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Developing a robust Edge strategy!

Sign up for our Edge Computing Innovation Day, where expert speakers from 施耐德电气 will take a deep dive into the fundamental areas that will be required for modern Edge operations.

Tune in and discover how to develop a robust, scalable and efficient distributed computing strategy.

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Artificial intelligence is having a profound effect on data centers, just as it is on wider society. As demand for AI-infused products and services goes through the roof, the biggest names in the industry are redesigning their facilities to cope with the demands of high-power, high-density AI servers.

Meanwhile, investment heavyweights are funneling billions of dollars into AI data center projects, anticipating that the need for new digital infrastructure will continue to grow. This is likely a smart bet, given that research from Bloomberg Intelligence suggests the market for generative AI alone could be worth $1.3 trillion by 2032.

Read our latest supplement where we take a closer look at how AI is changing the data center.

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The demand for data center services that can support AI is booming. This is having a great impact on the operations and management of data centers. Therefore, you must future-proof your facility against the AI revolution.

Learn how to adapt to this transformation with advanced infrastructure, cooling solutions, and management software in our Workload Placement Supplement.

Read it today

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