DDE Newsletter - Issue 01, Aug. 2022
Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE)
Understanding the past to illuminate the future
Editor’s note
Welcome to the first of DDE’s regular quarterly newsletters. In this edition we have information on conferences attended by DDE personnel, ongoing research, and conferences that DDE personnel hope to attend or have attended. Also, there’s an interesting section on the Working and Task groups.
Mike Stephenson , Newsletter Editor
DDE Special features
SEG – AAPG – SPE conference
The three-society (Society of Exploration Geophysicists – American Association of Petroleum Geologists – Society of Petroleum Engineers) conference took place at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas, February 20 – 23, 2022. The conference consisted of keynotes, technical presentations, technical panels, breakout collaboration sessions, and exhibits in three main areas: Data Management & Architecture, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, and ESG (Environment, Sustainability, and Governance).?A total of 226 attended the conference. There will be follow-up videos and webinars. Photo shows DDE Governing Council and Executive Committee member, Susan Nash (left).
DDE was represented by David L. , DDE Strategic Advisor, who participated in a panel in the Data Management and Architecture Track, and who participated in discussion sessions, breakout collaboration sessions, and more.?
A link to the downloadable program is here: https://www.energyindata.org
Introduction to CGI and OGC standards
In this meeting, Harvey Thorleifson presented a talk on Introduction to CGI (Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information) and its main partners on geoscience standards; Francois Robida and Mickael Beaufils delivered a talk on Introduction to CGI and OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium ) standards; Mark Rattenbury presented Geoscience Terminology with detail including semantic resolution cross standards; Boyan Brodaric and Steve Richard introduced Geoscience ontology and knowledge graph related studies. On 27th Oct, Oliver Raymond presented GeoSciML: Geology data model and exchange standard in detail, including content of GeoSciML 4.0 and its worldwide implementation; Michael Sexton talked on EarthResourceML: Mineral resource and mining data model and exchange standard in detail for application on mineral and mining industry; Zhang Minghua and Wang Yongzhi introduced the DDE metadata standard draft with a prototype APP demonstration. On 28th Oct, James Passmore talked on Metadata standards and practice with stress on importance of supporting the FAIR data principle, James Passmore also introduced OneGeology data and standard technology with a detailed demonstration. Alena Rybkina introduced CODATA FAIR data principles and GOFAIR practice, and Ma Xiaogang talked on ‘A vision on DDE data science with FAIR data with an outlook at DDE data science.’ Discussions were also held among speakers and audiences. There were a lot of questions and common issues regarding standards for DDE data-driven discovery, Open data policy, cross disciplinary data exchange and artificial intelligence, as well as workforce coordination.
Madrid Annual EAGE conference
This is billed as the world's largest most comprehensive multidisciplinary event in the geoscience & engineering industry with a programme focussed on the future of energy, new ideas, inspirational talks, latest technologies & services, community activities, and networking opportunities. Mike Stephenson attended for DDE and gave a talk on ‘Deep-time Digital Earth programme of the International Union of Geological Sciences: connecting and harmonising deep-time data. In the session in which Mike spoke, the most interesting presentation was by Schlumberger’s Dr Caroline Le Turdu, who highlighted the ‘long tail’ inside Schlumberger. It’s clear that Schlumberger is a microcosm of long tail geoscience data problems that we see globally. Schlumberger has huge amounts of?data, but it’s not always easy to get or to link to other data, or to process. This despite the fact that Schlumberger spends millions on data. Schlumberger is developing platforms of data that are assembled by AI which are accessible from every Schlumberger worker’s desktop.
Many of the other talks in the Data and Information Management session at EAGE, indicate that the kind of work DDE is doing is similar to what individual companies are trying to do internally (standards, interoperability etc.). DDE maybe of interest to companies but it will need to know much more about how some of these companies work before it can work in detail with them. Most companies seem only interested in their internal problems of data at the moment, rather than larger problems in Earth science data.
Other events attended
AAPG International Conference and Exposition (ICE):?April 19-22, 2022 – Cartagena, Colombia: Susan Nash participated in meetings to provide information about DDE and to discuss opportunities for organizations to join DDE.?Diego Ibá?ez of the National University of Bogotá and director of the core repositories expressed interest and has been in touch with Mike Stephenson for a potential follow-on meeting.
Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) - Houston, TX, May 3 – 7, 2022: Susan Nash and Patrick L. Friend, PhD, PG, CCP attended and presented papers. Susan Nash presented a paper co-authored by Patrick Friend and Marit Brommer on the geothermal atlas update initiative, and the paper she authored on using databases to identify prospective areas for critical minerals related to historical plate tectonic histories and heat flows. Patrick Friend moderated the session on offshore geothermal resources.
URTeC (SPE-AAPG-SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference) – Houston, TX – June 20-22, 2022:?Susan Nash attended and met with companies interested in potentially becoming industry partners and helping expand the adoption of the DDE Analytics AI Platform and Knowledge Platform.
Rocky Mountain Section Meeting?- Denver, Colorado - July 23 – 25, 2022: Susan Nash participated in meetings regarding geothermal initiatives and also the use of databases and platforms as a screening tool to identify excellent locations for low-risk wells, and to discuss the capabilities required of new platforms.
PIVOT 2022 (Geothermal): Susan Nash made a presentation in a panel in this online event. The topic was geothermal resources and the discussion had to do with identifying the local geological barriers to global geothermal energy implementation.?
Research Updates
DDE Platform Updates - provided by DDE Platform team
Deep-time.org is a unified platform that can be applied to research work in DDE. Through a lot of investigation and discussions, three design principles and five first-level menus have been provided.
Two core modules including Deep-time Engine Workspace and Deep-time Engine Earth Explorer, and 56 functional components have been completed. Four discipline cases: global layer spatial capability, paleogeography, mineral resource prediction and ‘Onesediment’ have been connected with the platform. Test data access, timeline access, sample model access and visual display have been completed. The platform is presented to selected groups and organizations interested in data?management in different parts of the world to get feedback for further improvement. The platform will become accessible for researchers and all interested users by mid-November 2022.
DDE Knowledge Updates - provided by DDE Knowledge team
On September 30, 2021, the Editor product team collected requirements for the new edition of the Geoscience Knowledge Graph Collaborative Editor System. The team of Prof. Yunqiang Zhu provided the DDE Knowledge Graph Ontology Construction Guide, made rules for the uniform resource locator, identifier naming, concepts of ontology and its attributes, relations, and some case illustrations . Prof. Zhu and Prof. Xiumian Hu agreed that progress needs to be made in four areas:
(1) Further improve the creation of concept attributes, relations, and cases . Supplement sources of concept definitions, including monographs, references, network sources, existing ontologies, and machine recommendations. The concept attributes are divided into data attributes (selecting different types) and object attributes (citing object classes). Complete the definitions of relations (relation types, directions, and characters) and define semantic, time and space relations. Perfect the links between insights from cases to improve?concept?attributes and relations, and so on.
(2) Supplement the basic ontologies shared by disciplines, such as the ontology of time and space, as well as the common attributes of disciplinary objects.
(3) Optimize the viewing and auditing process of different versions of the ontology and improve the viewing and auditing functions and add the real-time statistical function for contributors.
(4) Collaborate with the knowledge automatic extraction system of Shanghai Jiaotong University: the intelligently assisted input of concept source literature, the audit of new ontology automatically discovered by computer, etc.
DDE Platform assessment and training workshop
The DDE Platform, as one of the main focuses of DDE, was trialed in June 2022 and will be made accessible to the public at the UNESCO/IUGS/DDE OpenScience Forum in November 2022 in Paris. More news coming soon on ddeworld.org.The platform is dedicated to building up knowledge with the support of multiple geosciences disciplines. A group of invited specialists were invited to test the DDE platform from the user's perspective and encouraged to introduce the DDE platform to people that might be interested.
DDE hosts a special session in the 2022 EarthCube Annual Meeting
DDE hosted a session ‘IUGS Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE): global linking of databases related to Earth's history and building collaboration with EarthCube projects’ on Wednesday, 15June 2022 at the 2022 EarthCube Annual Meeting in San Diego.
