Dead-end Relationship

Dead-end Relationship

Dead-ends: That end of a road from which you can’t go any further.

There are a lot of dead-ends in life. Dead-end roads, dead-end jobs and, perhaps the most painful of them all, dead-end relationships.

While all relationships are vulnerable to dead-ends, long-term relationships have the tendency to run the risk of continuing for long even when they should end. Indeed, according to some studies, dead-end relationships outnumber actual working relationships.

The topic of why people stay in long-term relationship, even though the relationship is no longer working anymore, , but one reason is thought to be due to the attachment that is formed over the years spent together. In many cases, we like the stability that a relationship offers – and we are afraid to be alone.

While every relationship waxes and wanes over time, if you suspect that you are in a dead-end relationship, it is a red flag that you should not ignore.


There are many tell-tale signs that you’re in a dead-end relationship. If, even a few of these signs apply to you, it may be time to step back and evaluate your relationship. Although it will be difficult, every person should value his or her time and realize that a relationship which does not bring value to your life is not worth being a part of.

Do you find that you’re not happy?

Even more importantly, do you feel that you would be happier outside this relationship?

You may even be more than simply unhappy; you may also feel sad and you may find yourself breaking down at various points.

Something isn’t right

Do you have a feeling that something isn’t right in your relationship?

That it may be time for the relationship to end but you don’t want to accept the idea? If this has been a persistent feeling, it is not something to ignore.

Bad times outweigh the good

Do you spend more time arguing than actually enjoying each other’s company?

Do you argue about the future?

Do you discuss the future at all?

All of these issues are signs that you may be in a dead-end relationship.

Further, do you try to fix your partner or does your partner try to fix you?

If you argue about the same issues over and over, things aren’t likely to change in the future. Are you willing to accept that? If not, it is time to move on.

Another related sign of a dead-end relationship is one in which you find yourself getting angry at everything your partner does– perhaps even unreasonably angry – when in the past you would have let things go easily.

Relationship has “changed “

Apart from an increase in fights, other dynamics in your relationship may have changed, too.

Perhaps there is more distance, which could manifest itself in a lack of physical intimacy

You could also simply spend less time with each other, and you may even prefer to spend time with your friends instead. 

If you recognize a lot of these signs in your own relationship, it may be time to accept that you’re in a dead-end relationship and take steps to move on.

You want to part on good terms and create a solid foundation so that you can both move on in a healthy way.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.  

Thank you … .Discuss things face-to-face

First and foremost, you should never end a relationship via email, text or any other electronic means.

Be 100% forthcoming and honest about your feelings

Research has suggested that taking the open confrontation approach to breaking up, in which the partner is forthcoming and honest about their feelings, caused the least amount of stress.

This approach is more effective than placing blame on yourself or trying to end things gradually. Once you have committed to moving on, commit to it 100% and see it through.

Want to add word or two? 

It’s best to be direct and honest, it doesn’t mean that you should be harsh or put blame on the other person there’s a balance that you should strive for. At the same time, don’t make promises you can’t keep just to make your ex feel better. It is important to be firm and stick to your ground.

Although it may be tempting to continue getting together as “friends,” this only creates confusion for both people in the aftermath of a breakup. Doubt may begin to seep in. If you live together, make arrangements to move out.

After you have committed to moving on, halt all communication for a month or so, to allow time to process everything.

Your comment ….? 

It can take months for (divorce) partners to move on. The point is that it will take time for both partners to move on – give yourself time to heal from your relationship..

After all, this is the only way you will eventually be able to move on and find yourself engaging in other things. If you are feeling guilty about ending a relationship, then don’t. It’s in the best interest of both the parties.

Relationship anxiety is a real issue that people struggle with. It isn’t just a fear of commitment but actual stress and worry that arise at any stage of a relationship..

This anxiety can actually hinder love lives no matter how badly the person experiencing the anxiety would like to find love.

The worst part is, relationship anxiety can actually grow worse. The mind is very complicated and some minds respond negatively to one of the most enjoyable aspects of life; love.

Rather than taking in every moment, those with relationship anxiety are plagued with worry, fear, doubt and insecurity.


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