book ‘Be Obsessed or Be Average.’ Read the book, if you anything like me… it will change your life.


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