De-Dollarisation For Dummies

(What goes up must come down)

I wrote a book titled `IT Killed Capitalism. Thank You Mr. Gates’. It was published in July 2021. The book is a collection of my Blog posts written at various times prior to July 2021. When such a method is used, there is a possibility that the reader may not be able to relate the article to the events which coaxed me to write each of those Blogs. Therefore, I gave the specific date on which each of those Blogs were written to help the readers understand the context and the relevance of the article. I had written in 2017 that the Dollar would cease to be the Reserve currency of the world. De-dollarisation and Dollar being removed as the reserve currency are one and the same. I had written in the book, in detail, as to how Dollar came to be the Reserve currency.

Let me explain briefly. After World War 2, the global economy was in turmoil. Some wise people, essentially from America and western Europe, met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA and decided that the Dollar would be nominated to be the Reserve currency for all global cross-border trade. That came with a responsibility to America to keep the exchange rate of the Dollar stable to avoid excessive volatility. Further, the value of The Dollar was to be backed by commensurate value of gold reserves in America. No country could resist the nomination of the Dollar as global Reserve currency because America was perceived at that time as a military superpower. It had used the most lethal atom bomb over Japan only a few years before.

Reserve Currency means that every country must import and export goods using Dollar as the currency of transaction. Even bilateral trade among countries had to be denominated in Dollar. The reason for this is that countries had to have a mechanism to transfer money between them. That is where America installed a bank transfer mechanism called SWIFT, ostensibly run and maintained through an NGO. Hmmm. Thus, America had a hard grip over international trade. At an instant, America could sanction any country and shut their transactions. All of us know what they did to Russia recently.

Reserve Currency also meant that every country that was doing international trade had to keep enough reserve of Dollar to fund their imports. For each country the quantum of reserves is decided based on their pattern of imports. The central banks of the importing countries maintained these amounts of Dollar reserves as foreign exchange reserves.


While America was given a responsible role, it misused the same to attain a hegemonic role over other countries, particularly those small countries with abundant natural resources. Under the garb of upholding democratic values, America would use its military power to subjugate other countries to submit to its hegemonic orders. Any resistance was met with brutal military attack. Vietnam was one such country. In 1971, America invaded Vietnam. America faced fierce resistance from the Vietnamese people headed by Ho Chi Minn. For this war, America needed a large amount of money. America also wanted freedom from scrutiny of its actions. So, suddenly Richard Nixon, the then President of America de-linked the Dollar from gold. Thus, Dollar became a Fiat currency, the other name for paper currency. Though it was claimed to be a temporary step, it has stayed so till date. Even after the Vietnam war ended, this delinking was not revoked. Why? Because America saw a huge potential in using the Fiat currency combined with the perceived military power status. At that time, Henry Kissinger is said to have asked Paul Volker, the then Chairman of FED on the implications of keeping the Dollar as Fiat currency. Volker’s answer was that America would keep spending while other countries would work and pay for it.

The FED, incidentally, is the central bank of America. But the FED is not owned by the government of America. The FED is owned by a few banks like JP Morgan, Citi Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo etc. These banks are called bullion banks. FED is administered through a Governing council of members nominated by the American government. The Governing council also had members from the bullion banks. Also, the most important point to note is that the FED is never audited. This gives FED the freedom to do off balance sheet transaction without being noticed. There are many big-ticket off-balance sheet transactions that do take place without any scrutiny. To cap it all, last week the US supreme court gave a 7-2 ruling that FED can pay to some projects directly without congressional oversight. That is, such payments need not be brought to the approval of congress. I am sure that the reader understands the game now. I used to keep asking if America is a banana republic. I got the answer now. The ruling elite can get FED to do anything without public gaze.

