Dead Give Away Words

Dead Give Away Words

You know you have quality people in positions of responsibility at Departments or Ministries of Education when in their papers, proposals, policies and websites- you do not see these words: "delivery", "training", and "scale". Such language is a dead give away, that the writers have skipped the reading of important educational literature. Such words, for instance, cannot be found in Dewey's or Holt's many contributions - as there was a grounded realization that students and teachers are not 'empty' vessels - for outside textbook writers and software companies to fill in. Our learners are 3D human beings wired for scaffolding - but we must understand there is a limit to how much weight (volume of curriculum) you can pile on any learner (young person or adult). When folks use such words, they are naive to such understandings, and as such their words on their documents and websites are 'dead giveaways' for me as to the novice and less developed nature of the message. These words are triggers, and indicators of a need for a deeper education (not training)... Have you scanned your messages/documents for these triggers in your work? Maybe we can teach Ai to help out folks - by digitally 'flagging' them in what seems way too prolific, in writings from educational leaders today.

