DDD South West 2022
Lee Englestone
Head of Innovation | Senior Software Development Manager & Tech Lead | Cloud, Web, Desktop, Mobile, AI and XR Developer | 5 x Microsoft MVP | MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation
While attending and speaking at DDD South West on Saturday, I got chance to meet up and catch up with some familiar faces..
The venue was amazing. There was a main auditorium as well as 3 separate track rooms. Look how stunning this room is and those chairs are sooo comfy! I want one.
The food was great. Hats off to the organisers.
Avanade were one of the sponsors this year, so I made sure we were represented on the sticker table!
And I also gave a talk on Augmented Reality, which, given the number of questions, tells me people found very interesting.
Overall a great event, I look forward to it next year, or who knows, there may even be a DDD or DDD North before then!
-- Lee