Deadman’s Chest - What the hell is an NFT?

Deadman’s Chest - What the hell is an NFT?

In the week dated 4 - 9 April 2022, The Coffin Dance NFT was auctioned for 327 Eth (1.06 M USD) -

This made Africa stand up and notice and the question in everybody's lips was – what the hell is an NFT?

Four questions come up and this article is going to try and give answers to those questions:

1) What the hell is an NFT?

2) How do you create them?

3) How do you sell them?

4) Why do people buy them?

So here we go!!

1) What the hell is an NFT?

An NFT?is a digital unique item – there is no other digitally identical copy. It is a one-off.

The NF stands for non-Fungible – read that as not interchangeable, not identical to anything else anywhere.

T stands for token – a token like the shilling you have in your hand represents something else – the money you have in your pocket is token money. It represents a promise.

And so NFT is a unique representation of something else.

The "something else" can be anything you want it to be. A painting, a picture, a song, a video, a speech, text, a drawing, anything, and everything.

2) How do you create them?

2.1 The item to be turned into an NFT could have been born digital or physical.

2.2 If it was born physically, then a digital representation must be created – for example, a sculpture of my grandparents – it must be turned into digital format – that is?I could take good photos of it, or draw it digitally, or both.

2.3 With the digital copy then you tokenize it.

2.3.1 That is you create a cryptography hash of it.

2.3.2 A harsh is a unique summary of a digital item, that is produced using cryptography.

2.4 That harsh is stored in a blockchain so that anybody can view it and verify it.

2.5 And those are the steps to create an NFT:

– Create it;

- Digitize it (if it was not born digital – if it was not created in a digital format);

- Tokenize it (that is hash it); and finally;

- Store the token on a blockchain so that the world can verify it.

3) How do you sell them?

3.1 How do I sell my goats or my arrowroots (I love the small dry ones from Muranga) – I take them to the appropriate market.

3.2 The market could be open or closed, it could be a market where I just display my arrow roots or an auction market.

A Side-Chain A

  • Remember when the settlers wanted the native's cows, yes, what did they do. The agriculture would guy decided the cows were too many and thus degrading the rangeland, hence they needed to be culled and auctioned off.
  • Now, my grandfather did not know what an auction was or how it worked, and so, he was turned into a pauper.

If you are reading this, then you possess some powerful magic – you can read.?Use it wisely and diligently, and have fun while at it – that is love and cherish failing, remove the shame in failing. Try this, read that, try that – never say never, try everything twice (Bryan Adams, 18 Till I die).

3.3 You sell NFT at NFT listing markets or NFT auctions markets.

3.4 NFT markets are online.

They can have an auction day, and some people can come over to the auction house, others can call in their bids (see the movie Best Offer), while others can place their bids online.

4 Why do people buy them?

People buy NFT because they are;

4.1 Unique

They represent one and only one thing.

A Side-Chain B

  • The Blacklist, season 5 episode 4 (Google it, open the Wikipedia) – The Endling
  • There is a girl there, she knew how to pump up the volume, ehh, the price of items by making them unique.?When you google, you should end up around here:
  • Unique items are pricey and historically their prices have always appreciated – a van Gogh, a Picasso, a Monet, a Manet, you name it, a unique item, that which cannot be duplicated, heck, we humans value them.
  • Notice the highest price paid for virginity by a stranger – 3.7m USD. In California USA. What was he paying for – an NFT.

4.2 Status

It makes the owner feel nice about themselves because of the status the item be-stores on them.

4.3 It is a new form of art that might in time appreciate in value or depreciate

4.4 It is a gamble and people love to gamble.

Those are the four answers I just gave to my mother to explain to her how a coffin dance video can fetch over 110 million Kenya Shillings.

5 Extra Bonus Points - We pip slightly under the hood

5.1 Digitally Unique Items

if you draw a circle of radius r, it has three unique items

  1. The radius, R;
  2. The line (lets call it border);
  3. The space enclosed inside the circle – the area.

Now we can fill the area of the circle with any color we want.

The number of different unique colors we can choose is 16,777,216 different colors.

