De-clutter Your Expenses
A wise man once said, Saving is the money earned, Though I always believed in life that spend money as much you can but make sure you earn a lot too. As my expenses increased I increased my earning. But spending is one of those habits, once you get addicted to it, you will never take calculated steps and you will spend where you want to spend and on whatever you want to spend on.
What is the most difficult part of spending too much money is that even if you earn A lot you would have no idea where your earning is going. You just would never be able to know what you are spending on, and you will just be creating clutter in life, you will surround yourself with things you will never use.
I realized it, N number of times, When I went bankrupt. I have had no money at all, though I survived somehow.
Few events from life occurred while I was on the route to exactly understand what really is happening.
One of my friend Ankit Jain, I met this guy 9 years back in a Paying guest we became good friends. I always observed him writing something on a very small notebook. Finally one fine day I just saw what he was writing about, He wrote about every small expense he had done for the day. He kept repeating the process every single day. This particular event in life made me realize, no matter how much you spend if you know and have a list of expenditure. You will automatically start understanding and savings would happen over the period of time.
Also living for self and living with family are completely two different things, when you live just by yourself you can be (though you should not be) as careless you can be.
As in one of the article I read about De-clutter your mind and things around you, by Abhai sir. The article really inspired me and I started acting on few things and only after a months I have very fewer things with me I don’t use anymore.
De-clutter simply means organize everything around you and you will start to understand if you really need the things you buy.
I thought this could also be applied to expenses.
As soon as I understood the fact, I started making the list of my expenses. Unbelievably I found I spend too much on things I don’t even use or need, I know this could never happen in a small period of time but at least there is always a start.
How does it work?
Read this article here as well