Industries & challenges:

The most urgent problem, which is growing exponentially, is industrial pollution. Land, air, and water pollution all increase in tandem with our consumption. A significant number of our rivers and bodies of water are severely polluted, and regulatory compliance requirements have been tightened.

The obstacles that societies and industries as a whole encounter are tremendous. Numerous industries face challenges in acquiring the most advanced technologies and determining the most effective methods for wastewater treatment and disposal. It is generally assumed that innovative and advanced technologies are very expensive and unaffordable. That is no longer the case with the introduction of Ionic’s “WATER HARVESTER” Zero Lquid Discharge Technology that reduces the Capex, Opex, and Total Ownership life cycle cost!

Industries and Risks:

Industries encounter significant risks as a result of inadequate compliance and noncompliance. This has resulted in closures, disruptions in the supply chain, penalties, legal complications, public Unrest, Violence and even a fatality caused by police firing. Industries including leather, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, sugar, and distilleries, among others, are unable to expand or continue production. An enormous amount of money must be invested in environmental compliance and mitigation measures. Significant financial risks are borne by shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders. Many industries had to close down and stop their expansion plans!

India & Water Scarcity:

India has limited freshwater resources and is therefore a water-stressed nation. With the increasing population demand for fresh water increases. We must make every effort to reduce our water footprint. Due to the inefficiency, unreliability, and high cost of installation and operation of current technological solutions, Zero Liquid Discharge is an extremely unaffordable concept in the current scenario. Water recovery is one obstacle; rendering the recovered water "fit for reuse" is an additional obstacle.

The “Water Harvester” Solution:

It is imperative to confront environmental pollution in a dependable, cost-effective, and effective manner. The utilization of Ionic's Water Harvester process is pivotal in this context. “Water Harvester” effectively mitigates several deficiencies and constraints associated with conventional technologies currently in use, including mechanical vapor compression-based evaporators and multiple effect evaporators. By implementing "Design Thinking" and "Quality by Design" Ionic was able to develop a novel solution to the issue. Ionic’s approach is centered on the customer.

The benefits:

The Water Harvester transforms wastewater into “Clear and Clean” ?water by simulating the natural rain cycle. By employing low-temperature direct contact humidification and dehumidification processes, the wastewater is purified to produce "reuse-worthy" water. By shifting mass transfer to air from the traditional heat transfer surface and employing temperature-resistant non-metallic composite engineering plastic construction, “Water Harvetser” is able to eliminate corrosion failures, fouling, and scaling that occur on heat transfer surfaces.

The innovation:

The innovative process recovers and recycles heat from condensation through a series of multi-stage Smart energy recovery and recycling steps. The incorporation of heat pump technology into a process that recycles energy results in decreased operating expenses. A high turbulence flow regime and an automated cleaning process triggered by a proprietary surface cleaning technology maintain the cleanliness of heat transfer surfaces.

The process permits if desired, the continuous and intermittent extraction of crystallized supersaturated salt for further disposal. Additionally, it allows for the integration of a primary condenser to facilitate the selective condensation of low-boiler-volatile organics. With minimal pretreatment, the process can accept wastewater with a broad pH range and high salinity.

To eliminate human error and guarantee efficient operation, process safety, equipment safety, operator safety, and facility safety, the process is entirely automated. Ionic's expertise and experience enable and help industries sustain, derisk, and de-bottleneck their manufacturing operations in an ecologically conscious manner through the implementation of intelligent innovations that address conventional challenges.

Compliance & Sustainable Cleaner Production:

We assist industries in establishing a habitable planet harmoniously and sustainably. As the industries move from CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility ) to CSER ( Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility), Ionic will persist in its pursuit of developing water and wastewater technologies that enhance efficiency in water and wastewater treatment and contribute to the reduction of our water footprint. We should all work toward a greener and cleaner future. A holistic approach towards efficient water and wastewater treatment is essential today and Ionic just helps do that and ensure our customers get “Peace of Mind” and not a “Piece of Equipment”.


