Deal with laptop Keyboard fault

Deal with laptop Keyboard fault

My laptop has few faulty keys that those faulty keys get pressed automatically and sporadically, and don't let me type anything.

Due to the model incompatibility keypad is irreplaceable.

Applied the first principle mindset, so whenever there is faulty key get pressed sporadically it will be the keyboard driver or some software that decode the data and present into operating system, started looking for the driver or utility that handles the keycode and corresponding meaning, and found this solution, it made my day.

// Running this command to display the "keycode" for each key in the laptop keypad

For ex: Num1 -> keycode is 87

Num2 -> keycode is 88

Num. -> keycode is 91 for dot key

xev -event keyboard        

// My faulty key is decimal point/dot which has the keycode 91 found from above command

Create a file ~/.Xmodmap

keycode 91=NoSymbol        

Run xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

To make it permanent write "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" in the end of ~/.bashrc file

And finally problem solved year old problem



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