Dead or Alive ... are you "Consciousness"
Consciousness (is a Noun)
1. ’The state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.’
2. ‘A person's awareness or perception of something”.
Wikipedia says “Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness or of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.
Max Velmans and Susan Schneider wrote in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness: "Anything that we are aware of at a given moment forms part of our consciousness, making conscious experience at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives”
What is Consciousness?
There is so much interest in the term Conscious and Consciousness and in every part of Modern world, the term is used to mean slightly different shades of an underlying ‘sensation or state of being’ that indicated the same “PATH” as it leads to a larger domain and dimension.’
All Philosophies, Religions, Sects express their supremacy with a connection to Consciousness of greater or higher or deeper intellect and Attuned to harness Power. Here the Intellect is not Education or Knowledge, but a capacity of the being that goes beyond the Brain functions.
For any student practicing spirituality, becoming ‘Conscious’ is a challenge and the expanse of its benefits unknown. Confused or mixed up with other words and what they imply as an experience of sorts. (Image :
I too found this term a bit perplexing and choose to use my own understanding in explaining the different terms, hopefully, to come closer to the magical result of living in a ‘Consciousness’.
I have tried to include few terms and my own explanation for them.
Awareness: spoken terms of ‘how aware we are with our immediate situation’. Awareness borderlines on ‘knowledge’ of the situation and often we fine people saying they are more Conscious about aspects of their day to day life as they are more Aware or Informed about the situation. This Information, Awareness is more close to being ALERT about the immediate environment.
Awareness is also related to being in acceptance of a shade of our emotions and their reaction or influence on others. When we are more ‘aware and conscious’ about the outcome of our actions. This is more close to the “inner awareness’ we deal with in this article.
Self-conscious: The world of I, Me , Myself. It is not really being selfish, but the entire path of Spirituality imbibes the spirit of Knowing Oneself. Being self-conscious would include the acceptance of a state of being where I am a part of a larger ‘WE’ realise our participation in the larger picture of Universal reality. Either we are self-confident that we can manage everything on our own and another’s opinion really does not matter.
Self conscious has significance when being conscious, is knowing, that we play a role dependant on others. That also our actions have an influence on the outcome of things to happen. Having said this, self-conscious becomes the first stepping stone for Self-Consciousness where we begin to discover our True Identity and come closer to the life mission of ‘Who am I”.
Unconscious: The flip to being Conscious, the state of un-motivated, lethargic life forces. Medically it would indicate a state of being non-responsive and yet alive. Our body continues to work without awareness, alertness of the mind. This “unconscious’ working of almost 80% of bodily functions (like metabolic activities, circulation, repair and unknown immunity strength) thankfully are not under our control. Although these activities are influenced by our mental chatter and responses, the reaction is only in our Unconscious state, meaning, happily not under our entire control.
This Unconscious State is deeply influenced by our waking state, perceptions and experiences. Without us really knowing it, the Unconscious learns different habits, likes and dislikes and shows up in response to stimuli which we mostly are not aware of, or accept as ‘our own’. We have been told often enough about the underlying influence of Stress and Negative thinking on our health. If we finish thinking a thought, the impact should also end… but actually, the ‘thought’ has left its impression on our ‘unconscious’ which may very well alter the outcome of the next similar thought. This ‘Unconscious’ is a Bank of information.
In Spiritual terms, this zone, the Unconscious, become an important layer. I feel, it is the zone where our ‘Karma’ is accumulated and dealt with.
Subconscious: We react to circumstances, we dream of situations we have never experienced, we make friends with complete strangers and also have unexplainable fears and aversions (like for many, to cats or spiders). Where does this come from? These are so important for the manner we plan and execute our future.
The inner voice that guides us, that guards us, that instigates us to ‘feel and act’. So often we do something completely different form our natural personality. And are surprised by our own actions. Is this the Subconscious overtaking our reactions?
Meditation is assigned to training of the Subconscious. With practice, we can harness potential powers of Mental strength, harness the capacity of ‘mind over matter’ and can even alter the future with precise, powerful thought focused in the present.
Sub-consciousness, puts us in quite a different layer of energies. The sub-consciousness of our ‘being’ is strongly connected to the Divine Cord leading to Universal Energies. Within the layer of these Universal Energies, everything is absolutely still. Which means, the vastness of this realm is so great, any thought, action, change and ripple is so miniscule, that the stillness is not affected. We can just begin to imagine what it implies, being in touch; with this expanse of greatness.
The known is understood better, the unknown can be researched, but there is the realm of Unknowable where the mind wanders, and for this layer, we need to be in sync with our Super Consciousness.
Super conscious: The term Super itself directs us to understand the layer to be in Higher Dimensions; up and apart from our mundane daily living. Super will mean ‘gifted’ and ‘in touch’ with super natural, out of the world, Higher Dimensions. It also will include the Extra Sensory Perceptions. People with ESP are additionally aware of certain senses, and can derive useful meaning from little hints Nature provides. These heightened Senses can also belong to the layer of Super Conscious.
Super Consciousness, I feel, is the ability to be able to ‘multi task’ like Super Man. Fly, use laser eyesight, listen to the ants heartbeat, deduct the subtle actions of robbers unseen to common eyes, bash the villains black and blue AND still be capable of deep love, grace, compassion and become a symbol of dignity.
