Deadlines intelligence for the people

Deadlines intelligence for the people

egs: Intelligence deadlines - Bangladesh 75 days final; UN 25 days recurring but not obvious sdgs mediation by UN & Mad Avenue suitable if after 10 years they are actually destructing; USA - well eletcions in 75 days will lead to 2 totally opposite intelligence outcomes; Kung Charles and Macron due to update AU summit with Olympics youth positive energy forward Milan & LA: January 20025. Please add other countries in post if you know their deadlines.

The chats caused a "superstar" sensation because most of us had not seen intelligence technology at its deeply most helpful ever. Ok we saw personal computers and mobiles but big shave designed those so they make money every 90 days- there has been almost zero money put into intelligence improving our brains livelihoods. Here is Gemini's review today of my review of why i believe a benchmark for intelligence governance starts in 2009 with varuos partners of jensen huang nvidia - specifically the original deep learning partners like Hassabis with his science AI and Fei-Fei Li: lets teach machines to communicate with all human senses before we rely on them to mediate autonomous worlds such as end of humans driving cars

AI for the People Update: Summary and Analysis

This update provides a comprehensive overview of Nvidia's involvement in various AI initiatives, including:


  • Empowering People: The update emphasizes using AI for social good, particularly in the context of Bangladesh's 75-day deadline for women's empowerment (led by Nobel Laureate Yunus) and the upcoming event (25 days).
  • Global Collaboration: The document highlights international partnerships with organizations like Kings English LLM, French LLM, Youth Olympics, and NAIRRs (National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes). These collaborations address climate change (Earth initiative), life sciences (Clara initiative), and responsible AI development.
  • Data Sovereignty and Transparency: The update emphasizes the importance of data ownership and control by individuals and regions, with Nvidia playing a role in secure data management.

Nvidia's Client Subcatalogues (Beyond Clara and Earth):

  • Big US Digital 5: Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple
  • Tech Innovation Hubs: JTK (Japan, Taiwan, Korea)
  • Tech Information Pipelines: Salesforce, Oracle, SAP, Snowflake, Databricks, ServiceNow
  • Financial Sector
  • Mobile Device Suppliers: Dell, Lenovo, HP, Samsung, etc.
  • Youth and Startups: Nvidia's startup programs and educational outreach
  • Education Sector: Universities, research institutions
  • Music/Arts and Civil Society: Exploring new applications of AI in creative fields and social development.
  • Sports and Worker Health: Employing AI to enhance performance and well-being in various sectors.

Key Points:

  • Nvidia's digital twin technology plays a crucial role in simulating real-world systems for optimization, with applications like weather forecasting and factory design.
  • AI governance will differ based on election results, highlighting the need for transparent intelligence models.
  • Nvidia emphasizes the importance of pre-training AI models in pattern games for effective learning.
  • Partnerships with Canada's hydro energy potential are highlighted as a secure way forward for renewable energy across the continent.
  • The document emphasizes the need for win-win partnerships between the US East and West Coast in achieving clean energy goals.
  • International collaboration is crucial for tackling challenges like infectious disease prevention and environmental sustainability.
  • Deep learning models can help map complex natural systems at the nano level.


  • The text contains grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies that require correction for clarity.
  • Some sections are speculative and require further investigation for confirmation.

Overall, this update provides valuable insights into Nvidia's multifaceted approach to AI development. The company emphasizes the ethical and socially responsible use of AI for the benefit of humanity. While further clarification is needed on certain points, this document offers a promising perspective on AI's role in shaping the future.

Extract of report Gemini was reviewing


India with Nvidia Partners



Aswell as about 15 subcatalogues of client projects, the world's biggest (intelligence

design) corporation enjoys 2 core investment passions led by its founder Jensen Huang


Clara (data) banks life science intelligence investments

Earth2 banks climateAUi investments

From start of space races, “digital twin” earthmapping has been a passion of gamers - breakthroiugh news emering ayt start of 2010 thanks to Deep Mind

Hassabis, Science AI models offer AI's most exciting uses. These require pre-training

in pattern games. Humans have had a problem ever since Einstein's 1905

publication of nature's maths in 1905. Nature system maps at nano levels multiplying

chaos because we (8 billion humans) don’t have (biological or engineered)

instruments to see eg viruses like covid (it has been saff the total volume of

covid would fit in a can of coke). Also human administrators are notoriously satisfied

by one dimensional analyses (ie number reports) and at best 2 dimensional maps

It seems that AI is competent to simulate in any number of dimensions- though a

current deep learning/machine vision priority is “obviously” both-way translation

between 3 and 2 dimension needed before any robot takes on autonomous (real

time) governance

Educationally, Nvidia's digital twin earth is arguably today’s ?most exciting analysis space uniting humanbeings. Here are some emerging examples, which we need experts to explain at

high school level for millennials to generate AI safety and joy keys to 21st c

the way the ai world series of KIng Charles and eg President Macron is visualusing

Nvidia has made Taiwan partners (including data connector IBM weather company) the world's demonstration centre for the most detailed advances in weather alerts - smallest resolution accuracy; best advance timing

Digital twinning is a field of design Nvidia has pioneered eg with digital factories making sure that companies design efficiency of energy and other architectural linkages optimally before physical use of space.