The Deep-Time Digital Earth (DDE) Program is similar to EarthCube. The latter developed interlinked databases, infrastructure tools, and outreach programs in many areas of the geosciences. As EarthCube has reached the end of its 10-year, NSF funded life cycle, DDE and EarthCube have entered into discussions to explore linking EarthCube’s future with that of DDE. DDE suggested collaboration with EarthCube in that DDE can provide essential cloud-storage and computing resources, support for international exchanges, and small grants for involving eager students. It was envisioned that DDE would have at least three regional hubs – in Asia (currently hosting deep-time.org), in Europe-Africa, and in the America(s).?
Upcoming events
15th International Petroleum Technology Conference
DDE has been successful in getting an ‘Ask the Expert Session’ at the 15th International Petroleum Technology Conference on 1 – 3 March 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand. The successful proposal is Accelerating CCUS through Data and Machine Learning to Support Net-Zero Goals.
SEG-AAPG IMAGE (Joint annual meeting)
Houston, TX – August 29 – Sept 2, 2022: DDE will have a significant presence. Susan Nash will be participating in meetings and helping facilitate presentations. David Leary is slated to give three presentations, and meetings with key industry and academic potential partners will take place.?David Leary will be presenting in the U-Pitch New Technology Showcase, the Carbon Management Pavilion, and the Digitalization Pavilion.?In addition, DDE will be recognized as a sponsor.
Geo 2023 Bahrain, 7 - 9 March 2023
A proposal has been made to Geo 2023 for a session/symposium on ‘Geosciences artificial intelligence and machine learning’. Geo is one of the largest conferences for geoscience in the Middle East and a great place to showcase DDE. The purpose of the session/symposium is to bring ?the Middle East geoscience artificial intelligence, machine learning, geoinformatics and data management community together to discuss next steps, and the objectives are to : Build a community; Hear about and discuss new developments in global and Middle Eastern geoinformatics; Gap analysis; Strategy; Roadmap.
COP Egypt
DDE is hoping to be present at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 7-18 November 2022.
BRGM-DDE informatics conference
DDE is planning alongside the French Geological Survey (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières - BRGM), a geoscience informatics conference to be held before the DDE Open Science Forum, so-organized by ?UNESCO, IUGS, and DDE. The conference is scheduled to be held at the Orleans office of BRGM between Nov 6 and 8 finishing before the DDE Open Science Forum on 9th of November. The programme will likely contain sections on the state of the art of global informatics initiatives, key topics (common topics/dangers/opportunities), sessions on 3D to digital twins, training and connecting to newer generations, digital sobriety, data knowledge and infrastructures, semantics issues, and machine learning and AI. The Agenda for the DDE Forum on 9 November in Salle II at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris will be made available in the DDE website (www.ddeworld.org) in September 2022.
Reports from Working and Task Groups
The Working and Task groups are the backbone of scientific progress and achievements in DDE.?Reports were supplied by three of the Working and Task groups in time for the preparation of this edition of the Newsletter.
Stratigraphy Working Group
Leaders: David Harper , Philip Gibbard, Junxuan Fan and Shuzhong Shen.
The group has the following to report:
Completion, as much as is possible, of the Geological Timescale chart. Despite limited field-based studies the group has had ratified three Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Points (GSSPs) during the cycle: The Kimmeridgian, Coniacian and Artinskian stages. This work has generated much new stratigraphical data which is now reaching publication.
Identification and digitization of available time-series data for all GSSP sections across boundaries of the Phanerozoic (where possible Precambrian) systems, series, and stages. Working with all 17 subcommissions. This has started with?the development of a digital library for the delivery to relevant members of the DDE project team. There has been variable engagement across the task group (subcommissions), but this will accelerate in 2022. A significant amount of stratigraphical data have already been captured by the DDE team.
Work with the DDE team to develop stratigraphic databases of the time series data that are easily accessible by bone fide researchers in the field through a membership system parallel to that of the Paleobiology Database. The International Commission on Stratigraphy plans in the near future to organize a team consisting of at least one officer for each subcommission to coordinate with and assist the DDE committee and data-entering team searching the world-wide fossil-bearing sections. Initial discussions have begun but are still in their early stages. It is essential the DDE team help facilitate this as a matter of urgency, for example, through the Geoscience Knowledge Editor System (GKES). Through this system, the task group (a small team led by Junxuan Fan and Shuzhong Shen) built a so-far most comprehensive domain ontology for stratigraphic knowledge, which contains ontologies for seven major stratigraphic subdisciplines and over 1200 knowledge nodes. All the data can be freely accessed by the public through the GKES. This work forms the foundation for the interoperability of stratigraphic data in a computer-readable way in the future.