In an RGB color scheme, each primary color has 256 different digital shades (16 x 16 - each color is represented by a two hex number, - a hex is 0 to letter e, that is 16 digits)

And since RGB is three colors, that is 256 x 256 x256, ehh, 16.78 million different unique colors.

Enter the borderline – now that can also have 16.78 e6 different digital colors.

Next is the width of the line, then the?type of line, say all in all 20 different choices.

So, holding the radius constant we can have 16.78m x 16.78m x 20 unique digital circles of radius R.

That is approximately 5.6 x 10 power 15 (5.6e15) unique complete undivided circles of fixed radius R.

So when you draw it, give it different building blocks – parts, pieces, that you can address uniquely and change their colors and hues – with many addressable parts the same basic form (say Apes) can produce many unique and bizarre apes.

5.2 A Hashing Demo

A hash is one way, you cannot generate the original message from a hash.

A hash takes a variable-length message (any digital item) and generates a fixed length outcome depending on the algorithm and compression function used.

A hash is easy to compute, can be applied to any size of data, will output a fixed length output, and does not collide with each other – that is no two different inputs will produce the same hash and finally given a hash you cannot reproduce the original data – that is, hashes travel only one way.

Now that we have an idea of what a has is, let us take some data and hash it.

Remember the paragraph in Wikipedia about Blacklist season 5 episode 4 – we copy it,?starting from “Liz and the Taskforce….” all the way to the last full stop at “…. unknown person and the suitcase with the remains is taken."

We put it in a word document?and save it as Demo1.pdf

Make sure there is nothing after the last full stop, not even a blank space, the cursor should just be after the full stop

Open and attach it there, chose MD5 as your hashing algorithm.

It produces a 32 bit MD5 hash: 48B0A4CAE51DC90B9D77847E0CAEFE0C

Now delete the last fullstop, save it again as Demo1.pdf

drop it at

The new hash is: 8745B8840D64A3C287A849F54131DE77

Compare these two hashes:

Hash 1: 48B0A4CAE51DC90B9D77847E0CAEFE0C

Hash 2: 8745B8840D64A3C287A849F54131DE77

Changing a full stop in the text, has changed the whole thing.

Hence hashes ensure uniqueness, they produce a token that points to a unique digital item. By the way, those two hashes above, those are tokens. They are Nonfungible tokens. NFTs.

So imagine I draw something, or make some sound and record it, or write something – like the Twitter guy with his first tweet – if I am the creator, when I tokenize what I have created – that token, that hash is unique.

When I auction or sell, I will be selling that hash, for it points at a unique item that I created.

5.3 Where Can You Create NFTs and Sell Them

I love what Microsoft did with the graphical user interface – it made the computer accessible to laggards like me – otherwise, computers were the province of wizards and accessible only via command-line interfaces - you had to type what you want, there was no point and click to open, you typed a command to do that.

The same Windows magic is happening in the world of NFTs and the other related sisters.

Step 1 – Create in digital format what you want to sell.

Step 2 – Choose where you want to sell it.

Option 1: Where everybody is selling:

– , one-time set-up fees 70 – 400 USD, gas fees (transaction fees), commission on sales 2.5%, royalty of 10% on subsequent resells.

– ,?one-time set-up fees of 3 – 40 USD, gas fees, commission on sales 2.5%, royalty of 10% on subsequent resells.

Option 2: Free

- Polygon

- Flow Blockchain

The Downside of free is?you are limited to what you can do, but they keep improving every month.

Step 3 – Create your crypto wallet

- MetaMask:

- CoinBase : it has a setup fee.

Step 4 – Link your crypto wallet to Opensea or Rarible.

Step 5 – Create your NFTs.

Step 6 – In?Opensea or Rarible, click sell it – this authorizes them to sell it.


My recommendation at this stage – create a tribe around something - a mboghi of something (me it would be like mboghi ya sheng, a tribe of people who love sheng), whatever, like the ape club, that should help offset the Opensea and Rarible initial set up fees and help create hype. Hype and learning at low or zero cost are critical.

Don't fear to be creative – like that California girl auctioning her virginity – so borrow, mix it, give it a twist, try it out, repeat again, and make it original and unique to the core, make it yours, and don't forget to have lots of fun when doing all this.

Thank you.


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