Dead Reckoning - Significance, Is It Mission:Impossible Or Mission:Possible?
Robert Carroll
Continuous Improvement and Leadership Consulting “My own self, at my very best, all the time".
Our life is the sum of our choices. ~ Quote from Dead Reckoning
How we impact others is a choice...
Success as a Manager is when I add value to myself. Significance as a Leader is when I add value to others.
Here's the point...
This mission of yours is going to cost you dearly. ~ (quote from Mission Impossible:Dead Reckoning)
While at the airport recently, I pondered my efforts to drive TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE in organizations through their respective Managers. It became painfully clear that for lasting, sustainable change to thrive in needy organizations, the transformation of Leaders' hearts is imperative.
As a result, I say...
Change = V*D*A
Transformative Change = three elements. Vision for a better future, Dissatisfaction for the status quo, and Action taken to move toward transformation. As in any multiplication, algebraic equation, If any of the elements on the right of the equation is zero, then everything to the left of the equation is zero. In this particular example formula, if any one element is zero, if there is NO Vision, NO Dissatisfaction or NO Action, the resultant Change will susequently be zero. It requires some level of moving the needle on all three.
The burden of transformation falls at the desk of the Leader!
I asked myself, "How can I effectively enact true, lasting change if the Manager's heart is not one of true Leadership? Here's what I know, "Success rises and falls on Leadership." I came to this conclusion; It's the Law of The Lid. "The success and sustainability of transformative change within any organization is limited by the Leader's level of Character and Influence."
Here's where the inspiration for the theme of this article, taking flight like a phoenix, arose from the ashes of my dissapointment. I humbly submit the following thoughts in hopes of inspiring others to their "Mission:Critical" acknowledgement - True, lasting change can only transition from "Mission:Impossible" to "Mission:Possible" to the extent the Leader demonstrates Integrity, and is a Promoter or Pinnacle Level Influencer.
Unveiling the Essence: Manager vs. Leader - The Mission of Significance
In the thrilling world of "Mission:Impossible," Ethan Hunt maneuvers through high-stakes missions, embodying the epitome of agility, courage, and resilience. But amidst the adrenaline-pumping adventures lies a profound truth—a distinction between a Manager and a Leader that transcends the realm of mere titles and responsibilities.
A Manager operates within the boundaries of tasks and objectives, steering the ship toward the shores of accomplishment. They ensure deadlines are met, strategies executed, and objectives achieved.
A Manager views winning the hearts of his/her people as a drudgery rather than a privilege. I like to use the term "I Get To" as opposed to "I Have To". Managers default to the attitude, "I have to" do thus-and-so. They view the wonderful privilege of inspiring and mentoring lasting, sustainable improvement?in the lives of those they influence as a dreaded task, a "Mission:Impossible."
Yet, the Leader, oh, the Leader stands amidst the chaos not as a navigator but as a beacon of inspiration, guiding not just actions but igniting the spirits of those around. The true Leader approaches challenges with the mindset of "I Get To." He/she views the challenges of motivating others as a privilege to add value to others. Leadership isn't about grandiose proclamations or commandeering authority. It's a choice—a commitment, an act of the will, to serve, sacrifice, and elevate those under your wing. It’s found in the subtle gestures, the moments of unwavering support, and the dedication to cultivating a culture of growth and excellence.
Love = A choice of our will to serve and sacrifice for those we are privileged to influence. ~ Rob Carroll
The Leader views the privilege to positively impact the lives of others as "Mission:Possible." The true mission that echoes beyond the confines of directives and schedules is the quest for significance. As a Leader, your arsenal doesn’t solely consist of directives and guidelines; it's the power to transform, uplift, and empower.
Remember, as a Leader, your mission, should you choose to accept it, isn't a mere checklist of goals. It transcends success beyond climbing the corporate ladder or the organizational chart—it's about significance through creating a lasting impact. It's about leaving footprints in the hearts and minds of those you lead.
I encourage you to embrace the mission of significance. It's in the mentorship that molds careers, the encouragement that fuels aspirations, and the selflessness that cultivates a sense of purpose. In the tapestry of Leadership, the threads of service, empathy, and inspiration weave the fabric of triumph.