Data should be prepared in the form to be analyzed by various software packages such as CONOP, PAST and in R and Python code. This is the responsibility of the project team working with the Stratigraphy Task Group. Many of these techniques are now available in R code and much has been added to PAST and explanations will feature in the 2nd edition of Hammer, ?. and Harper, D.A.T. Paleontological Data Analysis. Wiley. The task group has been associated with the development of software to analyze cyclicity in the rock record, through the Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP) supported by the Timescale Calibration Subcommission of ICS. There is already software available associated with some of the databases.
During the three cycles, much should be achieved in the development of global, long-term trends in biological and nonbiological data through deep time based on data from sections rather than from localities. Colleagues associated with DDE and the Task Group have already published in Science and Earth-Science Reviews on biodiversifications and extinctions in the history of life.
Marginal Seas Task Group
The Marginal Seas Task Group took part in the 4th Baltic Earth Conference “Assessing the Baltic Sea Earth System”, Jastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland, 30 May to 3 June 2022. At this conference, the DDE Marginal Seas Task Group organized Topical Sesssion 9 “Comparing Marginal Seas” (https://www.baltic-earth.eu/events/087774/index.php.en). Here is a summary of the oral session: The natural environment of marginal seas and their coastal zones are increasingly threatened by climate change induced rising sea-level, floods, storms, tsunamis, coastal erosion, and?environmental hazards. The Baltic Earth scientific network together with the DDE Marginal?Seas Task Group promotes since 2020 comparative studies of marginal seas’ functionality in?order to contribute to generalized concepts of sustainable management of the marine and?coastal environment of marginal seas in different climatic zones and geological-tectonic?settings. At the 4th Baltic Earth Conference, the first time a topical session on comparative?studies of marginal seas was organized whereby case studies from the Baltic Sea, North Sea,?South China Sea, Salish Sea, and the South African shelf offshore Mpondoland have been?introduced and discussed online and face-to-face.
In the poster Session Joanna Dudzińska-Nowak (co-leader to the MargSeas TG) introduced our Task Group and Jakub Miluch (member of our MargSeas team at the University of Szczecin) presented his scientific result: the Marginal Seas Data Base Inventory (MSDI) is a contribution to Objective 1 of the DDE Medium Term Plan (MTP) 2021-2022).
Young Earth Scientists Task Group
The Young Earth Scientists Network (YES Network) is an association of earth scientists who are primarily under the age of 35 years that represent geological organizations and companies from across the world. The network was established in 2007. It is organized through an Executive Committee composed of a President and five Vice Presidents.
The main objective of the network is that the earth sciences respond to the needs of society, hence the motto "Earth Sciences for Society".?YES Network works to provide young and early career earth scientists with information on how to obtain relevant skills and experience, establish collaborative working relationships, and create global interdisciplinary networks. To achieve this, we work in different activities and collaborate with organizations such as UNESCO, IUGS, the European Geological Survey, among others.
Some of our activities
?????????????Organization of the YES Network congress and events in different countries.
?????????????Webinars on different topics and in collaboration with different organizations.
?????????????Collaboration in special volumes of journals
?????????????Collaboration in international campaigns or congresses.
?????????????Collaboration in the International Geological Congress.
?????????????Campaigns to support and raise awareness of the pandemic.
?????????????Participation in the IUGS IGC Council Extraordinary Session.
?????????????Participation in the World Young Science Summit.
?????????????Participation in the Annual Session of the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP).
?????????????Participation in the annual general meeting of the Early Career Researchers Network of Networks (ECR NoN).
?????????????Representative of the YES Network in the Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE)
?????????????YES Network launched several Scientific research and collaborate projects by National members, individual geologists, and our partners.
?????????????“PanAfGeo” for “Pan-African Support to the EuroGeoSurveys-Organisation of African Geological Surveys (EGS-OAGS) Partnership
Contribute to the Newsletter
The DDE Newsletter is published quarterly. If you have research to publicize, information about conferences attended or papers published in the DDE sphere, send your contributions to [email protected]. Opinions and reactions to the information provided in this edition, as well as any questions you may have on specific issues are also welcome.