We have many such gifted and special people among us. In them Super Consciousness is reflected in their deep insight into matters. They can see through our spoken lies or deceptions and still guide to befitting positive futures, mostly experienced with Guru’s and Saints. They are connected deeply to the Soil, the winds and Inner voices of guiding spirits. Somehow, in coded words, each discourse given by them seems to answer each person’s inner questions at that time.
The Conversation
The Super Consciousness of these individuals can predict natural phenomenon (which take a Season to unfold), they can easily understand the language of the birds, clouds and derive meaningful guidance from the way the winds caress our face.
Every time I have had the fortune of meeting such a Human with a sparkling Super Consciousness, they have emphasized that each one of us, irrespective or age, colour, creed and awareness ARE Super Consciousness’s, and we have only to shed the dust of doubt.
Especially self-doubt to express and experience our super consciousness. They, the Gifted, imbibe the faith of simplicity of Super Consciousness. So deeply connected are these super humans to the Supramental Consciousness, and so content in the merging into this layer of Universal Consciousness, they only want to share it with all. Many want so much to take us by the hand into the realms of Super-Consciousness. Take us deep into the Gnostic realm of energies and beyond energies. Supramental Consciousness, is a term has been coined by Shri Aurobindo in the Philosophies of Integral Yog; Pondicherry, India.
This perceived state of bliss, of being forever cocooned into the ball of peace and overflowing love is what each and every one of us deserve and strive for.
Then, the question to harnessing this higher state arises. We can make changes when we know what it is that needs change and in which direction the change should move to make it beneficial to us in this very life.
So let us start to ponder. This is a learning process and each of us is likely to come up with a different set of answers unique to us.
Philosophy and Mystic Masters do state that We all are ONE, and in the same breath, God has made each of us Unique and Special with our own special agenda and Mission.
If Consciousness and the heightening of Consciousness is essential to accomplish our Missions on Earth, let us ask ourselves:
o What is Consciousness? Is it the same as Conscious and Aware?
o Is it a part of our DNA structure?
o Does it influence the way we handle our daily lives?
o Will blood transfusion from an “Awakened Master” help me reach that ‘Awakened” state earlier?
o Will changing my diet, sleeping schedules and colour of cloths make me “holier or enlightened”?
o Can listening to Prayers, Mantras and mystical notes alter my ‘Inner brain’ to the extent that I lift myself into Super Consciousness?
o How many Books should I read to comprehend the vastness of Universal Consciousness and merge into it fluidly….
o Is it, the ‘Consciousness’ layer each of us express, mental, emotional, or is it Inherent?
o Can Consciousness be Nurtured in an Ashram?
o Will I have to stop sex, alcohol and meats to become Conscious?
o I am Conscious, but how do I express Consciousness?
o Mystical Animals have greater Consciousness than most Humans; do fish meditate?
o Does it change with Age, Pollution, Education, Ethnicity?
What changes Consciousness?
Tangible aspects of Food (Aahar), Living conditions (Vihar), Attire (vihar), Location (Vaastu); 5 sense enhancements of Smell (aroma) Sight (visual triggers idols, photos, colours), Taste (to trigger brain centres like Hemp) Touch (garments, abode) Sound (mantra, music) like in Ashtanga Yog?
The Intangible: Meditation (Dhyaan); Understanding (Ahankara veparit); Devotion (Bhakti); Learning (Djyana); Service (Karma); Awareness (Jagruta); ??????
These are not funny questions, but very real ones being researched as a Science from around the world.
Suddenly there is a spurt in people moving towards consciousness studies. What do we lack to need further? Why do we need to harness the powers of Consciousness?
Whatever is happening, can only be measured by CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR. This alone gives a guideline to what Consciousness can possibly be.
Vedic concepts of Consciousness have been explored by Shi Aurobindo. He states “Consciousness is not only power of awareness of self and things, it is or has also a dynamic and creative energy. It can determine its own reactions or abstain from reactions; it can not only answer to forces, but create or put out from itself forces. Consciousness is “Chit” but also “Chit Shakti”, awareness but also conscious force”.
All the cultures across the World have defines Consciousness in parallel terms. We can choose any of the fundamental teachings from philosophies of the Hebrew Jewish, Chinese, Eskimo, Red Indians, Aborigine, African continents. They all equally respect the vastness of Energy Worlds that encompass everything we know or possibly could ever know. This Consciousness not only nurtures our material and creative forces, it urges all forms of existence from the atom, soil, plant, animal, thought, expression and Prana, to evolve towards Higher expressions of Divinity.
Not a single word of LAW and Religion enter into the realm of Consciousness.
Consciousness is Full Awareness; unbound by Law created to Restrict and Religions created to Overpower. Both Law and Religion are alien to Spirituality.
Consciousness of the Spiritual realm is much Larger than mental and brain doings. It is an Awareness of a Higher Mind or Deeper Dimensions that encompasses aspects of the Being (beyond body) and Spirit.
All Divine realms reach out to Us, in our mortal state, so we can become Immortal in the Consciousness of Cosmic Realities; Dead or Alive !
Sujata Vaidya