Significance is not defined by what you get, but what you give.?
Mission:Possible? Absolutely.
Not through the grandeur of schemes or the pursuit of personal glory, but by choosing the path of selfless Leadership. Each day is an opportunity, a mission to create an impact beyond measure—one that resonates, empowers, and transforms.
As you navigate the high-stakes world of Leadership, remember, your legacy isn’t defined by what you achieve, but by how you empower others to achieve. Your mission isn’t just to make the impossible possible; it's to make the meaningful, the impactful, and the lasting a reality. Embrace the mission of significance, where serving others becomes your ultimate victory.
Each day that passes, I become more and more frustrated regarding companies whose Mission:Critical commander is merely a "Manager" rather than a "Leader." My definition of a "Manager" is one who controls systems, finances, objectives, processes or tasks. Management is more about keeping your people in the "Cross-Hairs" looking for them to do something wrong rather than building them up to achieve what's right.
Your actions as a manager shout so loudly I cannot hear what you say.
Firstly, lacking listening skills hampers understanding. Leadership involves comprehending the perspectives, concerns, and ideas of others. When a Manager doesn't listen effectively, they miss crucial information, leading to misinformed decisions and disconnected teams.
Secondly, ineffective communication diminishes trust and rapport. Listening is the cornerstone of building trust. When Managers don't listen, it signals a lack of respect and care for their team's input. This erodes trust and weakens the bond between the Manager and their team.
Lastly, lack of communication stifles innovation and growth. Effective Leaders encourage diverse ideas and viewpoints. Managers operate without effective listening skills, great ideas go unheard, stifling creativity and hindering the discovery of innovative solutions critical for an organization's growth.
In contrast, a "Leader" is one who doesn't cower under pressure, but leads people from the front. A Leader is one who inspires and influences his/her people propelling them to excellence embracing a common vision or goal. Additionally, Leadership is about walking slowly through the crowd and looking for individuals who do things with excellence. It's not about seeking to be in-charge, but about accepting the ultimate responsibility to develop and nurture those in our charge.
Ultimately, effective communication from Leadership requires transparent transmission of ideas, goals, and expectations. Efficient, effective communication yields clarity, dispells confusion, and leads to ubiquitous understanding and aligned efforts.
Secondly, great communication breeds engagement. Leaders with good communication skills never struggle to connect with their teams. This connection embelishes motivation, engagement, and ultimately, undergirds productivity. Employees need clear, engaging communication to feel valued and understand their role in the broader vision.
Lastly, communication fosters growth and development. Effective communication is pivotal in coaching and guiding individuals to reach their potential. Effective, timely feedback delivers profound impact, mentoring and learning opportunities flourish, and the overall growth trajectory of both the team and the organization is propelled upward and forward.
Here's what I know,
What gets rewarded gets repeated and what gets repeated gets rewarded.
"Mission:Impossible" - Success, The Leader's Journey to Adding Value to Themselves Only
Allow me to exploit three characteristics that define a "Manager's" fallacies in effective leadership and whose pinnacle goal results in PERSONAL SUCCESS only.
Point 1. Lack of Integrity:
In the landscape of leadership, integrity stands as the bedrock upon which trust and credibility are built. A dearth of integrity in a leader is akin to a crumbling foundation beneath a grand edifice. When a leader lacks integrity, their actions fail to align with their words, eroding the trust of their followers. Integrity is not a mere attribute; it's the backbone of effective leadership. Without it, a leader's influence diminishes, and their capacity to lead authentically is severely compromised. As I often assert, "Character makes trust possible. And trust makes leadership possible."
Point 2. Failure to Empower Others:
Great leaders understand the essence of empowerment. They comprehend that their success hinges not merely on personal accomplishments but on their ability to elevate others. A poor Leader, however, falls short in empowering those within their sphere of influence. They hoard responsibilities, micromanage, and stifle the growth of their team members. True Leadership is not about asserting dominance; it's about fostering an environment where individuals thrive, learn, and contribute meaningfully.
Leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge. ~ John Maxwell
Point 3. Inability to Adapt and Innovate:
The world of Leadership exists within a dynamic, ever-evolving landscape. Poor leaders often falter when confronted with change, clinging stubbornly to outdated methods and ideologies. They lack the foresight to embrace innovation and adapt to shifting paradigms. In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to pivot, innovate, and lead through uncertainty is imperative. As I frequently emphasize, "Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. Choose wisely." A Leader's capacity to lead through change and champion innovation separates the mediocre from the exceptional.
A Leader's integrity, capacity to empower others, and ability to adapt and innovate are pivotal indicators of their efficacy. A lack thereof not only hampers personal Leadership growth but also impedes the progress and success of those under their guidance. Leadership is a continual journey of growth, empowerment, and adaptability—an odyssey that demands integrity as its compass.
I would like to challenge each of us to think about the following:
In the theme of "Dead Reckoning", we are each racing toward eternity. One day we will give an account for our choices. Many look to their Leader for direction and inspiration. I trust you understand,
Our choices today define our consequences tomorrow. ~ Ria Story
Only what's done for Christ will last...
Only one life, a few brief years, Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears; Each with its clays I must fulfill, living for self or in His will; Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on her casket from beginning to the end. He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years. For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth and now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.
The Dash Between The Dates - A Poem?~ Linda Ellis
"For it matters not, how much we own, the cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard; Are there things you would like to change?
For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what is true and real
and always try to understand the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives like we have never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile,
Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read with your life’s actions to rehash…
Would you be proud of the things they say about how you spent your dash?"
"Mission:Possible" - The Leader's Journey to Significance Through Adding Value to Others
Allow me to exploit three characteristics that define a "Leader" whose pinnacle goal is living for SIGNIFICANCE. It's about Redefining the Mission - The Dash Between The Dates: A Leader's Mission For OTHERS' SIGNIFICANCE.
Point 1: Redefining the Mission - The Power of the Dash
In the thrilling world of espionage, missions in "Mission:Impossible" are defined by adrenaline-pumping tasks. However, the true mission that resonates is the significance of the dash between birth and death dates. As a leader, your privilege lies not in the timing of your life but in the impact you make within that dash. Consider this: the dash represents the moments, the connections, the contributions you make while alive. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fill that dash with purpose, kindness, and lasting influence. It's not about the duration; it's about the depth and breadth of the difference you create.
Point 2: Living in the Present - Embracing the Mission of Now
Just as Ethan Hunt seizes the moment in his missions, a leader's privilege is to seize the present to make a difference. The past is a chapter written, the future an unwritten tale. But the present, that's your canvas. Your mission is to paint it with acts of kindness, mentorship, and selfless service. Every interaction, every decision becomes a part of your legacy. Embrace the mission of the now, for it's in the present that you have the power to shape lives, inspire greatness, and leave an indelible mark on the world.
Point 3: Significance in Service - Leaving a Legacy
Ethan Hunt's missions often involve leaving no trace, but as a Leader, your mission involves leaving a lasting legacy. The true significance lies not in the grandeur of accomplishments but in the lives you touch and the difference you make. Your privilege as a Leader is to serve, to uplift, and to empower. It's about investing in the growth and development of those around you, ensuring that your influence outlasts your time. Your dash becomes a testament to the lives impacted, the hearts touched, and the Leaders inspired.
Conclusion: Embrace the Mission of Significance in the Dash
In the high-stakes world of "Mission:Impossible", the true mission of significance lies not in evading danger but in embracing the opportunities to impact others. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fill that dash between your life's dates with purpose, love, and service.
Remember, it's not about the span of years but about the depth of impact. The dash represents the moments where you transform lives, inspire change, and leave an enduring legacy. Embrace the mission of significance in the dash, for therein lies the true essence of leadership and lasting influence. Mission: Possible? Absolutely, when you make every moment count.
Dead Reckoning: A Poem
"In the realm of leadership's quest,
Where impact hides in every test,
The mission's not in fear's embrace,
But in the dash, life's boundless space.
