Deal with confusion by having a strong identity.
Vivek (Life Coach)
Emotional well being Unlocking true potential Getting clarity Setting your priorities right Gaining confidence Moving on
Having a strong purpose in life is very crucial. “The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere, is to be nowhere.” ―Michel de Montaigne. That’s why one of the first steps to be successful is to connect with oneself. When we connect with oneself, we start to understand our inclinations, nature and the things for which we have passion. Based on our nature and passion, we need to choose our roles and make our identity. On social level and also on the occupational level, we have many identities like a parent or child or spouse or a businessman or an administrator or a warrior and only when we strongly identify with our role, we don’t get confused in our actions. In absence of identifying with our role, we lose the purpose and a state of weakness and indecision start bothering us.
If a warrior has to face his own teacher and grandfather as the opponent, to not get confused in his purpose the warrior has to identify more with the identity of a warrior than as a student or grandson. Otherwise, the state of weak-mindedness and indecision will follow.
One of the toughest things is to take care of so many things at home as a homemaker but if a woman in the role of a homemaker is not identifying with this role very strongly and confidently, she may start thinking what am I doing with my life? On another hand, if she is feeling that this is how I want to contribute in my life and this is what is my passion and it gives me the fulfillment of my life then she will not be confused at all while seeing the other members of society doing others things.
If we don’t connect with oneself and find our identity and purpose our life will be like a ship without rudder which will be lost in this world in a state of confusion because of lack of clarity and direction.
Vivek Bansal.