The responsibility of managing the exchange rate of Dollar was the FED’s. FED managed the exchange rate of Dollar through the bullion banks. The bullion banks, instead of managing the exchange rates in a fair manner, used to manipulate the exchange rate of the Dollar by manipulating the price of gold using unfair methods. The price of gold was always kept suppressed against its natural price. This was done essentially to keep the exchange rate for Dollar high. If the price of gold turns high, the investors would shift their money to buy gold instead of, say, American Treasury bonds. When the government bond loses demand, the government would be forced to sell them at cheaper prices. In other words, the government would be forced to offer its treasury bonds at higher interest rates. (Higher yields). That means the cost of goods in the country would go up (Inflation). The advantage of maintaining high exchange rate for Dollar, America could import goods and services from other countries at cheaper prices.

Among the methods of manipulation was promoting global development finance institutions like World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc. America would identify vulnerable countries which had natural resources to subjugate them to American dictate. Should any country attempt to resist, America would use several methods of subterfuge, like regime change, internal strife using campaigns by the so-called NGOs, war with neighbours, etc. Once it gets a firm grip on the governance of those countries, America would push these countries to go for economic development. The manner of development would always be constrained by the non-financial narratives like child labour, human rights violations, environmental issues, climate change etc. Thus, the poor countries would be forced to start skewed projects and were forced to borrow from the development banks at terms and conditions imposed by them. Also, the interest rates would be so harsh that those countries would remain subjugated forever thereafter. Paul Volker had his process well designed.

When greed overtakes restraint, post the collapse of the Soviet Union, America and Americans went berserk and indulged in unjustified splurging. To their credit, they could sustain this misbehaviour till a few years ago.

Obviously, the rest of the world resents this behaviour on the part of America. They could not do much about it due to the perceived military strength of America. (Readers must have noticed that I have been using the world `perceived’ every time I wrote about its military power. For some time now America has become a paper tiger. But the secret has been deftly managed. I will elaborate on this in a separate article.) In India there is a saying that one generation would earn, the next generation would grow and save, and the third generation would destroy it. In the past 40 years, Americans have become lazy. They stopped working and earning. Instead, they outsourced all their production to other countries. Other capable countries used this opportunity to increase their wealth as well as their military strength. Countries like China and Japan were earning lot of Dollars by exporting their manufactured goods to America. To avoid inflation, these exporting countries kept their earnings outside their countries. America using their vulnerability, made these countries invest in American Treasury Bonds. Thus, they were lending the Dollar that they had earned back to America. These countries bought American Government Treasury Bonds. ??

America splurged on such un-earned money. They did not restrain themselves. They borrowed and enjoyed it. Their total borrowings, both government and private, had crossed $100 Trillion. Government borrowing currently is about 120% of their GDP. At the same time the Government’s ability to earn revenue has shrunk due to outsourcing so much that during 2023 the budget deficit was $1.7 Trillion. In other words American government was run on borrowed money not on earned money. Interestingly, such a situation should have, logically, resulted in hyperinflation and weak Dollar but neither had happened. As I explained earlier, this was managed through manipulation of the price of gold. During the time America splurged, countries like China, India, Russia, African countries, etc were emerging as strong economies. Obviously, these countries showed resentment over the hegemonic behaviour of America. They realized that the only way to stop it was to dethrone the Dollar from its Reserve Currency status.

Much as these countries would have desired, they realized that they needed a competing mechanism to SWIFT to dethrone Dollar or de-Dollarize. This is where the developments in IT came in handy to these countries. Today almost all major countries have a homegrown payment transaction system. This facilitated these countries to engage in bilateral trade in their local currencies which reduced the quantity of imports in Dollar. They reduced their Dollar reserves. The? so released Dollar were used by the central banks of these countries to buy gold. For example, China had reduced its Dollar reserve of $1.3 Trillion to $700 Billion in last few years by discontinuing the practice of investing in American treasury bonds. ?When their previously purchased Treasury Bonds matured China invested that money in gold instead. In fact, almost all countries, irrespective of the size of their holdings, have moved their money to gold. The aggregate global Dollar reserves has come down from 71% about 20 years ago to 59% on date. The 59% includes mostly of Dollar reserves held by their allies like Japan, South Korea, etc. This number is expected to decline at a faster pace as many countries are indulging in signing more bilateral agreements to trade in their respective local currencies. China and Saudi Arabia have decided to trade in oil in Chinese Yuan. China and Brazil have agreed to trade in Yuan. Brazil and Argentina have signed up to trade in their respective currencies. China cancelled its order with America for corn and food grains. Instead, it is importing them from Brazil and South Africa. The list of such realignments is endless.