In the echoes of risk, where shadows loom,
In the high-stakes world, where destinies zoom,
Leadership's true mission, beyond what's seen,
Not in dodging danger, but where hearts convene.
The pulse of purpose, the creed to impart,
In the dash of life, where legacies start,
Love as the beacon, service the guide,
Where possibilities in the brave reside.
Amidst the chaos, a clarion call,
To inspire, uplift, to stand tall.
In that dash between life's set times,
Lies the symphony of the greatest climbs.
In each beat, a chance to unfold,
To craft a tale, a saga untold.
A mission alive, where courage sings,
In the quest to touch, where hope takes wings.
Embrace the challenge, the mission's rhyme,
In the dash, create your paradigm.
For in that space, where moments last,
Leadership thrives, impact is cast.
'Tis not the years, but what's endowed,
In moments lived, in deeds avowed,
The dash between, where true worth gleams,
A legacy forged in daring dreams.
To lead is to serve, to love, to spark,
In every moment, leave a mark.
Influence lasting, change unfurled,
In that dash lies the world's true pearl.
Mission: Possible? Without a doubt,
In each heartbeat, a mission devout.
For significance thrives in every bout,
In the dash, where your impact shouts."
Crafting the Vision - Your Ultimate Mission Blueprint
Every great mission begins with a vision, a blueprint for success. Picture this: you, the Leader, stepping into a world where achieving the impossible is the norm. Just like Ethan Hunt meticulously plans his mission, crafting a compelling vision demands precision, clarity, and audacity.
As a "Leader", your vision isn't just about a destination; it's about rallying your team around a shared, end-game purpose. Set the stage for the seemingly impossible by painting a vivid picture of the future, fueling their passion, and igniting the fire within each team member.
Inspiring the Team - Assembling Your Elite Force
Ethan Hunt's team is a testament to the power of collaboration, diversity, and trust. Similarly, as a Leader, your success lies in the strength of your team. To inspire them, you must embody the values you seek, setting the tone for dedication, perseverance, and excellence.
Empower your team, equip them with the tools they need, and watch as their potential unfolds. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to inspire, motivate, and unite them towards a common goal, fostering an environment where their unique talents flourish.
Significance Through Service - Elevating Others Above Self
In the heart of the "Mission:Impossible" series lies a key principle: the mission isn't about one person; it's about serving a greater cause. Likewise, with true Leadership, significance is found in selflessness, in sacrificing personal ambitions for the greater good.
When you choose to serve those under your influence, you transcend mere Leadership; you become a catalyst for transformation. Elevating others above self is not just a choice; it's the heartbeat of significance. The more you invest in their growth, development, and success, the more profound your legacy becomes.
Conclusion: Embrace Your Mission of Significance
In the thrilling world of "Mission:Impossible," Ethan Hunt embarks on daring missions against all odds. Yet, the real mission that resonates is the quest for significance. As a leader, you hold the power to make the impossible possible, not through grand schemes but through the choice to serve, sacrifice, and elevate those you lead.
Remember, your mission, should you choose to accept it, isn't just about achieving goals; it's about creating a lasting impact. Embrace the mission of significance, where serving others becomes your ultimate victory.
Mission:Possible? Absolutely, when you choose the path of Selfless Leadership.
If you'll recall, in the high-stakes world of Mission:Impossible, the true quest of significance lies not in evading danger but in embracing the opportunities to impact others. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fill that dash between your life's dates with purpose, love, and service.
Remember, it's not about the span of years but about the depth of impact. The dash represents the moments where you transform lives, inspire change, and leave an enduring legacy. Race toward your destiny! Embrace the mission of significance in the dash, for therein lies the true essence of leadership and lasting influence.
Should you choose to embrace it, may this article be your "Mission:Critical", igniting the fire of inspiration and empowerment, propelling you toward a life of Leadership Significance on your journey ahead to "Mission:Possible".
Mission:Possible? Absolutely, when you, as a Leader, make every moment count!
Robert J. Carroll Jr.