Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes
Psychic Medium 'Cassiel', Mystic+ Oracle, Author, Spiritual Counsellor, Akashic Channel, works in Paranormal + Supernatural realms
Now and then I get a whiff of some of the stinky lies, slanders, falsehoods or misrepresentations that people have been telling eachother about me. For example, a couple of months ago I was paying for my petrol at the local garage, and the guy behind the counter, a pleasant enough fellow with freckles and a long red beard tickling his chest, asked me if I was now fully off my crutches and walking cane!
I smiled, even tho' a little taken aback, replying, ‘Well thanks for caring! But I’ve never in my life been on walking sticks nor crutches!’ and held up my arm to show him the long scar along my wrist from recent surgery. Surgeons had skilfully pinned a metal plate in my wrist after I’d broken both bones in a sliding fall on a slippery oilslick on a rainy April day in my village.
‘You might be remembering me with a plaster cast on my arm from a few months earlier on this year?’
He looked at me in surprise and raised an eyebrow as tho’ I was lying! Feeling mildly irritated, I asked, ‘What makes you think I was ever on crutches?’
He looked a little embarrassed and said, ‘Well maybe I remember wrong. I thought I saw a pic on the internet…’
I replied, ‘I think you’re recalling another woman in town who actually looks nothing like me, who's been on crutches for quite some time!’
He mumbled something unintelligible, going slightly red.
I wasn't upset with him, he's a sweet guy, it was that I'd heard this particular rumor about me a number of times before, and here it was again, in my face! And I've never limped either, another strange story I heard floating around about me. What gives? Where does this stuff come from? What's it all about?
Crazy stuff.
There are sundry other rumors I’ve heard floating around about me, let’s set a few of them to rights:
o?? I’m not obese - this lie about my size has been sent around the community and internet by various disgruntled family members and other haters. Sorry people, I’m about 58 kilos and going down. Pretty right for my height. 55 kilos is when I’m dangerously thin.
o?? My hair is falling out!??! Haha - NO! It’s the longest it’s ever been in my life, halfway down my back, and very healthy. Thinking of getting a short hairdo again, altho’ I do dislike shoulder length cuts for myself.
o?? I’ve never had pink or purple or any other color hair, I've always kept a rich natural color. That’s the way I like it. For me.
I’m dying or dead !!?- Now THAT rumor is obviously extremely exaggerated! Maybe there are a few who wish I was. I wish they were too.
o?? I do magic? - No. Never have. God does all that for me.
o?? I’m into young boys?! Urghh no never have been. Can’t think of anything worse. Sorry guys. Always been into partners around my age or older. Usually female too, altho' I’m bi, it's true. And been totally celibate for decades now.
o?? I’m a drunk or an addict?? Haha no - I grew up in an alcoholic family and can’t stand either drugs or alcohol at all.
o?? I have cancer? NO. Don’t do that stuff to me, people. Really! I’ve never had cancer. But I HAVE had ?people trying to steal my Identity - if that’s one of the current crazy meanings of ‘cancer’ on the internet.
o?? I’m autistic??!! ?Now that’s just not nice, people. Be nice to those on the spectrum. But sorry, NO I’m not autistic. Altho’ I do keep to myself, more of a recluse.
o?? I’m ugly? Well I have my bad-hair days I guess and I’m getting older and ?botox is not on my shopping list, but still, I think I look ok when I’m healthy and? peaceful. Maybe it's people with truly ugly souls who say that about me? Can’t be sure, whats going on for them to say such things. I actually don’t pay much stock to the appearance of other people, I talk soul to soul, that’s where the truth lives.
I’m crazy??! No sorry it's impossible to make me go crazy.
Many have tried all have failed.
o?? I’m a narcissist?! Don’t think so, wish I was. ?I find that those who say that about me are really trying to silence me and usually have a bad case of narcissism themselves.
It’s highly likely that a well-known Narky gang of psycho haters out there have placed DeepFakes of me online, or photos of other women, along with their bunch of hateful lies, so pls don’t believe the stuff, and ask me directly.
Why they hate me? Ask them. Threatened by me, or inanely jealous? Perhaps… who knows. They’re certainly on my case, that’s for sure, very persistent in their psychopathic drive to drag me down to their level!
Some good things about me? I’ll get into that in my next post maybe.
Thanks for listening, and people, please be good to your Mum XO
Filtered pic of me from over 3 years ago.
I surely look older and wiser by now, but still ...