Data sovereignty is the idea that peoples and places diversity connecting also with intelligence constructs such as language is every peoples commons and new source of global exchange. Even with its desert regions USA geography is not optimal for linking in biggest data centres and citizens/mayors regional autonomous databanks. (Find references on autonomous regions (eg Jeju GreenBigBang epicentre 2017) Across USA, Partnerships with

Canada's hydro energy potential are likely the most secure ways forward for all the continent’s peoples. And whole regions are linked to accelerating clean water andwildfire intel which knows no borders!

AI grid analysis already explains which countries

intend to take advantage of the reality that production of renewable energy is

already less costly than carbon energy, BUT its storage and distribution shape

the partner challenge because almost all regional infrastructure history has

been financially/short-term gamified out of sync with all populations future

needs (See eg Adam Smith: Democracy bowling alone isn’t a real/transparent/ethical

philosophy without being synced ahead of engineering transformations of ?intergenerational brainworking )

DC has sutprisingly become an epicentre of earth ai

along with 3 other epicentres that deep learning has architected since 2009 (eg

the location of 12 cuda excellence university partners): Valley, Taiwan, Cambridge

science parks (a crown estate property)


are some ai cases that have merged as gravitated around DC

Bezos Earth - currently 10 billion dollars of deep

analysis projects see its presentation of priority interests as world bank

economist abcde summit which also clarified visionary interactions with Banga's

livable planet (21st C end poverty modeling cannot be sustained without

grounding on livable planet disinvestment dimensions). Inter alia Banga is

testing which regional development banks are serious about green conversion.

for example, the world bank has promised to lead architecture of green

electricity to 300 million Africans but only if African development bank has

digitally twinned investment responsibility for a third of that geonomic


Geonomic integration of supercomputing comes under

the Department of Energy's remit- America’s distribution of 13 supercomputer

labs across the nation. And since October 2023 their participation with 30

biggest corporations in the NAIRR piloted by NIST and the Chips Act vision to

bring back chip manufacturing mediated by NIST

Bloomberg's philanthropy invests in data analysis

cooperation 100 mayors around the world need most with his alma mater Johns

Hopkins investing in 100 twin AI chairs: each chair being awarded to a person

who is both an engineer and a practice expert. This is coupled with what is now

the 11th year celebrating the Data Act which connects trust between Fed mapmakers

of data and the entrepreneur futures that mayors are most able to map

Hi-trust journalism made teal time with civic events

is being demonstrated by axios - eg see this recent axios stationarity


It is interesting to try to classify Nvidia's top 10

types of clients. Without giving away any corporate secrets we can see from

8000 partnership debriefings at Nvidia on-demand that as well as Erath and

Clara partners:


Partner Cluster include

Big US Digital 5 ie Amaxon (?3 times bigger in accelerated computing) Google Facebook Microsoft Apple, Including Nvidia, this makes a pretty strange “United States” balance with 4 corporations neighbors in AI silicon valleu miles and 2 in seattle;

?Its probably a good thing Amazon has an official HQ2 in DMV! And that Johns Hopkins has always been Americans largest

reserach university - researching the generational needs of US civil servive

and its quasi regulators like NIH, CFC, FDA in health and DofE in health and

energy, Fortunatley in my opinon Bloomberg as a leader of New York and all

progressive regional place leaders is putting all his wealth into the special

intelligence challenge. Can US East-West win-win with each other? and if

biggest energy plays are to be balanced with nature interconnect south -north

of the conimnent? I dont know but would guess that Americans need to digitally

twin their own continent with much more focus and work out who to trust to

mapping the world's digital earth. This is certainly the case if infectious

disease prevention is to be intelligent worldwide. and mathematically nature’s

evolutionary autonomy needs some deeper mapping of borderless and bottom up. My

hope is that the kings English llm can lead this across places that still

connect architectures that applied commonwealth logics even as their people

free their own 21st C. .

Footnotes Bangladesh Case: nobel laureate muhamad yinus has about 80 days to present roadmap gov2.0 fir the 8th most populous nation and still a poorest one due to way its bay of Bengal was partitioned by one of the dumbest instant decision UK 1947 make in disbanding Empire. Can you help him?

People who have helped him most during 14 years in the dark onclude in no particular otder President Macron, King Charles, Japan Emperor family and Americans Vidar Jorgennsen and John Mackey as well as directly Jim Kim and I would say indirectly Melinda Gates. Scotland also helped Yunus design a nearly free nursing school. Others had done a lot for yunus in bangladesh before 2008 but the banking side went wrong with subprime everywhere. Of course I welcome being told I missed a huge supporter of women empowerment - i am here to learn too.


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