Dealers, What Does Your 2017 Growth Plan Look Like?
Sometime next month or in early December there will be many meetings between owners, GSM's, managers and salespeople regarding their 2017 expectations and targets. It will start something like this.
Owner: "Hey GSM I see we didn't hit our 2016 targets, in fact we missed them by a lot. I need you to take a good hard look at why and come up with a target and plan for us to hit them in 2017!"
GSM: "Yea ABC Manufacturer was a bit slower than we thought originally. It's not just us though, it's almost every ABC Manufacturer dealer in our region. But don't worry, I will talk to the staff and we will make sure 2017 is the best year ever! No excuses!"
After this meeting the GSM will go and talk to the manager(s). During that meeting the GSM and the manager(s) will come up with a plan to increase sales. It will look something like this.
If Joe can increase his sales by 20 (which is less than 2 more deals a month), Sarah increases her sales by 18 (about 1.5 sales more a month), Chuck is a real shooter and should be able to increase his sales by at least 35 deals next year (3 deals more a month should be easy peasy lemon squeezee). And it goes on until they GSM and manager(s) come up with an increase of 200 deals more for 2017. That should make the old coot happy they rejoice!
During a meeting in the middle of December the GSM and manager(s) ask the staff to tell them what their targets and goals are for next year.
Joe: I am hoping to increase but wow this year was tough. I missed my target for 2016 so I think that if I can get 5 more deals this year it will show some growth. As long as we get customers through the door I don't think this will be an issue.
Manager: Joe come on buddy. I see you easily getting 20 more next year. Buddy, thats slightly less than 2 more deals a month! I mean if you can't do that...
Joe: Yea I suppose. Mark me down for 20 extra then. (Thinking inside his head, how the heck am I going to find 20 more deals! Already defeated and deflated before the year begins.)
Manager: Chuck, how many more do you think you can do in 2017?
Chuck: Geez I just had my strongest year ever and worked every day from 9am to 9pm hoping to get an up or two. I was hoping I wouldn't have to work so many hours this year as it was tough on the family.
Manager: Yea but the money was good, right?
Chuck: Well yea it was but...
Manager: No buts Chuck! A shooter like you should easily, and I mean EASILY get 3 more deals a month. I am marking you down for 35 deals more next year!
Chuck: Sure boss. (Chuck is thinking, there has to be a better way to make this kind of money so I can see my wife and kids more. Maybe DEF Motors downtown has better hours and I should be able to make the same amount of money. I'll have to go talk to them.)
The meeting goes on like this as they go through every salesperson. Telling them what their targets will be but with no real direction. The GSM tells the owner their optimistic sales numbers for 2017 and all is good until the 1st quarter of 2017 when sales are lower than 2016, Chuck has gone to DEF Motors and the morale is in the dumps. The GSM tells the owner, I really hoped these guys and gals could have pulled it together but you know, ABC Manufacturer is down everywhere in this area.
Hope is not a sales plan!
If you want a sales plan that works and see growth not only in sales but also gross, csi, referrals, staff retention and so much more then Tier 4 Marketing is for you! I can show you a plan that will engage your staff, increase traffic both online and in the dealership and increase your sales! Our test dealership saw a 35% increase in sales during the year and a half trial for the program. I am not saying everyone will see these results. Some dealerships may see slightly weaker results and others may see stronger results. It depends on how much of the program you follow and if your staff implements what they are taught and shown. Lets use the 35% growth number for our examples though.
If Sarah sells on average 12 vehicles per month and averages $2,700 front and back-end gross this means with Tier 4 Marketing she should be averaging 16 deals per month and because she is dealing with customers who trust her more and not strictly shopping price her average gross has gone up to $3,200 from both ends.
This means Sarah's yearly sales will go from 144 deals per year to 192 deals for the year. This is a 48 car increase for the year which is attainable with a true sales plan, training and coaching! Even more impressive is the amount of money she is making. Averaging $2,700 gross at 144 deals works out to $388,800 and with Tier 4 Marketing she would make the dealership $614,400, and increase of $225,600 BECAUSE SHE HAD A SALES PLAN she could follow and implement! This is just 1 salesperson! Multiply this by your entire dealership and then ask yourself?
Why haven't I gotten ahold of Curtis yet for more information on this Tier 4 Marketing he keeps talking about?
Tier 4 Marketing is the cheapest advertising you can possibly do with your highest return on investment! Don't just "HOPE" your dealership to more sales.
If you want to learn more about me or more about Tier 4 Marketing please check out the following links.
Who Is Curtis Mandeville and What Can He Offer Your Dealership
A Virtual Tour of Tier 4 Marketing
You can text me at (519)852-8249, email me at [email protected] or message me here to get started! Don't waste money by waiting for the new year, start Tier 4 Marketing at your dealership NOW!