Dealerships Ready for a Bigger Future Need DealerPhones Premium Service
Mark Bresler
RainMaker/Sr. Account Director | Automotive Marketing | Performance Management
In today’s competitive market, your dealership’s tech stack is only as strong as its most vital components. One such cornerstone—often overlooked—is your phone system, responsible for driving 60% or more of your total revenue. It’s the lifeblood of your operations, the unseen engine powering your daily transactions and customer relationships.
When CDK experienced a significant outage earlier this year, dealerships faced a major disruption. Yet, despite the setback of losing a DMS or CRM, business didn’t come to a halt. Why? Because your team relied on one crucial resource—the phone system—to keep the wheels of commerce turning.
But let’s be clear: while transactions continued, the pace slowed dramatically, and the burden fell squarely on your team to keep everything on track.
This underscores the undeniable truth: your phone system is the linchpin of your dealership’s success. Without it, operations falter or come to a complete stop. With DealerPhones Premium Service, your dealership can harness the full potential of this vital tool, while creating a foundation that ensures your dealership reliable and cost-effective communications, faster transactions, and ultimately, a more profitable future.
Ready to scale your business and unlock new levels of efficiency? It all starts with a superior phone system that works as hard as you do. Ours has been designed specifically for dealerships. Reach out to learn more. You know you could do better!