When the quantum of Dollar reserves gets reduced, all those Dollar released must move to America, resulting in high inflation. Also, Dollar must weaken substantially. Again, neither has happened, much to the surprise of all analysts. The reason is simple. Manipulation of gold price as explained earlier is the method used by America and FED. Truly, this should not bother others as they are moving away from the Dollar. But they have a problem with manipulating the price of gold down. The low price of gold results in reducing the value of their assets. This would affect their ability to transact globally. Also, America still believes that it can bully smaller countries by pretending to be an economically strong country. Hence it is imperative for Russia, China, and others to get Dollar to its true value. I had written about this in an earlier article. I had mentioned under the current manipulation situation, only China and Russia can break the manipulation ability of America by one of them declaring the true price and transacting at that price. A few days ago, China did exactly that through its Shanghai gold exchange. The price of gold shot up by nearly 10% suddenly.

According to Andrew McGuire, BRICS countries have decided to announce the launch of BRICS currency between 14th and 19th of this month (May 2024). It seems the beta run of the BRICS currency has already been done for the past 3 months. True enough that Russian officials have announced that the Gold backed BRICS currency would be launched in the next meeting of heads of BRICS countries at Kazan, Russia to be held between 22nd and 24th October 2024. In fact, last week President Putin visited China with a large contingent of officials. Notable among them were The Chairman of the central bank of Russia and his deputy. It is not common for central bank officials to be part of such an entourage. Obviously, things are moving in the direction of launching the BRICS currency. It was announced that BRICS Currency will be run using Blockchain technology. This will ensure transparency and devoid of any manipulation. It is not clear yet as to how exactly the system would operate. My guess is that BRICS members would trade among themselves in their respective currencies. In situations where one country, say, Russia exports to the other country, say, India, it would end of with excess Rupees for which Russia may not have immediate use. A situation that prevails now between Russia and India. Currently Russia invests the excess Rupee in Indian projects that produce goods that Russia could import. Instead, with BRICS currency, Russia would exchange excess Rupee to any currency that Russia would want. This means that all member countries of BRICS should have substantial quantities of gold. As mentioned earlier, countries have been accumulating gold in the last few years. Countries are truly turning the table on America. They have been capitalizing on the low price of gold as manipulated by America and accumulating huge quantities of gold.

In this game too, America seems to have got caught off guard on 2 counts.

Since America had delinked Dollar from gold, it had used up all its gold reserves for domestic funding. It was supposed to have had a big reserve of about 8500 tons of gold stored in vaults at Fort Knox. Many other countries used America’s vaults to store their gold too. America appears to have pledged those gold too spent the money. In 2015 Germany wanted to repatriate 300 Tons of gold back to Germany. America would not allow them to do it. Then Germany wanted to just inspect their gold. They were not allowed to inspect on one pretext or other. Finally, over 7 years America repatriated 300 Tons of gold back to Germany.

Secondly, the mainstream media have been projecting that Dollar can never be dislodged from its reserve status. Everyone in the American establishment believed so too.

It appears that America has now realized that De-Dollarization is real. It appears that America has also realized that its so-called military might is also questionable. It can’t bully other countries anymore. America is putting in strong efforts to save Dollar status which are truly turning futile. American Secretary of Revenue, Jennet Yellen visited China twice, without any invitation from China. So also, Secretary of State Tony Blinken. They made public statements saying they have told China in strict terms to tone down China’s relationship with Russia. Truly, they were pleading with China to invest in American treasury bonds. But to no avail. In fact, when Yellen was in China, she stayed for 6 days, President Xi received Russian foreign minister Lavrov and they signed security agreements between the countries. Yellen didn’t get to meet Xi at all during the 6 days she spent in China.

All these developments will take away the ability of FED and America to manipulate. It would be the end of life for the powerful Dollar. Interesting times are ahead.



J Prakash

Author: IT Killed Capitalism. Thank You Mr. Gates

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