DCB Newsletter #11/23 – INSIDE DCB: Patient and Public Involvement
Dear Community,?
We are happy to provide you with a new episode of our newsletter series called "INSIDE DCB" - this time with a focus on patient and public involvement (PPI)!?
At DCB, we are very passionate about patient- and user-centric research and product development. It is important to us to involve those living with diabetes at every step of the way. In this newsletter, read more about how we do that and how you yourself can get involved!?
Patient and public involvement is defined as “research done with or by patients and the public, not to, about or for them. It is about working collaboratively with patients and the public and sharing decision-making” [1]. It is not only about engaging the public to focus on awareness, nor is it about having patients merely participate in clinical studies. ?
At DCB, we aim to involve people living with diabetes at every step of the way and in all our processes – whether that be in the mentoring of our annual DCB Open Innovation Challenge, in our clinical research studies or in other decision processes.?
PPI offers various benefits for researchers and companies. Most importantly, people living with a condition often know best which topics from their life remain under-researched and under-represented. Especially for translational research, which focuses on transferring scientific research into innovative product development, it can also uncover unmet needs that still need solutions. Altogether, involving those living with a condition in research processes can result in more impact overall.?
DCB Patient Leaders??
As part of our efforts to involve the diabetes community in our decisions and activities, we established a board of DCB patient leaders roughly two years ago. Our patient leaders represent lived diabetes experience in different parts of the world – from Switzerland all the way to Singapore. We greatly value the voices of those living with diabetes and believe that all processes should involve those with lived experience. Because after all, research and product development is being done because of and for those living with diabetes! To make it truly user-centric and impactful, we need to properly involve those with a sound judgment and lived experience of it.?
PPI Event at DCB?
Just recently, we hosted an event for patient and public involvement at our premises in Berne. In cooperation with the University of Bern and the Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutritional Medicine and Metabolism (UDEM) at the University Hospital of Bern, we invited participants of our past research studies, people living with diabetes, researchers and the DCB team. Together, we all discussed past study outcomes as well as visions for future patient and public involvement. ?
?We live and breathe patient and public involvement at DCB and we are always on the hunt for new innovative methods and activities. If you are interested or want to contribute your thoughts, please don’t hesitate to reach out and get involved with us!??
Thanks so much for reading and we'll provide you with the next episode of this series soon!??
[1] What is patient and public involvement?? NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.?https://oxfordbrc.nihr.ac.uk/ppi/ppi-researcher-guidance/what-is-patient-and-public-involvement/?